Jeff Rosenstock - "Nausea" Held in a bong hit, sitting in a Hot tub in south Wisconsin. I feel Amazing when I'm all alone Switching between porn and Robocop Turned off my cell phone, drank a bottle Of wine and read a Cometbus and Passed out naked, shriveling, stumbled To bed in a fucked up sleepwalk I got so tired of discussing my future I've started avoiding the people I love Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea I read the worst thing ever in a Bathrobe of off-white terry cloth Translated by technology from Your voice extremely inaccurately I got so tired of discussing my future I've started avoiding the people I love Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea Shake and sweat and I can't throw up I got so tired of discussing my future That I walk through my life like I'm the only one With evenings of silence and mornings of nausea Shake and sweat and I can't throw up, oh no! Cleaned up the empty bottles, let the Smoke out through chilly windows I used the stationary bike And I watched the end of The Price Is Right Ordered an egg-white sandwich and I Drove south through mid-day traffic and I Called up some folks I truly love and Hung up after they said hello I got so tired of discussing my future I've started avoiding the people I love Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea Shake and sweat and I can't throw up I got so tired of discussing my future That I walk through my life like I'm the only one With evenings of silence and mornings of nausea