Sun, Jan 23 2022
- chinchilla optional03:52No running service by default, but you can run it with a simple
archivebox serve
- 03:53No central DB for this, it runs out of whatever folder it's in, in true unix fashion.
- 03:55Very user-first software. Y'all would like it.
- chinchilla optional04:18
archivebox add --depth=1 ~/Downloads/bookmarks_export.html
- 04:19depth does what's advertised. Goes recursively goes one link deep.
- 04:24Even uses crontab for scheduling.
- chinchilla optional05:17There's three optional nodejs dependecies for extracting article text that I'm not thrilled about. Gotta figure out how to satisfy those in Nix
- chinchilla optional
- 05:23You can export the whole archive as static HTML. Fuc kyes
- chinchilla optional
- 05:55I found some nice stuff tonight.
- 05:57
In reply to this message
This could be used to convert any arbitrary webpage (or your whole bookmark list?) to gemini. - Tristan B. Kildaire06:09That's cool
- chinchilla optional06:13Message deleted
- 06:14Message deleted
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:02
In reply to this message
.plan is freeform, multiple lines. We often used it type signatures. .project is one line. - An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:11
In reply to this message
Hope you feel better soon. I had the omicron week before last. Vaccinated, but still presented as a nasty cold. - chinchilla optional08:336am medical emergency with a pet. 2nd in 3 days. When it rains it f******pours
- 08:35The car, truck, and jeep all had issues this month too. Truck's undriveable, car was expensive, and I fixed the jeep but it stole an afternoon.
- 08:36Haven't even slept yet tonight, weee
- 08:36Thanks for listening
- lg0L09:11Wow what a week
- bb13:02Cat had nasty abscess that we didn't know till it ruptured a pus blood mix
- Tristan B. Kildaire13:26Zaaamn
- 13:26Meanwhile down here we are boiling with an hot ass summer
- bb14:33That always boggles my mind that there are two opposite seasons happening simultaneous dependent on the hemisphere
- chinchilla optional
Mon, Jan 24 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:45
Just in time for all my apps to go to Wayland, where this won't work (unless built into the compositor, I guess).
- chinchilla optional
- 15:00
When an application window loses focus, XSuspender tries to match it to one of the rules in its configuration. If a match is found, the application is sent a SIGSTOP signal (preventing the process from obtaining further CPU time). Upon windows regaining focus, the process is seamlessly continued where it had left off.
- 15:01That's really nice, I didn't know that was an option
- 15:01Ty for the link
- chinchilla optional15:01Message deleted
- chinchilla optional15:04
If you suspend IM clients, wake them up frequently (configuration key resume_every) so they can process their queued network events.
- 15:04This software is awesome.
Tue, Jan 25 2022
- chinchilla optional
Thu, Jan 27 2022
- chinchilla optional
- 18:12That has nothing to do with blockchains
- 18:13So don't get excited/disappointed
- chinchilla optional19:38Message deleted
- 19:41Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
- 19:48All credentials, apps, configuration, bookmarks pre-set to your services.
- 19:48Email preconfigured
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:50Neat. I have built AOSP from source before, but it's been a while.
- chinchilla optional19:50How was that?
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:51Slow. Mostly I only maintained a patched kernel build, though. (For the 2012 Nexus 7.)
- chinchilla optional19:52I watched the robotnix nixcon talk a while ago and he wasn't complementary about the process.
- 19:52Why run a patched kernel?
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:53Better/additional scheduler and power management options, mainly. Some people wanted additional filesystem drivers.
- chinchilla optional19:57Oh yeah, 2012.
- 19:57That stuff was pretty rough back then
- 19:58Now android just kills everything regardless of your settings
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:59Ye
Fri, Jan 28 2022
- 01:20chinchilla optional invited Z
- 01:20Z joined the room
Sun, Jan 30 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
- 13:51WARC browsing and a Gemini shim is nice
- 13:55Because its hard to find git://
Tue, Feb 1 2022
- chinchilla optional
- 00:45 <-- A fast and simple webserver. Includes video/picture players and drag and drop uploads. Works as PWA.
- 00:46Looks pretty neat
- chinchilla optional01:01
Z: you asked me about something like this a few days ago
- chinchilla optional01:09Another simple filesystem webserver w/ upload. Supports auth, obviously.
- 01:12 <-- Yet another web-based file browser w/ upload. This one has event hooks and can run shell commands.
- chinchilla optional01:36 <-- Another temp file upload service. Supports some interesting features like a download-limit and the ability to send others a link to upload files into your account. Also shows metrics (views/downloads, last download, etc).
- 01:39 <-- E2EE file-upload service. File is encrypted and decrypted by the browser.
- 01:39
However please note that some metadata are sent unencrypted:
- the file name
- its size
- its mimetype
- 01:44 <-- lufi from one piece. Keeps track up uploaded files with localstorage, no need to remember your links
- chinchilla optional02:12 Lightweight, cli focused file uploader.
Z Check some of these examples.
Some of those would be sweet on tempsend.
- chinchilla optional02:13Message deleted
- chinchilla optional03:24 <-- Command line and GTK (packaged separately) applications to make mounting and unmounting sftp/sshfs easier.
- chinchilla optional04:27 accounting SPA written in clojure/clojurescript
- chinchilla optional04:41 <-- Fast, typo tolerant, fuzzy search engine for building delightful search experiences zap mag sparkles An Open Source alternative to Algolia and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch. ^ Is federated too.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa11:53EasySSHFS (mount file systems via SSH) -
- 11:53Requires rooted android 😕
- chinchilla optional12:30404
- chinchilla optional12:36Material Files (Open source Material Design file manager) - I use this for sftp
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa13:02Yes, I already had that installed and forgot it did sftp.
- chinchilla optional13:24Being able to mount them would be nice though.
- 13:25But it works well enough to get by
Wed, Feb 2 2022
- 02:36CoilWinder (novus ordo seclorum) changed their display name to Chuck Winter
- chinchilla optional
- 23:20chinchilla optional changed the room name from os-project-linkdump to 0x00 links.
- chinchilla optional
Thu, Feb 3 2022
- 12:52chinchilla optional invited
- joined the room
Fri, Feb 4 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional13:26Good examples in that repo
- chinchilla optional19:25 <-- Can define matrix homeserver (rooms/users/rules) w/ json.
- 19:26Needs a nixos module, then automatic user creation.
- chinchilla optional
Sat, Feb 5 2022
- chinchilla optional03:14 <-- caching filesystem To be overlayed on top of another filesystem (possibly remote) such as sshfs.
- chinchilla optional03:38 <-- A filesystem which allows you to mount HTTP directory listings, with a permanent cache. Now with Airsonic / Subsonic support!
- chinchilla optional03:44 <-- tool to analyze filesystem usage.
- chinchilla optional03:49 <-- Distribyted is an alternative torrent client. It can expose torrent files as a standard FUSE, webDAV or HTTP endpoint and download them on demand, allowing random reads using a fixed amount of disk space.
- 03:51
Explore TBs of data from public datasets only downloading the parts you need. Use Jupyter Notebooks directly to process or analyze this data.
- 03:51This is cool.
- chinchilla optional04:14 <-- Finds…
…Duplicate Files and duplicate directories.
…Nonstripped binaries (i.e. binaries with debug symbols)
…Broken symbolic links.
…Empty files and directories.
…Files with broken user or/and group ID.
- chinchilla optional04:48
xplr is a terminal UI based file explorer that aims to increase our terminal productivity by being a flexible, interactive orchestrator for the ever growing awesome command-line utilities that work with the file-system.
- 04:52 <-- Provide users with the most simple, reliable and efficient distributed file system.
- 04:55
Easy operation and maintenance, only one role (unlike fastdfs has three roles Tracker Server, Storage Server, Client), the configuration is automatically generated
Peer-to-peer (simplified operation and maintenance)
All nodes can read and write simultaneously
- chinchilla optional
- 16:17Lightweight twtxt server.
- chinchilla optional
- 17:33chinchilla optional set the main address for this room to
- chinchilla optional
- @martyet:matrix.orgM
- chinchilla optional
Sun, Feb 6 2022
- chinchilla optional01:43 <-- The script finds routers with a Yggdrasil IPv6 and mixes 30% of regular routers with them.
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
Mon, Feb 7 2022
- chinchilla optional12:12 <-- Automatic code generation of OpenCL and Nvidia PTX, achieving portability across multi-core CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs
- chinchilla optional16:58 <-- Automatically labels or skips sponsor segments in youtube videos from crowdsourced database. Supports Invidious. Other skippable categories are: Intro animations, Credits/endcards, LIKE+SHARE+SUBSCRIBE+RINGTHATBELL, merch/patreon, and the best of all: non-music segments in music videos. No more jlcpcb or nordvpn. <-- Server app. <-- Database dump (CSV format). <-- newpipe + sponsorblock.
- 17:01 <-- AYYY EYE version of the above trained on the sponsorblock dataset.
- chinchilla optional
Tue, Feb 8 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa05:24
In reply to this message
That's pretty nice. I generally use tramp (emacs feature) for remote editing. - chinchilla optional
- 10:41
In reply to this message
Downloading files from existing ssh sessions. Unfortunately it does enough things differently that you need a special terminfo on the server too.
- chinchilla optional
Wed, Feb 9 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
Thu, Feb 10 2022
- chinchilla optional05:24 <-- NNCP (Node to Node copy) is a collection of utilities simplifying secure store-and-forward files, mail and command exchanging.
- chinchilla optional
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:43
I don't want the metaverse to be a thing, but if it's going to be, this is the least bad way.
- chinchilla optional
- 13:55Definitely seems better than the alternatives
- chinchilla optional
Fri, Feb 11 2022
- chinchilla optional
Sun, Feb 13 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
Mon, Feb 14 2022
- chinchilla optional17:59 L
Z SDR software
- 18:00Signal analyzer specifically
- chinchilla optional22:08
for automatic health checks when deploying new cknfigs Tue, Feb 15 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
Wed, Feb 16 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional12:10EinkBro (lightweight, fast, but powerful browser designed for Eink devices.) -
- 13:47chinchilla optional invited zonked_worm
- 13:48zonked_worm joined the room
- chinchilla optional
- lg0L14:54neat
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional18:52 <-- Should be run on integration tests.
- 18:52Not ^ specifically, but the idea.
Thu, Feb 17 2022
- 22:12Chuck Winter changed their display name to Chuck Winter (vi/vim)
- 22:20Chuck Winter (vi/vim) changed their display name to Chuck Winter
Fri, Feb 18 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional00:37 <-- find/make Foss version of this. Could probably be a quick and dirty nix function
- chinchilla optional11:58 <-- uc optimized filesystem
- 23:43zonked_worm removed their display name (zonked_worm)
Sat, Feb 19 2022
- chinchilla optional13:44 <-- Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images).
- chinchilla optional13:56 <-- Perkeep (née Camlistore) is a set of open source formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data in the post-PC era. Data may be files or objects, tweets or 5TB videos, and you can access it via a phone, browser or FUSE filesystem. Project website
- set their display name to zonked_worm?
- 15:16zonked_worm? changed their display name to zonked_worm
- chinchilla optional17:45Message deleted
- chinchilla optional18:36 <-- Distributed fault tolerant network filesystem. Works disconnected/offline and is tolerant of network splits and degradation.
- chinchilla optional18:49 <-- MooseFS is a Petabyte Open Source Network Distributed File System. It is easy to deploy and maintain, highly reliable, fault tolerant, highly performing, easily scalable and POSIX compliant.
MooseFS spreads data over a number of commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like ordinary Unix-like file system:
- A hierarchical structure – __directory tree__
- Stores __POSIX file attributes__ – permissions, last access and modification times, etc.
- Supports __ACLs__
- Supports POSIX and BSD __file locks__ – including support for __distributed file locking__
- Supports __special files__ – block and character devices, pipes and sockets
- Supports __symbolic links__ – file names pointing to target files, not necessarily on MooseFS
- Supports __hard links__ – different names of files which refer to the same data on MooseFS
Distinctive MooseFS features:
- High reliability – files are stored in several copies on separate servers. The number of copies is a configurable parameter, even per each file
- No Single Point of Failure – all hardware and software components may be redundant
- Parallel data operations – many clients can access many files concurrently
- Capacity can be __dynamically expanded__ by simply adding new servers/disks on the fly
- Retired hardware __may be removed on the fly__
- Deleted files are retained for a configurable period of time (a __file system level __)
- Coherent, "atomic" snapshots of files, even while the files are being written/accessed
- Access to the file system can be limited based on IP address and/or password (similarly as in NFS)
- Data tiering – supports different storage policies for different files/directories in Storage Classes mechanism
- Per-directory, __"__ – configurable per RAW space, usable space, number of inodes with hard and soft quotas support
- Apart from file system storage, MooseFS also provides __block storage__ (
) - Efficient, __pure C__ implementation
- Ethernet support
- chinchilla optional18:58 <-- Fork of MooseFS. LizardFS is a highly reliable, scalable and efficient distributed file system. It spreads data over a number of physical servers, making it visible to an end user as a single file system. Supports Geo-replication.
- lg0L19:27Been looking at ceph.
- chinchilla optional19:28I thought you've been using that for a while?
- lg0L19:31Been looking at it for a long while
- 19:31But it needs a large foot print
- chinchilla optional19:31Gotcha. Yeah you've talked about it for years.
- lg0L19:32Flat file rep is a min of 5 servers and like 8 for erasure encoding
- 19:33It starts looking really good with very large file sets
- 19:33Like multi PB
- chinchilla optional19:33I'm not worried about that
- lg0L19:33Ied love to do a low power version
- chinchilla optional19:34Yeah this should run on 1-2 systems
- lg0L19:34Something like 8 to 24 nodes with something like a very low end xeon or loaded RPI
- 19:35One disk per node
- lg0L19:41I have sufficient boxes now to do a test cluster
- 19:41Just requires me to do it
- chinchilla optional19:57ceph is too much for me. I'm looking for simpler and easier to deploy.
Sun, Feb 20 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional00:52Message deleted
- 00:52Message deleted
- chinchilla optional00:57Cloned and archived
- chinchilla optional01:20 <-- git compatible dvcs It combines features from Git (data model, speed), Mercurial (anonymous branching, simple CLI free from "the index", revsets, powerful history-rewriting), and Pijul/Darcs (first-class conflicts), with features not found in either of them (working-copy-as-a-commit, undo functionality, automatic rebase, safe replication via rsync, Dropbox, or distributed file system).
- chinchilla optional01:22Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional
- 18:47Chuck Winter changed their display name to Chinchilla Wetreat
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:45 <- relevant to pub discussion.
- chinchilla optional19:52
Transmission is running only when OpenVPN has an active tunnel
Good idea.
- 19:53My current setup is transmission on VPS, w/ transmission client on phone/PC/wherever and I can always add it from the transmission web interface if I am really desperate.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:54
This is what I use at home the last few years. It's effectively the same as transmission on VPS, but actually running locally.
- chinchilla optional
- 19:54I can just tap a torrent on my phone and it loads up and fires off.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:55
Yeah, same.
- chinchilla optional19:55How's that work?
- 19:56If transmission is on your computer?
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa19:57
Transmission is in a container on my home server. I can only add things from my phone when I'm on my home WiFi, or when I have wireguard working between phone and home server. Which used to be always, but now is never because my crappy router doesn't do NAT hairpinning.
- 19:58
(I need to get an OpenWRT router at some point, but I haven't had the spoons.)
- chinchilla optional19:58Oh gotcha. My mental model was transmission on your desk/laptop
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa20:00
I mean, I probably could forward a port from the router to transmission, but why tempt fate.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa20:00
The fewer ports open, the better.
- chinchilla optional20:0180/443 are gonna be open for me regardless so a vhost for transmission is no skin off my back.
- 20:02Oh yeah I had a cool app to link, one sec.
- 20:03Key Mapper (Unleash your keys! Open source!) -
- 20:05You can add constraints to restrict them from firing, call intents or shortcuts, and even screen presses.
- chinchilla optional20:16 <-- xpath selectors for >1000 websites to extract content for RSS generation or otherwise
- chinchilla optional21:30 <-- yet another NNTP server. Early in development.
Mon, Feb 21 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:58I will follow it with interest.
- chinchilla optional12:49 <-- MD -> wiki static site generator. Probably nothing new/interesting here but the folks contributing to it are involved in other interesting things (necklaces that ferment food with body heat and FOSS fermentation software) so I'm not gonna be quick to write it off.
- 12:53 <-- local manufacturing/production
- 12:56 <-- Air/water/soil/light/sound pollution sensor platorm and base station. Docs at
- 13:01^ I dig that.
- 13:02Interfaces (web/api) look pretty polished too.
- Z13:03
Here's how I roll with torrents:
I have NAS which stores all my media.
I run a VM with PrivateInternetAccess VPN.
I have a script to tell Transmission to bind to the IP + port that PIA (PrivateInternetAccess) gives me. If PIA restarts or whatever I just re-run the script and it restarts Transmission with the correct bound port.It gets the job done and I never have a DMCA complaint ever.
The less relevant details: I have Sonarr to grab TV show updates and automatically put them in the folder Plex watches. Also my Transmission downloads (movies, music, whatever else) are automatically stored on my NAS so it's a very quick
command to move downloads into their respective folders and allow Plex to find them or whatever; no copying from local disk to NAS or anything like that. - 13:03
#!/bin/bash if [ $(pidof transmission-daemon) ] then echo "Transmission Running" echo "Stopping..." sudo systemctl stop transmission-daemon else echo "Transmission NOT runniung." fi IP=$(hostname -I | cut -f2 -d ' ') PORT=$(piactl get portforward) echo "Updating IP: $IP" echo "Updating PORT: $PORT" cat ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json | jq ".\"bind-address-ipv4\" = \"$IP\" | .\"peer-port\" = $PORT" > ~/.config/transmission-daemon/new-settings.json mv ~/.config/transmission-daemon/new-settings.json ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json echo "Starting Transmission..." sudo systemctl start transmission-daemon
- 13:06I could probably solve the IP+port thing with iptables or something... but I had a hammer and nail, so I made it work with a hammer and nail.
- chinchilla optional13:07How do you connect to PIA? Openvpn?
- Z13:07Their PIA control program (
) is a wrapper to connect to their service via OpenVPN yes. - chinchilla optional13:08Does it get it's own interface? Can't you just bind to that and not worry about IP/port at all?
- Z13:09Pretty sure Transmission does not have that option. Even in their GUI there's no option to bind to IP+port - that option is only available in their JSON config.
- 13:09Binding to IP is essentially its way of binding to interface.
- chinchilla optional13:09Ah, lame.
- Z13:10The port part is to tell Transmission which port clients should connect to. PIA does not give you a completely static port, so sometimes it'll need to be updated. This script handles both.
- chinchilla optional13:10Maybe a virtual interface with a fixed IP bridged to theirs?
- 13:11oh, nevermind. That port bit would be a problem
- Z13:11Probably a good idea :) But look at this nice hammer.
- chinchilla optional13:11Message deleted
- chinchilla optional13:12TBH I think short shell scripts are underrated. You can do so much with so little.
- 13:13People bitch and moan about bash and friends, but it's so quick to get something that works.
- 13:18 <-- unredact pixelated secrets
- chinchilla optional13:18Message deleted
- zonked_worm
- 13:39I think it was called DeepCreampie
- 13:40because it uses "deep neural networks" to decensor porn
- 13:40similar concept although far more robust
- chinchilla optional13:414chan gets far more shit than it deserves. I mean you have to wade through a ton of shit, but realistically so is the rest of the web they just put on a shiny veneer to pretend that it's not exactly the same.
- 13:42Kind of how stoners will figure out how to turn anything into a bong -- 4chan will use nation-state level powers for absolutely mundane things.
- zonked_worm13:43The only nice thing Id say about 4chan is at least the bigots don't try to hide
- 13:43but also there's a lot of fucked up discourse getting peddled that I'm not a fan of
- chinchilla optional13:44I haven't browsed it in years
- zonked_worm13:44in some ways it is better now
- 13:44in others, not so much
- chinchilla optional
- 13:444chan is "warts and all", the rest of the web uses filters to pretend they don't exist
- 13:45the gemini/smolweb folks are all pretty cool so far.
- zonked_worm13:46i don't necessarily disagree but it's lack of filtration is also what causes wackjobs to congregate
- chinchilla optional13:48I think the best is no filter, but enough of a barrier to entry that you need to demonstrate a few working neurons to publish anything.
- 13:49Not gatekeeping, just a bit harder than
go to website with text box and hit submit
- zonked_worm13:49I think robust filtration options are nice but only if they are user side
- chinchilla optional13:491000%
- zonked_worm13:50and don't involve mass data collection
- chinchilla optional13:50I am also a fan of being able to subscribe to others filters.
- zonked_worm13:50also children need to log the fuck off
- 13:50been trying to figure out how the fuck I'm gonna deal with that when I eventually probably have a kid
- chinchilla optional13:51
In reply to this message
Hard disagree. Instagram for kids is nothing but good for society. Kids should have phones by age two. - An Inhabitant of Carcosa13:51Lol
- chinchilla optional
- 13:53AKA teach them to use tools not products. Dark patterns should be taught.
- zonked_worm
Tue, Feb 22 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional16:09
In reply to this message
I'm torn on flakes. I understand the problems they (are supposed to) solve, but it feels like a lot of boilerplate for most use cases. Flakes were also one of the first major RFCs in the nix community and despite being stable enough for a couple of years are just now starting to get any sort of adoption, probably because the UX(UI?) is not great. Libraries like flake-utils are pretty much required to use them.
I deleted a few paragraphs of technical opinions on flakes that I'm probably not qualified to provide, and likely wrong about. Suffice it to say that I'm not sold on them yet and have attempted several times to give them a fair shake.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa16:13I haven't even used nix, just saw relevant link and forwarded.
- chinchilla optional16:20Nixlang is quirky and difficult, nixpkgs has three standard libraries, and NixOS is a new paradigm. Best practices are still being worked out, and it's easy to over-architect complexity into things with all of the new powers that are available... Especially since there are still relatively few tools that can work with them, including editors (though emacs w/ rnix-lsp is probably the most advanced so far and the reason I learned emacs). Most NixOS configs seem to be 'how can I accomplish goal X with my current knowledge of the Nix ecosystem', often to the detriment of readability, maintainability, and the ability to easily share the configs with others.
- 16:24
In reply to this message
TFTL. I'm gonna give flakes another try following that post soon. Like many things in life (javascript, webapps, silicon valley), I get the problems they are trying to solve and how we got where we are. I could very well just not be smart enough to visualize what a flake-based system could look like despitenumerous examples. - 16:27But compare any flake-based config tomy configormy host configand mine feels much easier to work with going forward, and definitely requires much less manual configuration (almost zero).
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional
- 21:36Only 8x8 right now, but still super cool.
- lg0L21:52interesting!
- chinchilla optional21:55I figured you'd like it :D
Wed, Feb 23 2022
- chinchilla optional01:44 <-- another one for ya L
lg0 . It's packaged for nixos I'll test it tmw.
- 01:49The rigol software is horseshit. It barely works and its the kind of thing that makes your computer feel dirty just from installing it.
- lg0L09:45 stuffing 130hp into a cnc tool.
Thu, Feb 24 2022
- chinchilla optional
- 15:16Call me when they last a month on a charge.
- zonked_worm16:47I have modded pebble watch
- 16:47That lasts like a week or more
- zonked_worm
- 16:55Bring back physical buttons
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa16:56My watch lasts 10 years on a charge... (But its a retro 90s Casio)
- chinchilla optional
- 17:00The pebble seemed cool then it just disappeared
- 17:00Most of the cool mods for it happened once it died
- zonked_worm
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional
- 17:04I thought he had a custom PCB at one point too?
- 17:06Also inverted color LCDs
- chinchilla optional17:07Message deleted
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa17:09Neat, I also have a Seiko 5, which is mechanical, and wound by your motions during the day. But it doesn't keep very good time.
- chinchilla optional17:10Mechanical watches are some of the coolest things ever built, but a jellybean quartz crystal will keep better time than the best of them.
- 17:11You ever see clickspring?
- chinchilla optional17:17 <-- redirect outgoing calls to signal
- zonked_worm
Sat, Feb 26 2022
- chinchilla optional22:59 ^ Some of these kernel mods may be appropriate to add.
Mon, Feb 28 2022
- chinchilla optional11:47 <-- Coqui STT (🐸STT) is a fast, open-source, multi-platform, deep-learning toolkit for training and deploying speech-to-text models. 🐸STT is battle tested in both production and research <-- TTS is a library for advanced Text-to-Speech generation. It's built on the latest research, was designed to achieve the best trade-off among ease-of-training, speed and quality. 🐸TTS comes with pretrained models, tools for measuring dataset quality and already used in 20+ languages for products and research projects.
- chinchilla optional14:24 <--might not be OSHW anymore. Their new headset isn't on github
- chinchilla optional14:40
zonked_worm ain't letting me poach those links anymore lmao
- zonked_worm14:40
Tue, Mar 1 2022
- chinchilla optional03:48 <-- a server-side application acting as a gateway to Jitsi Meet conferences. Currently allows regular SIP clients to join meetings and provides transcription capabilities.
- chinchilla optional11:33 <-- awk but more go
- 11:34 <-- awk and yet nim
- 17:23chinchilla optional invited edisondotme
- chinchilla optional23:47 <-- The reference server implementation for the fmrl protocol
- 23:51 <-- gallery-dl is a command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites Youtube-dl but for pictures.
Wed, Mar 2 2022
- 00:01edisondotme joined the room
- chinchilla optional01:27 <-- This is a small utility that defines a payload, that, when loaded in your nix repl session, will prepopulate useful variables from your NixOS configuration
- 01:32 <-- another day another nixos deployment tool. Nixinate is a proof of concept that generates a deployment script for each nixosConfiguration you already have in your flake, which can be ran via nix run, thanks to the apps attribute of the flake schema.
Thu, Mar 3 2022
- chinchilla optional11:55 <-- Dark Crystal is a protocol for distributed data persistence and threshold-based consensus. It is based on a secure implementation of Shamir’s Secret Sharing and has multiple possible applications in security-oriented tools.
- chinchilla optional12:08 <-- a "webring" decentralized social network based around json, lots of supporting tools. Seems related to DAT/hypercore somehow. I don't quite understand it yet.
- chinchilla optional12:20 <-- decentralized database (looks similar to gundb?), offline-first with 0-latency r/w. Looks fairly early stage, light on docs, and no clearly documented architecture that I can find.
- chinchilla optional12:31 <-- Earthstar is a library for building online tools you truly own. Share/sync files with people you know. Any interface (CLI/web/native). Works offline. Undiscoverable. No blockchain. No tokens. Use one or many identities. Actually delete stuff. Temporary documents. Sneakernets. Always self-hosted. Servers optional. Free forever, in every sense. Author verification with ed25519. Protocol-agnostic sync. One identity across many devices. Multiwriter. Swappable storage drivers. Document write permissions. Works in the browser.
- 12:31^ looks pretty neat.
- chinchilla optional18:23 <-- A web extension that redirects popular sites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends and backends Actively-maintained fork of privacy redirect. Youtube => Piped, Invidious, FreeTube, Yattee, Piped-Material YoutubeMusic => Beatbump Twitter => Nitter Instagram => Bibliogram TikTok => ProxiTok Imgur => Rimgo Reddit => Libreddit, Teddit, Old Reddit, Mobile Reddit Search => SearX, Whoogle Translate => SimplyTranslate, LingvaTranslate Maps => OpenStreetMap Wikipedia => Wikiless Medium => Scribe
- 22:18chinchilla optional invited elementuser1000
- 22:19chinchilla optional made the room public to whoever knows the link.
- E22:24elementuser1000 joined the room
- elementuser1000E22:25Hi
- chinchilla optional22:34Message deleted
- chinchilla optional22:38UNFUNNY
- zonked_worm
Fri, Mar 4 2022
- chinchilla optional00:49 <-- Libchop is a set of utilities and library for data backup and distributed storage. Its main application is chop-backup, an encrypted backup program with several salient features:
- Encrypted. The backup data can safely be stored at an untrusted site without compromising its confidentiality.
- Tamper-proof. The backup's integrity is checked upon recovery.
- Distributable. Backup data can be written to more than one store.
- Shareable. Each directory/file in a snapshot is identified by a "tuple", which is necessary and sufficient to retrieve it. A tuple can be shared with others, which gives them access to the corresponding file/directory and only it.
- Versioned. The history of directory snapshots is recorded, at little cost.
- Compressed. Similar data among files or versions are coalesced. For each file type an appropriate compression method is chosen.
- Evolutive. The application is not bound to any storage, hash, encryption, or compression method. In fact, all these parameters can vary from file to file within a snapshot.
- chinchilla optional01:39 <-- Bupstash is a tool for encrypted backups - if you need secure backups, Bupstash is the tool for you.
Bupstash was designed to have:
- Efficient deduplication - Bupstash can store thousands of encrypted directory snapshots using a fraction of the space encrypted tarballs would require.
- Strong privacy - Data is encrypted client side and the repository never needs has access to the decryption keys.
- Offline decryption keys - Backups do not require the decryption key be anywhere near an at-risk server or computer.
- Key/value tagging with search - all while keeping the tags fully encrypted.
- Great performance on slow networks - Bupstash really strives to work well on high latency networks like cellular and connections to far-off lands.
- Secure remote access controls - Ransomware, angry spouses, and disgruntled business partners will be powerless to delete your remote backups.
- Efficient incremental backups - Bupstash knows what it backed up last time and skips that work.
- Fantastic performance with low ram usage - Bupstash won't bog down your production servers.
- Safety against malicious attacks - Bupstash is written in a memory safe language to dramatically reduce the attack surface over the network.
- 01:42 <-- Incremental backup with strong cryptographic confidentiality baked into the data model. In a small package, with no dependencies.
- Designed around public key cryptography such that decryption key can be kept offline, air-gapped.
- Backup to local or remote storage with arbitrary transport.
- Incremental update built on inode identity and hashed block contents, compatible with moving and reorganizing entire trees.
- Data deduplication.
- Low local storage requirements for change tracking -- roughly 56-120 bytes per file plus 0.1-5% of total data size.
- Live-streamable to storage. Compatible with append-only media. No local storage required for staging a backup that will be stored remotely.
- Optional support for blinded garbage-collection of blobs on the storage host side.
- Written entirely in C with no library dependencies. Requires no installation.
- Built on modern cryptographic primitives: Curve25519 ECDH, ChaCha20, and SHA-3.
- chinchilla optional01:56 <-- create error-resilient backups of data (able to survive hard disks' bad sectors, scratched CD/DVD backups, etc) Reed-solomon ECC backups. Includes a utility to create a reed-solomon strengthened FUSE filesystem.
- zonked_worm02:04Damn
- 02:04I was looking for something like this just the other day
- chinchilla optional02:05Glad I could be of service
- 02:050
0x00 links -- the best spam money can't buy
- zonked_worm02:0710/10 would not pay for again
- chinchilla optional02:08 <-- ChunkSync allows you to create space-efficient incremental backups of large files or block devices (encrypted disks, in particular) by splitting the data into a directory structure of chunk files which get hard-linked into new backup generations in case the contents of the respective chunk haven't changed (as judged by a SHA1 sum of the contents). This is similar to the way rsync's --link-dest option works, but a lot faster than using rsync on ChunkFS. In case of remote sources and/or destinations, ssh is used for invoking ChunkSync backends on the remote machines. The chunks themselves contain the bare backup data, so the original file's/device's contents can be restored by simply concatenating all the chunks from a backup tree. The layout of the tree is ChunkFS compatible, though, so the image can also be reconstructed using UnChunkFS, which is handy for restoring single files from a large filesystem image without first having to copy huge amounts of data, for example. <-- ChunkFS is a FUSE based filesystem that allows you to mount an arbitrary file or block device as a directory tree of files that each represent a chunk of user-specified size of the mounted file. The chunk size is global per mount, but at mount time any value can be specified. (If the file size isn't a multiple of the specified chunk size, the last file in the tree simply will be smaller than the chunk size.) Only read access is supported at the moment. UnChunkFS is the inversion of ChunkFS—it allows you to mount a ChunkFS tree (or a copy of it, of course), and gives you a single file named image that has the same contents as the file or device you created the tree from by mounting it as a ChunkFS.
- chinchilla optional04:26 <-- yet another webpage archiver. Browser extension that saves as a single file.
- chinchilla optional19:56 <-- word salad but impressive demo.
- chinchilla optional21:20 <-- Byzantine Fault Tolerant CRDT's and other Eventually Consistent Algorithms
Sat, Mar 5 2022
- chinchilla optional15:02 <-- Browser-to-browser networking built on WebTorrent. Web service bug-out bag. Easily send messages directly between browsers. Write servers that run in a browser tab. Host backend services without a VPS, domain or SSL cert. Easy to deploy & "self-hosted" servers by leaving a browser tab open. Client-server over WebRTC instead of HTTPS.
- chinchilla optional22:16 <-- Showcase for full mesh video chat powered by Matrix, implementing MSC3401.
- chinchilla optional22:28 <-- The IndieAuth spec began as a way to obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token for use by Micropub clients. It can be used to both obtain an access token, as well as authenticate users signing to any application Oauth but more decentralization
- 22:30 <-- FedCM is an active exploration into how to evolve the web as a result of the ongoing privacy-oriented changes in browsers. FedCM attempts to preserve and elevate identity federation (e.g. OpenID, OAuth and SAML) for a more private Web.
Sun, Mar 6 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- zonked_worm10:46YO
- 10:46That's sick
- 10:48keyboard reminds me a lot of the original GergoPlex
- 10:50or like the sweep
Mon, Mar 7 2022
- chinchilla optional13:28 <-- an alternative search engine Created in response to the environs of apathy concerning the use of hypertext search and discovery. In Lieu, the internet is not what is made searchable, but instead one's own neighbourhood. Put differently, Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.
- zonked_worm13:33I FORGOT ABOUT THAT
- 13:33great site
- 13:3315/10
- chinchilla optional13:34Message deleted
- chinchilla optional13:38 <-- search engine for the classic web <-- submit pages for indexing.
- 13:40 <-- An independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren't aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed.
- zonked_worm13:54immediately found some religious crackpots lmao
- 13:54the about page did not exxagerate
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm14:02LMAO
- chinchilla optional14:19Message deleted
- 14:21Message deleted
Tue, Mar 8 2022
- chinchilla optional00:26 <-- This is an alternative frontent to Reuters. It is intented to be lightweight and fast and was heavily inspired by Nitter.
- chinchilla optional08:48 <-- mp3fs is a read-only FUSE filesystem which transcodes between audio formats (currently FLAC to MP3) on the fly when files are opened and read. It can let you use a FLAC collection with software and/or hardware which only understands the MP3 format, or transcode files through simple drag-and-drop in a file browser.
- 08:50 <-- This FUSE file system allows the user to mount a directory tree as read-only and filter the files shown in the read-only directory tree based on regular expressions found in the rofs-filtered.rc configuration file. See the rofs-filtered.rc file for more details.
- chinchilla optional09:07 <-- LoggedFS is a fuse-based filesystem which can log every operations that happens in it. How does it work ? Fuse does almost everything. LoggedFS only sends a message to syslog when called by fuse and then let the real filesystem do the rest of the job.
- chinchilla optional09:14 <-- DungeonFS is a FUSE filesystem and dungeon crawling adventure game engine. lol
- chinchilla optional09:28 <-- gitfs is a FUSE file system that fully integrates with git. You can mount a remote repository's branch locally, and any subsequent changes made to the files will be automatically committed to the remote. gitfs was designed to bring the full powers of git to everyone, no matter how little they know about versioning. A user can mount any repository and all their changes will be automatically converted into commits. gitfs will also expose the history of the branch you're currently working on by simulating snapshots of every commit.
- chinchilla optional09:40 <-- Elfuse is a little experiment in implementing a dynamic Emacs module. The idea is to expose some of the libfuse possibilities to Emacs Lisp code.
In other words, it should now be possible to implement file systems in Emacs lisp!
- chinchilla optional09:50 <-- **ACTIVELY DEVELOPED** FUSE-based transcoding filesystem with video support from many formats to FLAC, MP4, TS, WebM, OGG, MP3, OPUS, MOV, ProRes, AIFF or WAV.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional09:55Message deleted
- 09:55Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm23:29very coolk
Thu, Mar 10 2022
- chinchilla optional00:52 <-- a realtime plotting utility for text mode consoles and terminals with data input from stdin / pipe takes data from standard input / unix pipeline, most commonly some tool like ping, snmpget, netstat, ip link, ifconfig, sar, vmstat, etc. and plots in text mode on a terminal in real time supports rate calculation for counters and up to two graphs on a single display using reverse video for second line, for example snmpget, ip link, rrdtool, etc:
- 00:54 <--WRP - Web Rendering Proxy A browser-in-browser "proxy" server that allows to use historical / vintage web browsers on the modern web. It works by rendering a web page in to a GIF or PNG image with clickable imagemap.
- 00:57 <-- Syncthing Cli
Stc is a command line tool for Syncthing. It can be used to quickly check status of Syncthing from a terminal / command line without need of a Web Browser. For example on a remote machine over ssh, without port forwarding or if you have large number of machines to query. Also run from a script, crontab, scheduled task, etc.
$ stc Host Uptime Version homenas 2 weeks v1.19.0 Folder Paused State Global Local pics false idle 37 GB 37 GB docs false idle 4 GB 4 GB backups false idle 86 GB 86 GB Device Paused Conn Sync% Download Upload office false true 100.0% 11 kB 11 kB laptop false false 83.2% 0 B 0 B jakob-home false true 100.0% 89 MB 447 kB backup-nas false true 100.0% 6.3 kB 7.0 kB *homenas false true 100.0% 0 B 0 B
- chinchilla optional01:18 <-- A point to point color terminal video chat
- 01:18Might be the most important piece of software in the last century
- 01:21I stand corrected.
- 01:24 <-- Hentai@Home (H@H) is an open-source Peer-2-Peer gallery distribution system which reduces the load on the E-Hentai Galleries.
- lg0L08:26porn >.<
- chinchilla optional13:29 <-- Belnet is the reference implementation of LLARP (low latency anonymous routing protocol), a layer 3 onion routing protocol. <-- High-level LLARP overview ("What if I2P was made in the current year (2018)? What would be different?") <-- LLARP spec
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa13:37Reading the high level belnet docs, I was afraid that every node acted as an exit node (in tor terms). But I see that every node acts as a relay, but you must opt in to being an exit node. So that's not so bad.
- chinchilla optional14:24
I was afraid that every node acted as an exit node
The tribler strategy (or it used to be)
- 14:24i2p does relay by default
- 14:24I think that's a fair thing to do -- if you're gonna run the network you can bounce packets
- 14:25Helps with sybil resistance
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional14:27I read some pretty horrifying overviews of it wrt terrible defaults, but can't find them now. Maybe they got better, maybe my memory is just shit, maybe the bad stuff is lost to time, or maybe it's maybeline
- 14:28
In reply to this message
I'd imagine mobile clients will disable it by default. Does linux have a 'metered network' flag like winders does? - An Inhabitant of Carcosa14:33
In reply to this message
Not across the board. NetworkManager does, but it's up to apps to respect it. All the Gnome infra does. - chinchilla optional14:36
For instance, Tribler added a new feature called the Torrent Checker in Tribler version 7.3 released in August 2019. The Torrent Checker would check the swarm status of randomly selected torrents in the Tribler discovery service. Unfortunately, the new feature didn’t utilize Tribler’s onion routing for the health checks, and it would simply query DHT and tracking services for the status of random torrents. To services that track DHT queries, it would appear as you were interested in downloading these random torrents.
- 14:36
The Torrent Checker was seriously ill-conceived, you were opted in by default, and there was no off-switch for it on the settings page. This feature could get you into serious legal troubles, disappeared, or even result in the capital penalty (depending on your jurisdiction, of course) over illegal materials you never downloaded or even knew existed.
- 14:37Single hop 'onion routing' by default so the exit node knows everything you downloaded. oof.
- 14:39So much 'privacy' software, even in the foss world, is either snake oil, academia looking for relevance, ill-conceived, or just unprincipled. There's good stuff, but the snr is pretty low. I think the best bet is a lot of unix-type 'do one thing' softwares organized in a coherent (functional) way.
- 14:40
In reply to this message
NetworkManager is so heavy, argh. I use it on my laptop but on nonportables I have the wifi hardcoded and pass on it. - chinchilla optional23:38 <-- tor memory fragmentation/leak fixed with
environment.memoryAllocator.provider = "jemalloc"
Fri, Mar 11 2022
- chinchilla optional00:00 <-- Lints and suggestions for the Nix programming language. statix check highlights antipatterns in Nix code. statix fix can fix several such occurrences. For the time-being, statix works only with ASTs produced by the rnix-parser crate and does not evaluate any nix code (imports, attr sets etc.).
- chinchilla optional00:24 <-- nixos flake + hm config with some interesting ideas.
Ugly but could be a generic wrapper (w/niv
?) for any binary (usenix-index
) - chinchilla optional00:51Message deleted
- chinchilla optional00:58 <-- Real-time microphone noise suppression on Linux. NoiseTorch is an easy to use open source application for Linux with PulseAudio or PipeWire. It creates a virtual microphone that suppresses noise, in any application. Use whichever conferencing or VOIP application you like and simply select the NoiseTorch Virtual Microphone as input to torch the sound of your mechanical keyboard, computer fans, trains and the likes. Maybe combine with musnix to lower latency? <-- realtime audio in nixos
- chinchilla optional01:06Message deleted
- chinchilla optional12:01 <-- modular computer. Incredible, worth watching all the way through because it keeps getting better. He hides his power level really well at the beginning.
- zonked_worm12:10Getting a 502 error
- chinchilla optional12:11 <-- common lisp os
- zonked_worm12:11Is that on my end?
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa12:11I get it, too.
- chinchilla optional12:12Not anymore
- 12:12Invidious started getting super finnicky this week
- zonked_worm12:13Rip
- chinchilla optional12:15Good thing there's an unlimited number of YouTube interfaces
- zonked_worm12:17
In reply to this message
I had a long conversation wit a friend about pockit and I'm not totally convinced of non gimmiky use cases - 12:17Or the robustness of the modular blocks
- 12:17The software is very cool tho
- chinchilla optional12:22That one specifically might not be the answer, but modular and flexible is. That's how we're gonna out-maneuver the dinosaurs.frame.worklaptop is 'modular' but it's just USB-C with a defined form factor. ezpz, and you could just plug a cord in to fit bigger stuff if necessary.
- 12:23That's where I see nixos fitting in, on the software side, or a lisp os if that ever becomes a thing.
- 12:24But regardless of commercial viability, a ton of work and thought clearly went into it, and I'm impressed.
- 12:25It's the time for new ideas and new paradigms. Anyone or anything that doesn't conform to the norm is probably worth paying attention to.
- zonked_worm12:25That i can agree with
- chinchilla optional12:26Maybe some hentai website will just casually invent a diy cdn, who knows
- zonked_worm12:26I'm less concerned with commercial viability and more with longeviety
- chinchilla optional12:26Understood, poor wording on my end.
- zonked_worm12:26I think what we really need is advances in the permacomputing front
- 12:27Which is more about effective reuse and extensability of existing hardware
- 12:27Rathre then entirely new platforms
- 12:27Although it is fucking sick
- chinchilla optional12:27
- zonked_worm12:28Lmao
- chinchilla optional12:28We need both. As new ideas come new use cases will emerge.
- zonked_worm12:29Rathre sounds like the name of a military contractor
- chinchilla optional12:29I have no idea why 'use old laptops as servers' isn't the norm.
- 12:30You even get a battery backup and a screen/kb.
- 12:30low noise, low space, low amount of cables.
- zonked_worm12:31Yeah
- chinchilla optional12:31I have two family members running my nixos fork, both were on laptops they had from an old job.
- zonked_worm12:31On the topic of servers I have 5 full sized rack mount servers from thr early 2000s
- 12:31Just kinda sitting here doing nothing
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm12:34Lol
- 12:34Oh shit
- 12:34Just remembered somethi g
- 12:34One sec
- chinchilla optional
- lg0L12:35
chinchilla optional: there's still better x86 support than arm at the moment.
- 12:35:|
- 12:36i'ed run arm if i could get a few 100Gs of ram for anything approaching anything reasonable.
- zonked_worm
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm
- 12:40Haha
- 12:40I fucking found it
- chinchilla optional12:42 <-- An operating system written in Common Lisp
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional13:10 <-- Multiple USB File Flasher
- 13:12
In reply to this message
There's a ton of documentation written for this (, is there anywhere that it's already compiled/readable? - 13:16
Basically, I think of SICL as a collection of modules, implementing various parts of the Common Lisp standard. The difference between those modules and existing modules in other implementations has to do with modern programming practice, test, documentation, and especially implementation-independence.
A large part of SICL is Cleavir, an implementation-independent framework for writing Common Lisp compilers. It uses CLOS to allow implementations to customize it for their needs. And I plan to implement a bunch of standard compiler-optimization techniques on intermediate code, plus some of my own. I don't think it has ever been attempted before to write an implementation-independent compiler for Common Lisp. The compiler is a big, customizable module though. The word "framework" is more appropriate. And it exists. Clasp is using it for its good compiler.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa13:18Yeah, no idea. This is the Lisp implementation to be used for CLOSOS, fwiw, and any work on CLOSOS is waiting on SICL to be finished.
- chinchilla optional13:20SICL is still kicking ass it looks like, last commit 8 hours ago.
- 13:2025k
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa13:29Yeah, it's a big project.
- chinchilla optional13:50 <-- OpenXuantie - several open source risc-v Cores <-- aosp patches to run on the above chips/cores.
Sat, Mar 12 2022
- chinchilla optional22:05 <-- Hunchentoot is a web server written in Common Lisp and at the same time a toolkit for building dynamic websites.
Sun, Mar 13 2022
- chinchilla optional14:48 <-- ZFS on a single core RISC-V hardware with 512MB (Sipeed Lichee RV D1) L
- lg0L15:41well thats neat. but the real challenge is raid repair.
Mon, Mar 14 2022
- chinchilla optional12:28 A command-line and offline-first smolnet browser/feed reader for Gemini, Gopher, Spartan and Web by Ploum. The goal of Offpunk is to be able to synchronise your content once (a day, a week, a month) and then browse/organise it while staying disconnected.
- 12:30 <-- A secure, stable and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust rathole, like frp and ngrok, can help to expose the service on the device behind the NAT to the Internet, via a server with a public IP. Hh Peiformance Much higher throughput can be achieved than frp, and more stable when handling a large volume of connections. See Benchmark Low Resource Consumption Consumes much fewer memory than similar tools. See Benchmark. The binary can be as small as ~500KiB to fit the constraints of devices, like embedded devices as routers. Security Tokens of services are mandatory and service-wise. The server and clients are responsible for their own configs. With the optional Noise Protocol, encryption can be configured at ease. No need to create a self-signed certificate! TLS is also supported. Hot Reload Services can be added or removed dynamically by hot-reloading the configuration file. HTTP API is WIP.
- chinchilla optional19:58 <-- Create a website from a git repository in one click
Tue, Mar 15 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa09:16 (Holy crap!)
- chinchilla optional
- 12:41This just reinforces my thoughts that emacsOS or an emacs pubnix needs to be a thing
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa12:43This kind of thing really makes me wish Emacs had been written in Common Lisp.
- 12:44I'm moving SVN repositories to git today.
- chinchilla optional12:50 <-- Emacs standing alone on a Linux Kernel
- 12:50
In reply to this message
Good luck. Can svn be easily migrated to git or will you be losing things? - An Inhabitant of Carcosa12:51Oh, yeah, git-svn can check out an SVN repository as a git repository, and then you just push that to a bare origin.
- 12:51It's just a little slow is all.
- chinchilla optional12:51Oh cool
- 12:52I've been playing with `jj`, it seems nice once you manage to get going
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa12:56Important milestone: sometime this spring, I will have been using Emacs for 30 years.
- chinchilla optional13:44O.o
- 13:48I have friends younger than that.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa14:11Yeah... I've been using Emacs a year longer than I've known my wife.
- chinchilla optional16:55Message deleted
- chinchilla optional18:05 <-- Devzat is chat over SSH.
Wed, Mar 16 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional08:04 <--cURL for Distributed Web
- Gemini
- hypercore
- chinchilla optional08:21Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
Thu, Mar 17 2022
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional17:39 <-- A fzf terminal UI for systemctl
- 17:40^ FZF already does something kinda similar w/ tab completion.
Fri, Mar 18 2022
- zonked_worm
- 03:39Cuz i've used some small qwerty boards but never an ortholinear one
- 03:39And a small ortholinear boars seems like it would be uncomfortable but maybe i'm wrong
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa07:40I do not. I've heard that many people like it eventually, but it's a huge adjustment, and moving between ortholinear and staggered keyboards in regular use is difficult.
- chinchilla optional16:24 <--Alexandria.orgis a non-profit, ad free search engine. Our goal is to provide the best available information without compromise. The index is built on data from Common Crawl and the engine is written in C++. The source code is available here.
- 16:25 We-- build and maintain an open repository of web crawl data that can be accessed and analyzed by anyone.
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional19:37 -- "Finally a smart RSS reader which doesn't suck ass or your data."
- 19:38> Nunti has been built with the firm belief that there is no reason to process or store any personal data in the cloud. As such Nunti never sends any of your data anywhere, and the only internet connections it makes are GET requests to your rss feeds.
- chinchilla optional19:57 <-- Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
- chinchilla optional21:04 -- Edrys is an online live teaching app and a collaborative ecosystem for remote teaching. Modular: Build your class by combining Modules or make your own with an easy real-time API Live Classrooms: Click on a student to talk to them, or create rooms and drag students in & out Collaborative: Classes and Modules are simple JSON files that are easy to share between educators Download & Run: No setups, containers, or databases to set up. Edrys servers are fully self-contained Privacy-Friendly: Passwordless auth with minimal user PII stored Fast & Modern: Based on Deno and Vue with a deliberately small codebase Free and Open Source, forever: No paywalled features or lock-in With modular architecture anything is possible. A whiteboard, a discussion forum, polls, or even remote Arduino programming, are all easily encapsulated into shareable modules.
- 21:06 -- This module uses WebSerial to allow access to a live serial terminal hosted by a station. It is useful for creating Remote Labs (eg. allowing students to access an Arduino serial terminal remotely).
- 21:10 -- This module allows teachers and students to collaborate over some code and "run" it in some form. It is meant to be used with stations, where commands are going to be run using the the Command Runner Agent, for example to upload code to an embedded device or run it on locally and return the result.
- chinchilla optional21:32 -- This list features alternative clients, SDKs, tools, bots and datasets to improve or build upon the default user experience across various social media platforms. Also included are solutions that repurpose social media platforms and their content in elevated ways. No dead or broken projects - all apps in this list are checked automatically weekly for OK response and will be removed following failure. Open source projects must not be archived and must show recent commit activity (<= 12 months) to be included. No sketchy extensions that must be run in dev mode.
- 21:34 -- Downloading deleted Tweets from the Wayback Machine, made easy
- 21:35 Ad & JavaScript free Torrent results from popular torrent sites Special queries (e.g.: 1 btc to usd , what does xyz mean etc.) Tracking snippets from URLs are removed Image results are converted to base64 to prevent clients from connecting to Google servers Supports both POST and GET requests Popular social media sites (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter) are replaced with privacy friendly front-ends Easy to use JSON API for developers No 3rd party libs are used Easy to setup
Sat, Mar 19 2022
- chinchilla optional15:05 -- BGP implementation in Rust The mission is to develop a high-performance and safe BGP implementation; an experiment to implement aged and rusty BGP protocol in a modern language. RustyBGP is much faster than other OSS implementations. One reason of the high peformance is that RustyBGP is designed to exploit multicore processors. L
lg0 ^
- lg0L15:06interesting
- 15:07wow 250~seconds for 100 neighbors @ 800K routes each ().o
- chinchilla optional15:20
Tristan B. Kildaire too if they ever let you out of your cage
- chinchilla optional
- 15:36 bgp in go too L
- 15:36Same group
Sun, Mar 20 2022
- chinchilla optional00:32 <-- Humble UI is a desktop UI framework for Clojure.
Mon, Mar 21 2022
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa08:42
It looks a little primitive now, but I like the ideas. It's something I could see myself using someday.
I do kind of wish people were working on cross-platform GUI toolkits that weren't tied to a specific language. I guess that implies an implementation in C with FFI bindings, and no one wants to use C.
- chinchilla optional12:16 Very high end RISC-V implementation, cloud server class, out of order, super scalar, speculative, up to 8 IPC
- lg0L12:19().0
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional12:22Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- 12:26> 5 clock branch misprediction penalty (often less or zero depending on what’s in the pipeline - mispredictions caught deep in the pipeline can be resolved at effectively 0 cost)
- lg0L12:29reducing the arch supported opp code would be easier to audit and less legacy to roll forward.
- 12:30I think intel is as something like 1800 op codes at the moment?
- chinchilla optional12:39Plus however many backdoor opcodes
- chinchilla optional16:35 -- The Math-based Grand Unified Programming Theory: The Pure Function Pipeline Data Flow with Principle-based Warehouse/Workshop Model This is a weird one. The english is pretty hard to parse, and the author thinks apple plagarized his work for the M1, lol. Clearly not all there, but which of us are? That said, I am gonna read this again later.
- chinchilla optional16:47 -- Microprocess Architecture gitbook
- 16:47 -- Polylith is a software architecture that applies functional thinking at the system scale. It helps us build simple, maintainable, testable, and scalable backend systems.
- 16:52Do any of y'all know how to clone a gitbook or at least rip it??
- chinchilla optional16:56Message deleted
- chinchilla optional17:22 -- An open source tool used to develop Polylith based architectures in Clojure. This tool is made by developers for developers with the goal to maximise productivity and increase the quality of the systems we write. It supports your build pipeline, but is not a build tool itself. Polylith introduces the architectural concept of “service level building blocks”, which can be combined like LEGO bricks to build our services and systems. Polylith’s LEGO-like bricks are easy to reason about, test, refactor, and reuse. They allow us to work with all our code in one place for maximum productivity, using a single REPL
- 17:24 -- A full-fledged RealWorld server (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) built with Clojure, Polylith, and Ring, including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
- 17:24 -- See how the exact sameMedium.comclone (called Conduit) is built using different frontends and backends. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all adhere to the same API spec
- chinchilla optional17:36 -- Babashka is a native Clojure interpreter for scripting with fast startup. Its main goal is to leverage Clojure in places where you would be using bash otherwise.
As one user described it:
I’m quite at home in Bash most of the time, but there’s a substantial grey area of things that are too complicated to be simple in bash, but too simple to be worth writing a clj/s script for. Babashka really seems to hit the sweet spot for those cases.
Tue, Mar 22 2022
- chinchilla optional01:46 -- MapMap is a free video mapping software. Projection mapping, also known as video mapping and spatial augmented reality, is a projection technology used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings. By using specialized software, a two or three dimensional object is spatially mapped on the virtual program which mimics the real environment it is to be projected on. The software can interact with a projector to fit any desired image onto the surface of that object. This technique is used by artists and advertisers alike who can add extra dimensions, optical illusions, and notions of movement onto previously static objects. The video is commonly combined with, or triggered by, audio to create an audio-visual narrative.
- chinchilla optional06:11 -- Two Man (2 Person) Authentication for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module).
- 06:16 -- pwncat is a post-exploitation platform. It started out as a wrapper around basic bind and reverse shells and has grown from there. It streamlines common red team operations while staging code from your attacker machine, not the target.
pwncat used to only support Linux, but there has been a lot of work recently to support multiple platforms. Currently, there is alpha support for Windows targets.
pwncat intercepts the raw communication with a remote shell and allows the user to perform automated actions on the remote host including enumeration, implant installation and even privilege escalation.
After receiving a connection, pwncat will setup some common configurations for working with remote shells.
Disable history in the remote shell Normalize shell prompt Locate useful binaries (using which) Attempt to spawn a pseudo-terminal (pty) for a full interactive session
pwncat knows how to spawn pty's with a few different methods and will cross-reference the methods with the executables previously enumerated. After spawning a pty, it will setup the controlling terminal in raw mode, so you can interact in a similar fashion to ssh.
pwncat will also synchronize the remote pty settings (such as rows, columns, TERM environment variable) with your local settings to ensure the shell behaves correctly with interactive applications such as vim or nano.
John Hammond and I presented pwncat at GRIMMCon. Our presentation, which can be found on YouTube This video demonstrates an early version of the API and interface. Please refer to the documentation for up to date usage and API documentation!
- 06:19 -- look into these kernel args
Wed, Mar 23 2022
- chinchilla optional01:14 -- Small library for creating sophisticated Bash functions from Nix declarations
- 01:140 stars 0 forks I'm like a FOSS hipster now
- 01:15I only use non-gmo locally sourced cruelty free software
- chinchilla optional22:28 -- Timeliner is a personal data aggregation utility. It collects all your digital things from pretty much anywhere and stores them on your own computer, indexes them, and projects them onto a single, unified timeline. The intended purpose of this tool is to help preserve personal and family history.
- chinchilla optional23:07 -- A trivial script to generate an epub from a list of man pages
- chinchilla optional23:13 -- convert ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs
- chinchilla optional23:32 -- This program is a filter that reads man(7)-formatted nroff man pages and outputs Markdown. It can be used to automatically convert man page files to Markdown README files.
Thu, Mar 24 2022
- chinchilla optional02:33 -- Teclis is a search engine for finding interesting, unique results on 'clean' websites. Teclis is not a Google replacement, and works best for research and discovery with broad(er) search phrases like the examples above. For a full Google replacement, that incorporates Teclis, check Kagi.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa08:06Neat. I wonder how it compares
- 17:41azizLIGHT joined the room
Fri, Mar 25 2022
- chinchilla optional02:09 -- A Nix DSL for defining DNS zones
This repository provides:
NixOS-style module definitions that describe DNS zones and records in them. A DSL that simplifies describing your DNS zones.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
Sat, Mar 26 2022
- chinchilla optional22:23 -- The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service. Shaarli is a minimalist link sharing service that you can install on your own server. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. Demo Instance (U:demo/P:demo): Docs:
- 22:27I used to keep an offline pi/thermal printer on my desk at work that I used to print paper wallets back when bitcoin was fun.
Sun, Mar 27 2022
- chinchilla optional01:17 -- OliveTin gives safe and simple access to predefined shell commands from a web interface. Safely give access to commands, for less technical people; eg: Give your family a button to podman restart plex eg: Give junior admins a simple web form with dropdowns, to start your custom {{ customerName }} Lightweight on resources - uses only a few MB of RAM and barely any CPU. Written in Go, with a web interface written as a modern, responsive, Single Page App that uses the REST/gRPC API. Docs: Website:
- chinchilla optional11:29 -- Optar stands for OPTical ARchiver. It's a codec for encoding data on paper or free software 2D barcode in other words. Optar fits 200kB on an A4 page, then you print it with a laser printer. If you want to read the recording, scan it with a scanner and feed into the decoder program. A practical level of reliability is ensured using forward error correction code (FEC). Automated processing of page batches facilitates storage of files larger than 200kB.
- zonked_worm11:30Very fucking cool
- 11:31Using the adf for larger files is a great idea
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional11:45Message deleted
- 11:45Message deleted
- 11:46Message deleted
- chinchilla optional11:51 -- 6-bit cimbar image contains 9300 raw bytes of data, and 7500 bytes with the default error correction level (30) for 7-bit cimbar, the respective numbers are 10850 and 8750
- chinchilla optional11:51Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm11:59
In reply to this message
My main issue with cimbar is that it requires an electronic device to transmit data - 12:01Optar let's you generate static physical printouts and reading back that data requires only one device
- 12:01Which is a huge plus
- 12:02Jabcode also seems very cool but the amount of data stored by Optar is unmatched
- chinchilla optional
- 12:17Cimbar is a 1024 grid, pretty sure if scaled up to a4 it'd outperform the others in density.
- zonked_worm12:17But can it be printed?
- chinchilla optional12:17But colors fade. For longer term I'd do monochrome
- zonked_worm12:18I'm pretty sure Cimbar codes are inherently non static
- chinchilla optional12:19Are they?
- zonked_worm12:19Maybe I'm wrong
- 12:19Tbh i haven't really invested a lot of time reading about them
- 12:20Because what i did read seemed kinda meh and not super practical (within this inherently impractical paradigm lol)
- 12:23Cimbar is also really fucking slow
- 12:25And more importantly needs to be actively monitored during data transfer
- 12:25Nothing beats set it and forget it data transfer
- 12:26Because then even if it takes a long time you can just go do other things
- chinchilla optional
- 12:28Looks like you can get a pretty decent density there, but I don't really understand the module thing.
- zonked_worm13:00Yeah
- 13:00Me neither
- chinchilla optional23:30 -- Torrents.csv is a collaborative git repository of torrents, consisting of a single, searchable torrents.csv file. Its initially populated with a January 2017 backup of the pirate bay, and new torrents are periodically added from various torrents sites. It comes with a self-hostable webserver, a command line search, and a folder scanner to add torrents.
- 23:30I really like that. I have been sketching out a git-based namesystem for a while.
Mon, Mar 28 2022
- chinchilla optional00:56 -- Nabarr monitors Newznab/Torznab RSS feeds to find new media to add to Sonarr and or Radarr.
- chinchilla optional05:35 -- FlareSolverr is a proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection. How it works FlareSolverr starts a proxy server and it waits for user requests in an idle state using few resources. When some request arrives, it uses puppeteer with the stealth plugin to create a headless browser (Firefox). It opens the URL with user parameters and waits until the Cloudflare challenge is solved (or timeout). The HTML code and the cookies are sent back to the user, and those cookies can be used to bypass Cloudflare using other HTTP clients.
- edisondotme
- 13:13I encoded an image to base64 and then encoded that text into a jabcode image. Why? Because
- zonked_worm
- 13:56Amazing
- chinchilla optional
Wed, Mar 30 2022
- chinchilla optional03:38 -- search engine for blogs.
- chinchilla optional16:15 -- gitsync-nncp is a program to help you keep git directories in sync – asynchronously, with an arbitrary number of other machines.
- 16:15^ no master branch, looks similar to how git-ssb works.
- 16:15I wonder if using jj could simplify it.
- chinchilla optional16:26 -- Queue up Youtube downloads through youtube-dl over NNCP.
- 16:30 -- nmail lets you send and receive mail via NNCP. nmail assumes that all NNCP nodes live in a single TLD .nncp. nmail works in conjunction with your MTA to route mail messages meant for a .nncp address to a neighbor node through nncp-exec. nmail also has a receiving mode which munges headers in the incoming mail so that replies to the mail from your MUA should be routed to an appropriate .nncp domain, which can then be routed by nmail and nncp-exec to your destination.
- An Inhabitant of Carcosa
- chinchilla optional16:38 -- Kiwix is an offline reader for Web content. One of its main purpose is to make Wikipedia available offline. This is done by reading the content of a file in the ZIM format, a highly compressed open format with additional meta-data. This is the version for Android. (More platforms available on github)
- chinchilla optional
- 16:47A bit more complex than it needs to be but looks generally right.
- chinchilla optional19:39 -- Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. You don't need to write any code to create a simple story with Twine, but you can extend your stories with variables, conditional logic, images, CSS, and JavaScript when you're ready. Twine publishes directly to HTML, so you can post your work nearly anywhere. Anything you create with it is completely free to use any way you like, including for commercial purposes.
Thu, Mar 31 2022
- zonked_worm01:43Twine is pretty great
- 01:43If you want to try our a twine game I can solidly reccomend Depression Quest
- 01:44There's alsp a shocking large amount of writing about the cultural impact of Twine that's pretty interesting
- 01:46Another game engine with simmilar goals to twine (accessability, crossplatform support through publishing to HTML, and a minimal approach to game dev overall) but a vastly different approach is
- 01:47
In reply to this message
Not to mention the fact that the insame Gamergate bullshit started with a twine game - chinchilla optional01:58
In reply to this message -- Bitsy is a little editor for games, worlds, or stories. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk around and talk to people and be somewhere! - 01:59I vaguely remember GameSpot being paid off for good reviews or something
- zonked_worm02:00Yeah basically that was bullshit
- 02:00A bucha 4channers just wqnted to bully someone until they killed themselves
- 02:02If you want to dive into the insane nonsence I reccomend this vid
- 02:03Also Zoë Quinn's book Crash Override talks about some of this stuff
- 02:04Arguably their comic Goddess Mode is abstractly autpbiographical depending on your interpretation and understanding that it is Highly incomplete
- 02:05Video Games for Humans is one of the book i was thinking of that talks about Twine
- 02:06And "The State of Play" also discusses Twine and gamergate if I remember correctly
- 02:08As a queer woman myself Gamergate, it's effects and the culture it represents keeps me up at night
- 02:08Truoy terrifying stuff
- chinchilla optional19:29This was right around the time the dystopia of corporate online culture started hitting me pretty hard. Whenever r/kia links got big it was usually shitting on journalists, which is a topic I'm pretty sympathetic with. I'm not really sure where they fit in with gamergate except that reddit liked to say they were related. I looked into zoe quinn a bit back in the day but the propaganda surrounding gamergate was just exhausting to weed through, though I did come away with a negative impression. Typing this out, the twine thing is kind of coming back to me. Like there was some retarded gatekeeping about it not being real games or something... Tribes have existed as long as vidya have. IDK both sides made me feel super uncomfortable while all of that was going on. Everyone involved seemed all too happy to participate in the culture war.
- chinchilla optional19:38
In reply to this message
You might want to step back a bit if this is the source of your sleep issues. Nothing on the internet is going to change who you are unless you let them. - zonked_worm20:11It is not the source of my sleep issues (it's in there somewhere but maybe just like top 100) but I appreciate the sentiment ❤️
- 20:11Also reading about it and writing about it has really helped
- 20:12I have a buncha unpublished essays i wrote on the subject that were very theraputic to put together
- chinchilla optional20:12rubbah duckeh
- zonked_worm20:12Message deleted
- 20:13Message deleted
- chinchilla optional20:13Message deleted
- chinchilla optional
- zonked_worm20:13Oh sick
- 20:14Yeah exactly that
- chinchilla optional
- chinchilla optional22:07 -- Solar Protocol is a web platform hosted across a network of solar-powered servers set up in different locations around the world. A solar-powered server is a computer that is powered by a solar panel and a small battery. Each server can only offer intermittent connectivity that is dependent on available sunshine, the length of day and local weather conditions. When connected as a network, the servers coordinate to serve a website from whichever of them is enjoying the most sunshine at the time. Content atsolarprotocol.netis served by whichever server in our network is in the most sunlight at a given time. (We are basing this off of the solar module wattage.) Right now this website is being delivered to you from the Caddie in Control server located in Coal City. This website may look different depending on which server is displaying this website. That’s because the people stewarding each server can choose to customize their local version of this website. These variations in design and content are visible when their server is the active server. The appearance of this website is also energy responsive. Our software changes the styling and resolution of the media on this website according to how much energy is stored in the battery of the active server. This means it may look different at different times of the day or depending on the seasons of the year. If the battery level at the active server is low, this website is displayed in low resolution mode, without images. This reduces the size of the page and therefore the energy required to send it to people who are looking at it on the internet. If more stored energy is available, the site will appear at a higher resolution with heavier media such as images and graphics.
- chinchilla optional22:25 -- Ouinet is a Free/Open Source technology which allows web content to be served with the help of an entire network of cooperating nodes using peer-to-peer routing and distributed caching of responses. This helps mitigate the Web's characteristic single point of failure due to a client application not being able to connect to a particular server.