Link Dump
Post interesting shit, no discussion required

    Link Dump

    Chinchilla Washington created this room.

    This is the start of export of Link Dump. Exported by Chinchilla Washington ( at 2022/09/11.

    Topic: Post interesting shit, no discussion required

  1. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington joined the room
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    Chinchilla Washington made the room invite only.
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    Chinchilla Washington made future room history visible to all room members.
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  5. Encryption enabled
    Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their avatar.
  6. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the room name to Link-Dump.
  7. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the topic to "Post interesting shit".
  8. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the room name from Link-Dump to Link Dump.
  9. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited lg0
  10. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited.
  11. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington made future room history visible to all room members.
  12. Chinchilla Washington
  13. lg0 joined the room
  14. lg0
    lol should i start a 1tb club?
  15. Chinchilla Washington
    That's homepages lmao
  16. If your homepage is 1tb I wanna see it
  17. lg0
    could a browser even load the page?
  18. Chinchilla Washington
    Not sure
  19. Sorry baby was crying
  20. lg0
    welcome to father hood.
  21. "Luke I AM your father"
  22. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  23. Message deleted
  24. Message deleted
  25. Message deleted
  26. live right now
  27. Chinchilla Washington
    I'm gonna make a politics room
  28. lg0
    lol ok
  29. you have to remember that x386 is full of all kinds of unused opcodes.
  30. Chinchilla Washington
  31. In reply to this message

    mirror in ipfs
  32. In reply to this message

    Mirror and investigate
  33. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited Ted (Whothefuck/Whothefuckself)
  34. Chinchilla Washington
  35. In reply to this message

    Strictly functional *with bidirectional effects*
  36. In reply to this message

    Mirror and experiment
  37. In reply to this message

    `fun f( x : int ) : total int { return pow(x,2) }`
  38. Total = no effects
  39. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  40. Chinchilla Washington
    ` fun main() : console () { println("I can write to the screen!"); } `
  41. Effects
  42. Chinchilla Washington
  43. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the topic to "Post interesting shit, no discussion required".
  44. Ted (Whothefuck/Whothefuckself) joined the room
  45. Allows HIPAA to be waived
  46. Avatar
    continuouswave changed their display name to president-elect cw
  47. Chinchilla Washington
  48. Chinchilla Washington
  49. Chinchilla Washington
  50. Chinchilla Washington
  51. Not a surprise
  52. I wrote an sgd as part of this course And it really felt magically simple.
  53. ^ worth it btw. Good course
  54. Chinchilla Washington
  55. In reply to this message

    In reply to Chinchilla Washington
    sent a file.
    lg0 starlink network design
  56. "Network topology design at 27,000 km/hour"
  57. lg0
    i'ed have to say i think the folks are pretty smart. That should mean something coming from me.
  58. Chinchilla Washington
  59. In reply to this message

    To read, explore fpga prototype
  60. Chinchilla Washington
  61. Chinchilla Washington
  62. Chinchilla Washington

    In reply to this message

    Pretty funny
  63. lg0
    more like applied engineering
  64. Chinchilla Washington
  65. State oriented programming
  66. lg0
    synergy is still alsome.
  67. Chinchilla Washington
  68. In reply to this message

    Not OSS
  69. lg0
    used to be back way when. but yeah.
  70. Chinchilla Washington
  71. In reply to this message

    Free-space optical links for space communication networks
  72. Chinchilla Washington
    You got a 3d printer yet?
  73. That's super cool
  74. You see the compact linear actuator I posted yesterday?
  75. lg0
  76. most of the ones that work like that use coils of sheet metal.
  77. compact and strong.
  78. Chinchilla Washington
  79. You got a printer yet lg0
  80. lg0
    not yet
  81. Thinking about an sla one though
  82. Chinchilla Washington
    .... don't
  83. lg0
  84. Chinchilla Washington
    That's a Ben burkhart answer lol
  85. They suck and require so much more work to finish a print
  86. Very limited range of materials all of which are pretty bad compared to even pla
  87. Pretty much the main thing is good for is making high res miniatures for board games
  88. Get an ender 3 if cheap or prusa if you want to spend more
  89. I'll invite you to our printer room
  90. lg0
    <- was looking for a high DPI version.
  91. lg0
    was looking ot make small parts :P
  92. Chinchilla Washington
    Like what?
  93. Chinchilla Washington
    With sla you miss the ability to do the best thing 3d printers are good for. "I need/could use this simple plastic part right now". I make one off parts all the time
  94. lg0
    granted. :P
  95. Ted (Whothefuck/Whothefuckself)
    Serious question: does SLA take a while to cure/print or something?
  96. Chinchilla Washington
    Yeah and you can't print anything hollow
  97. You gotta post process the print to finish curing
  98. lg0
    small uv box.
  99. Chinchilla Washington
    And clean it
  100. Avatar
    president-elect cw changed their display name to cw (Novus ordo seclorum)
  101. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed their profile picture
  102. Chinchilla Washington

    In reply to this message

    This dude does some awesome stuff
  103. Haven't watched mk4 yet but excited to
  104. Avatar
    cw (Novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to cw (slimelord)
  105. Avatar
    cw (slimelord) changed their display name to cw (boot-licking supplicant)
  106. Avatar
    cw (boot-licking supplicant) changed their display name to cw (slimy)
  107. Avatar
    cw (slimy) changed their display name to cw (zero days since last shower)
  108. Avatar
    cw (zero days since last shower) changed their display name to cw (Annuit Coeptis)
  109. Avatar
    cw (Annuit Coeptis) changed their display name to cw (Novus Ordo Seclorum)
  110. Avatar
    cw (Novus Ordo Seclorum) changed their display name to cw (slimy)
  111. Avatar
    cw (slimy) changed their display name to cw (sticky)
  112. Avatar
    cw (sticky) changed their display name to cw (be less white)
  113. Avatar
    cw (be less white) changed their display name to cw
  114. Chinchilla Washington
  115. Avatar
    cw changed their display name to cw ©[CURRENT_YEAR]
  116. Chinchilla Washington
  117. Chinchilla Washington
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    Custom Widget widget added by Chinchilla Washington
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    Chinchilla Washington has updated the room layout
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    Custom Widget widget removed by Chinchilla Washington
  121. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  122. In reply to this message

    Really clever. Try eiffel lang
  123. Avatar
    cw ©[CURRENT_YEAR] changed their display name to cw (𓀬 giraffe wrangler)
  124. Avatar
    cw (𓀬 giraffe wrangler) changed their display name to cw (probably dead)
  125. Avatar
    cw (probably dead) changed their display name to cw (novus ordo seclorum)
  126. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited cable
  127. Chinchilla Washington
  128. Avatar
    cable joined the room
  129. Chinchilla Washington
  130. Avatar
    cw (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to cw (pub DJ)
  131. Avatar
    cw (pub DJ) changed their display name to cw (novus ordo seclorum)
  132. Chinchilla Washington
  133. Chinchilla Washington
  134. Ted changed their display name to Ted (Zimbabwe/Zimbabweself)
  135. Avatar
    cw (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to cw (fe/fi/fo/fum)
  136. Chinchilla Washington
  137. Avatar
    cw (fe/fi/fo/fum) changed their display name to cw (28 cycles)
  138. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the room avatar to
  139. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the room avatar to
  140. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington changed the room avatar to
  141. Chinchilla Washington
  142. Allowing arbitrary kinds of resources to be identified within the system and combined. Nomia can handle packages, services, pieces of code, entire data centers, individual time-slices of CPU work—any type of resource you can work with.
  143. Chinchilla Washington
    Point your editor to (client-projects:acme):server//src/ and have the latest version of the Acme server source code downloaded to your machine, the file opened, and the dependencies loaded for use by your editor’s code checker.
    Make a change and point your browser to nomia://(client-projects:acme):server/login and have the Acme server built (reusing the results of the latest CI build for unchanged files), the service and its dependencies started, and the login page for your local instance loaded into your browser.
  144. Chinchilla Washington
  145. woah
  146. Nix building for both ^
  147. Chinchilla Washington
  148. Chinchilla Washington
  149. Chinchilla Washington

    In reply to this message

    This feels special
  150. Like, game changing special
  151. I don't completely understand it yet after a quick read through, gonna have to do it again soon
  152. Chinchilla Washington
    But bloom filter routing is really cool. Content addressed too with no network overhead? If I'm understanding right
  153. that actually looks kind of silly.
  154. ^ reread tmw, looks pointless and unroutable
  155. Chinchilla Washington
  156. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  157. Chinchilla Washington
  158. Chinchilla Washington
  159. Chinchilla Washington
  160. Chinchilla Washington
  161. Chinchilla Washington
  162. After a few iterations, it became
    obvious that the computation of

    1. = 0
      as an input to the math.pow function in Scala would always produce
      a result of 0 on Core 59 of the CPU. However, if the computation
      was attempted with a different input value set
    2. = 142
      the result was accurate.
  163. Chinchilla Washington
  164. Very interesting idea
  165. Chinchilla Washington
  166. Chinchilla Washington
  167. In reply to this message

    lg0 check this
  168. No good with spinning disk but fast for nvme
  169. lg0
  170. Chinchilla Washington
  171. Chinchilla Washington
  172. Chinchilla Washington

    In contrast to the classical OS model, our system blurs or
    eliminates many of the typical boundaries between software, hardware, kernels,
    and drivers. Most uniquely, there is no single piece of software or hardware in
    our architecture which corresponds to the kernel in a classical OS. The operat-
    ing system is instead an emergent entity arising out of the collective behavior
    of a series of distinct hardware modules connected via message passing, which
    together provide all of the services normally provided by a kernel and drivers.
    Each hardware device includes state machines which implement low-level re-
    source management and security for that particular device, and provides an API
    via message passing directly to userspace. Applications software may either access
    this API directly (as in an exokernel [2]) or through server software providing
    additional abstractions (as in a microkernel).

  173. Chinchilla Washington
    I'm curious if either of you read the stuff I post here. It's primarily for myself and definitely a bit esoteric
  174. Chinchilla Washington
  175. Chinchilla Washington
  176. Chinchilla Washington
  177. In reply to this message

    In reply to Chinchilla Washington
    sent a file.
    ^ is this but with intRo by weaver
  178. Chinchilla Washington
  179. Chinchilla Washington

    In reply to this message

    Mess with this
  180. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited Tristan B. Kildaire
  181. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire joined the room
  182. Avatar
    cw (28 cycles) changed their display name to cw (Vi/Vim)
  183. Chinchilla Washington
  184. Key Agreement for Decentralized Secure Group Messaging with Strong Security Guarantees
  185. Chinchilla Washington
  186. Surveilling the Gamers: Privacy Impacts of the Video Game Industry
  187. Chinchilla Washington
  188. Serverless Computing: A Security Perspective
  189. Chinchilla Washington
  190. Chinchilla Washington
  191. Positive Energy Warp Drive from Hidden Geometric Structures
  192. Chinchilla Washington
  193. An Overview of End-to-End Entity Resolution for Big Data
  194. Chinchilla Washington
  195. Chinchilla Washington
  196. Avatar
    cw (Vi/Vim) changed their display name to continuouswave
  197. Chinchilla Washington
  198. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  199. Chinchilla Washington
    ^ CRDT kinda day
  200. Tristan B. Kildaire I can't spam you if you FW to trash
  201. Chinchilla Washington

    The editing trace has 260 000 edits, and the final document size is about 100 000 characters.

    As I said above, automerge takes a little under 5 minutes to process this trace. Thats just shy of 900 edits per second, which is probably fine. But by the time it's done, automerge is using 880 MB of RAM. Whoa! That's 10kb of ram per key press. At peak, automerge was using 2.6 GB of RAM

  202. Chinchilla Washington
  203. Chinchilla Washington
  204. lg0 do you read any of the stuff I link in here?
  205. lg0
  206. Chinchilla Washington
    Just curious
  207. In reply to this message

    it's now 14000x faster than automerge. We're processing 260 000 operations in 23ms. Thats 11 million operations per second. I could saturate my home internet connection with keystrokes and I'd still have CPU to spare.

  208. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited bb
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    bb joined the room
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    Chinchilla Washington made future room history visible to anyone.
  211. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington made future room history visible to all room members.
  212. If yall never played torn city you a bitch
  213. Join that shit. Logged back recently from a 10 year break games still alive and popping
  214. Use my link and less go
  215. Avatar
    continuouswave changed their display name to cw (? days since last shower)
  216. Chinchilla Washington
  217. The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work?
  218. Chinchilla Washington
  219. Chinchilla Washington

    In reply to this message

    Quite probably IaaS garbage.
  220. Mitigating dataset harms requires stewardship: Lessons from 1000 papers
  221. Avatar
    cw (? days since last shower) changed their display name to cw (not sticky anymore)
  222. Pure Type systems for functional programming
  223. Chinchilla Washington
    Holy fuck
  224. That is wild
  225. I can see it in the chin now that I know to look for it but that would have no question fooled me
  226. Avatar
    cw (not sticky anymore) changed their display name to cw (got the delta)
  227. Avatar
    cw (got the delta) changed their display name to cw (just got delta)
  228. Chinchilla Washington
  229. Chinchilla Washington
  230. Chinchilla Washington
  231. Chinchilla Washington
  232. Chinchilla Washington
  233. Chinchilla Washington
  234. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  235. Chinchilla Washington
  236. Chinchilla Washington
  237. Chinchilla Washington
  238. Avatar
    cw (just got delta) changed their display name to cw (novus ordo seclorum)
  239. Optical flow sensor to detect distance from surface
  240. Chinchilla Washington
  241. Avatar
    cw (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to Fauci's Fine Wines
  242. Avatar
    Fauci's Fine Wines changed their display name to Corn Wallet
  243. Avatar
    Corn Wallet changed their display name to CornWallace
  244. Chinchilla Washington
  245. Chinchilla Washington
    Message deleted
  246. lg0
    THE TOP 2 RACE * 1,020 HP Plaid vs 765LT * Tesla …:
  247. Avatar
    CornWallace changed their display name to Rev. CornWallace III
  248. Avatar
    Rev. CornWallace III changed their display name to Rev. CornWallace III (tzu/tzi)
  249. Avatar
    Rev. CornWallace III (tzu/tzi) changed their display name to Rev. CornWallace III (sun/tzu)
  250. A Farewell to the Bias-Variance Tradeoff? An Overview of the Theory of Overparameterized Machine Learning

  251. Chinchilla Washington
  252. Avatar
    Rev. CornWallace III (sun/tzu) changed their display name to Rev. CornWallace III (novus ordo seclorum)
  253. Chinchilla Washington
  254. ^ lol
  255. Chinchilla Washington
  256. Introduction to Neural Network Verification
  257. Bloom is a language …

    … for disorderly distributed programming
    because order is expensive

    … with powerful consistency analysis
    CALM guidance on coordination

    … and concise, familiar syntax
    based on data-centric languages

  258. disorderly programming: Traditional languages like Java and C are based on the von Neumann model, where a program counter steps through individual instructions in order. Distributed systems don’t work like that. Much of the pain in traditional distributed programming comes from this mismatch:  programmers are expected to bridge from an ordered programming model into a disordered reality that executes their code.  Bloom was designed to match–and exploit–the disorderly reality of distributed systems.  Bloom programmers write programs made up of unordered collections of statements, and are given constructs to impose order when needed.

  259. BuDDI: A Declarative Bloom Language for CALM Programming
  260. Chinchilla Washington
  261. Chinchilla Washington
    Adversarial objects
  262. Chinchilla Washington
  263. Importante
  264. Metastable failures in distributed systems
  265. Chinchilla Washington
  266. GitHub Repositories with Links to Academic Papers: Public Access, Traceability, and Evolution
  267. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  268. Chinchilla Washington
  269. Chinchilla Washington
  270. Chinchilla Washington
  271. Chinchilla Washington
  272. Chinchilla Washington
  273. Ted (Zimbabwe/Zimbabweself) changed their display name to Ted (Whothefuck/Whothefuckself)
  274. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited numpad_ninja
  275. Chinchilla Washington
  276. Chinchilla Washington
  277. numpad_ninja joined the room
  278. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  279. Chinchilla Washington
  280. Tristan B. Kildaire

    In reply to this message

    Thanks for this. I am now teaching it to myself. I have been looking for something like this.
  281. Chinchilla Washington
    How do you like it? It looks pretty neat
  282. Tristan B. Kildaire

    In reply to this message

    It is indeed, it's basically C with some modernist quirks and a new syntax
  283. Pretty neat
  284. Hopefully I will have it on my arsenal of languages by the end of this month
  285. cable
    Holy C!
  286. DBMS operating system
  287. Chinchilla Washington
  288. Avatar
    Rev. CornWallace III (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to coilWinder
  289. Avatar
    coilWinder changed their display name to CoilWinder (novus ordo seclorum)
  290. Chinchilla Washington
  291. Chinchilla Washington
  292. Avatar
    CoilWinder (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to Chuck Winter
  293. Avatar
    Chuck Winter changed their display name to Chuck Winter (vi/vim)
  294. Avatar
    Chuck Winter (vi/vim) changed their display name to Chuck Winter
  295. Chinchilla Washington
  296. Chinchilla Washington
  297. Avatar
    Chuck Winter changed their display name to Chinchilla Wetreat
  298. Chinchilla Washington
  299. Chinchilla Washington
    Price ain't bad either
  300. lg0
    i some how misdeed that. the ex400 is not half bad price either.
  301. 5K for it with ABS
  302. Chinchilla Washington
    Its like inflation skipped motorcycles
  303. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington invited zonked_worm
  304. Avatar
    zonked_worm joined the room
  305. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington made the room public to whoever knows the link.
  306. Avatar
    Chinchilla Washington added alternative address for this room.
  307. Avatar
    johanostefanido joined the room
  308. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar <-- Compiled programming language for Unix systems, inspired by COBOL and designed to be expressive, fast, readable and easy to learn.
  309. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar <-- Kaitai Struct is a declarative language used for describing various binary data structures laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc. The main idea is that a particular format is described in Kaitai Struct language (.ksy file) and then can be compiled with ksc into source files in one of the supported programming languages. These modules will include a generated code for a parser that can read the described data structure from a file or stream and give access to it in a nice, easy-to-comprehend API.
  310. Chinchilla Washington
  311. Programming as theory building
  312. Avatar
    johanostefanido set a profile picture
  313. lg0
  314. Avatar
    Chinchilla Wetreat changed their display name to chonked_worm
  315. Avatar
    zonked_worm set a profile picture
  316. Avatar
    chonked_worm changed their display name to ContinuousWave
  317. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar -- Inform 7 (April 2006-) is a programming language for creating interactive fiction, using natural language syntax. 
  318. Avatar
    ContinuousWave changed their display name to Chinchilla Washington
  319. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  320. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  321. Avatar
    colin joined the room
  322. Chinchilla Washington
  323. ^ Provably Secure Masking of AES
  324. ^ Provably Secure Higher-Order Masking of AES
  325. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar Lietal is an experimental synthetic language. Lietal is a modular language building on 27 core words, it is written from left to right with implicit neutrality, singularity and at the present tense. For the most part, its 6 vowels and 9 consonants are voiced similarly to their English equivalents. The Lietal "e" is very short, a barely audible junction between two consonants.
  326. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar A low-level functional language For exploring refinement types, lifetime inference, and algebraic effects Language tour
  327. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar -- Vale is the fast, safe, and easy programming language.

    Vale's goal is to show the world that speed and safety can be easy! Vale is:

    Fast: Vale is an AOT compiled, statically-typed language that uses the new generational references technique for memory-safe control over data layout.

    Safe: It is the safest native language, using region isolation and "Fearless FFI" to help keep extern code's bugs from affecting Vale objects.

    Easy: Its new take on regions will enable alternate memory management and allocation strategies, with the planned region borrow checker enabling easy interop between them, and eliminating the vast majority of generational references' overhead.

  328. Chinchilla Washington
    Avatar This site is about Arc, a new dialect of Lisp.

    Arc is designed for exploratory programming: the kind where you decide what to write by writing it. A good medium for exploratory programming is one that makes programs brief and malleable, so that's what we've aimed for. This is a medium for sketching software.

     It's not a coincidence that we wrote a language for exploratory programming rather than the sort where an army of programmers builds a big, bureaucratic piece of software for a big, bureaucratic organization. Exploratory programming is the fun end of programming, and we hope that will be the guiding principle of the Arc community

  329. lg0
  330. lg0
    TIL that FedEX makes aircraft parts. (16 min mark)
  331. lg0 Tesla Model Y 4680 Structural Pack OUT!!!
  332. Chinchilla Washington
    i still remember talking to you in FLCC about an AI escaping an airgapped computer this way. When will people stop being surprised that it's not safe to run random code on your computer
  333. Not specifically sata, just eme and beamforming
  334. lg0
    I think it was with fan noise.
  335. Chinchilla Washington
  336. The Factor programming language is a concatenative, stack-based programming language with high-level features including dynamic types, extensible syntax, macros, and garbage collection. On a practical side, Factor has a full-featured library, supports many different platforms, and has been extensively documented.

    The implementation is fully compiled for performance, while still supporting interactive development. Factor applications are portable between all common platforms. Factor can deploy stand-alone applications on all platforms. Full source code for the Factor project is available under a BSD license.

  337. Avatar
    ilmu joined the room
  338. Chinchilla Washington
    ilmu I am sorry I have two linkdump rooms. This one is mostly arxiv stuff and new/obscure/interesting programming languages.
  339. It's older than the other. That's my attempt at staying somewhat on-track wrt shit I'm building, hah
  340. I know I've got a few content addressed languages in the scrollback here. I'll export it shortly
  341. ilmu
    the rooms are all such that I cannot see earlier messages
  342. so for me they are all just empty until I joined them
  343. Chinchilla Washington
    yeah I'll export it. I just kind of default to "history off"