0x00 links
Other things that might mesh well with the computer system of the future. Whether software, hardware, or best practices.
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  1. chinchilla optional
  2. https://github.com/papatangosierra/serifu -- Serifu is a simple markup language for composing comic book scripts (in particular, translations of Japanese manga) as plain text in such a way that they may be parsed by software into a predictable and useful structure.
  3. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  4. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  5. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/barthr/redo -- Redo is a command line application to easily create reusable functions in your own shell. Think of redo like an interactive way combine multiple commands from your shell history in a single command. This can be handy for quickly re-doing multiple commands
  6. https://github.com/erichs/composure -- Composure: don't fear the Unix chainsaw These light-hearted functions make programming the shell easier and more intuitive: Transition organically from command, to function, to script Use an unobtrusive help system with arbitrary shell metadata Automatically version and store your shell functions with Git
  7. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/rprinz08/hBPF -- hBPF = eBPF in hardware lg0 ^
  8. chinchilla optional
    https://breezethat.com/ -- Breeze is a search engine
  9. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    A 286 with LTE? Incredible.
  10. zonked_worm

    In reply to this message

    Love this
  11. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/nullitics/nullitics -- Minimalist open-source web analytics
  12. chinchilla optional
  13. >wireworld has entered the chat
  14. chinchilla optional
    https://tromp.github.io/cl/diagrams.html -- Lambda Diagrams are a graphical notation for closed lambda terms, in which abstractions (lambdas) are represented by horizontal lines, variables by vertical lines emanating down from their binding lambda, and applications by horizontal links connecting the leftmost variables. In the alternative style, applications link the nearest deepest variables, for a more stylistic, if less uniform, look.
  15. https://github.com/polux/lambda-diagrams -- An implementation of John Tromp's lambda diagrams graphical notation for lambda terms. It reads a lambda term on the standard input and renders an animation of its evaluation.
  16. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/zineland/zine -- Zine - a simple and opinionated tool to build your own magazine. Mobile-first. Intuitive and elegant magazine design. Best reading experiences. Theme customizable, extend friendly. RSS Feed supported. Open Graph Protocol supported. Build into a static website, hosting anywhere.
  17. chinchilla optional
    Not really sure what that adds over any other static site generator
  18. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/AnalogJ/lexicon -- Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized way.

    12# Create a TXT entry in domain.net zone hosted by CloudFlare
    lexicon cloudflare create domain.net TXT --name foo --content bar
  19. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/vi-tality/neomacs -- A pretty good Emacs distribution, packaged as a Nix Flake.
  20. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Ah, Doom based.
  21. chinchilla optional

    Ah, Doom based.

    Yeah :/ Still searching for a good way to reproducably emacs

  22. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/alphacep/vosk-api -- Vosk Speech Recognition Toolkit Vosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognition for 20+ languages and dialects - English, Indian English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian, Dutch, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Farsi, Filipino, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Swedish, Japanese, Esperanto, Hindi, Czech. More to come. Vosk models are small (50 Mb) but provide continuous large vocabulary transcription, zero-latency response with streaming API, reconfigurable vocabulary and speaker identification. Speech recognition bindings implemented for various programming languages like Python, Java, Node.JS, C#, C++ and others. Vosk supplies speech recognition for chatbots, smart home appliances, virtual assistants. It can also create subtitles for movies, transcription for lectures and interviews. https://alphacephei.com/vosk/ Vosk scales from small devices like Raspberry Pi or Android smartphone to big clusters.
  23. https://github.com/maxkrieger/voiceliner -- A voice memos-like for Android and iOS. Written in Flutter. Transcription on iOS uses the native transcription APIs (mostly on-device) and on Android, uses Vosk. The codebase is still quite messy, but contributions welcome!
  24. chinchilla optional
    https://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/ -- neo-coreutils chronic: runs a command quietly unless it fails combine: combine the lines in two files using boolean operations errno: look up errno names and descriptions ifdata: get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output ifne: run a program if the standard input is not empty isutf8: check if a file or standard input is utf-8 lckdo: execute a program with a lock held mispipe: pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first parallel: run multiple jobs at once pee: tee standard input to pipes sponge: soak up standard input and write to a file ts: timestamp standard input vidir: edit a directory in your text editor vipe: insert a text editor into a pipe zrun: automatically uncompress arguments to command
  25. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/Stypox/dicio-android -- Dicio is a free and open source voice assistant running on Android. It supports many different skills and input/output methods, and it provides both speech and graphical feedback to a question. It uses Vosk for speech to text. It has multilanguage support, and is currently available in these languages: English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish. Open to contributions :-D
  26. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/claudiodangelis/qrcp -- Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
  27. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  28. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/natesales/q -- A tiny command line DNS client with support for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH, DoQ and ODoH
  29. https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1022 -- This paper initiates research on zero-knowledge middleboxes (ZKMBs). A ZKMB is a network middlebox that enforces network usage policies on encrypted traffic. Clients send the middlebox zero-knowledge proofs that their traffic is policy-compliant; these proofs reveal nothing about the client’s communication except that it complies with the policy. We show how to make ZKMBs work with unmodified encrypted-communication protocols (specifically TLS 1.3), making ZKMBs invisible to servers.
  30. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/verlab/hero_common#creative-commons -- This project contributes to an open source ROS-based framework for swarm robotics. We propose an low cost ($18), high availability swarm system that could be printed and assembled multiple times without special knowledge or hardware skills.
  31. chinchilla optional
    https://birdnetpi.com/ -- birdsong identification 24/7 recording from any USB sound card/microphone 24/7 local BirdNET-Lite analysis Automatically extracts the detected songs, chirps, and peeps from recordings Creates spectrograms of each recorded bird sound Enters each detection into a local SQlite database for storage and data visualization Hosts its own Caddy web server so that the data can be accessed from any web browser or device (can be configured to be local only or can easily be made public to share with the world — check out the public installations below!) Offers local Streamlit database analysis to visualize daily and long-term presence data Live audio stream
  32. chinchilla optional
    https://git.irde.st/we/irdest/-/tree/develop -- Irdest is a decentralised networking project, aiming to create easy-to-use solutions for ad-hoc wireless, and mesh networks. It supports many common desktop operating systems (Linux, Windows, MacOS, NetBSD, …), and Android mobile phones. iOS support is on the roadmap. The core component of the Irdest project is Ratman, a decentralised, peer-to-peer packet router (following the gossip protocol approach), written in Rust. With Ratman you can create private overlay networks (similar to VPNs), connect to a wider community mesh of existing overlay networks, plug into specific wireless drivers for fully off-the-grid routing, or do all of them at the same time.
  33. Presumably that's a B.A.T.M.A.N. fork in rust, based on the name 'ratman'.
  34. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/Mainboard -- We designed the Mainboard from the start as a standalone module to make upgrades easy in the Framework Laptop and to also work great as a high-performance single board computer using Intel’s i5-1135G7, i7-1165G7, and i7-1185G7 processors. All you need to do is insert memory, plug in a USB-C power adapter, and hit the tiny power button on-board, and you’ve got a powered-up computer. You can also pick up parts like a Bottom Cover Kit, Input Cover Kit, or Battery from the Marketplace extend your setup with. See more on this at https://frame.work/blog/mainboard-availability-and-open-source-release.
  35. Pretty cool.
  36. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD -- 24-hour, No-Human-In-The-Loop layout design for SOC with no Power-Performance-Area (PPA) loss Tapeout-capable tools in source code form, with permissive licensing → seed future “Linux of EDA”
  37. chinchilla optional
    lg0 check that shit out.
  38. Avatar
    edisondotme changed their profile picture
  39. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/kamadorueda/nixel -- Lexer, Parser, Abstract Syntax Tree and Concrete Syntax Tree for the Nix Expressions Language.
  40. Avatar
    Chinchilla Wetreat changed their display name to chonked_worm
  41. Avatar
    zonked_worm set a profile picture
  42. Avatar
    chonked_worm changed their display name to ContinuousWave
  43. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/EMPRI-DEVOPS/git-privacy -- git-privacy redacts author and committer dates to keep your coding hours more private. You can choose the level of redaction: only remove minutes and seconds from your dates or even hide day or month. The original dates are encrypted and stored in the commit message in case you might need them.
  44. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    That's nice. I could probably stand to use that for those times I'm working on side projects while at $DAYJOB.
  45. (On my own computer not connected to their network, of course.)
  46. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/charmbracelet/melt -- Backup and restore SSH private keys using memorizable seed phrases. ed25519 --> BIP39
  47. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/charmbracelet/wishlist -- The SSH directory sparkles With Wishlist you can have a single entrypoint for multiple SSH endpoints, whether they are Wish apps or not. As a server, it can be used to start multiple SSH apps within a single package and list them over SSH. You can list apps provided elsewhere, too. You can also use the wishlist CLI to list and connect to servers in your ~/.ssh/config or a YAML config file.
  48. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  49. chinchilla optional
  50. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/tomsmalley/custom-topre-guide -- Open-source capacitive keyboard.
  51. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/hughperkins/VeriGPU -- OpenSource GPU Build an opensource GPU, targeting ASIC tape-out, for machine learning ("ML"). Hopefully, can get it to work with the PyTorch deep learning framework. Vision Create an opensource GPU for machine learning. I don't actually intend to tape this out myself, but I intend to do what I can to verify somehow that tape-out would work ok, timings ok, etc. Intend to implement a HIP API, that is compatible with pytorch machine learning framework. Open to provision of other APIs, such as SYCL or NVIDIA® CUDA. Internal GPU Core ISA loosely compliant with RISC-V ISA. Where RISC-V conflicts with designing for a GPU setting, we break with RISC-V. Intend to keep the cores very focused on ML. For example, brain floating point ("BF16") throughout, to keep core die area low. This should keep the per-core cost low. Similarly, Intend to implement only few float operations critical to ML, such as exp, log, tanh, sqrt
  52. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/aolofsson/awesome-hardware-tools -- A curated list of awesome open source hardware tools.
  53. lg0

    In reply to this message

  54. chinchilla optional
  55. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/BlackBoxing/BlackBox/blob/master/README_EN.md -- BlackBox is a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android, users don't have to install APK file to run the application on devices. BlackBox control all virtual applications, so you can do anything you want by using BlackBox. "The only people who have anything to fear from free software are those whose products are worth even less."
  56. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/nymo-net -- A distributed, anonymous, censorship-resistance messaging network. Very early, no real dox yet.
  57. chinchilla optional
    http://frogfind.com/ -- Search Engine for Vintage Computers
  58. https://github.com/ssshake/retro-computing-internet-resources -- A list of the various projects to get vintage computers connected to the internet
  59. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/browsh-org/browsh -- Browsh is a fully-modern text-based browser. It renders anything that a modern browser can; HTML5, CSS3, JS, video and even WebGL. Its main purpose is to be run on a remote server and accessed via SSH/Mosh or the in-browser HTML service in order to significantly reduce bandwidth and thus both increase browsing speeds and decrease bandwidth costs.
  60. "A fluid, full graphics browser over SSH! You can even watch youtube videos in real time, in a pixelated fasion. Very neat."
  61. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/kimono-koans/httm -- httm prints the size, date and corresponding locations of available unique versions (deduplicated by modify time and size) of files residing on ZFS snapshots, but can also be used interactively to select and restore such files. httm might change the way you use ZFS snapshots (because ZFS isn't designed for finding for unique file versions) or the Time Machine concept (because httm is very fast!).
  62. In reply to this message

    This is very nice, thank you.


  63. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/ganelson/inform -- Inform 7 (April 2006-) is a programming language for creating interactive fiction, using natural language syntax. 
  64. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/crisdosyago/Diskernet -- Diskernet - An internet on yer disk. Full text search archive from your browsing and bookmarks. Weclome! to the Diskernet: Your preferred backup solution. It's like you're still online! Disconnect with Diskernet, an internet for the post-online apocalypse. Or the airplane WiFi. Or the site goes down. Or ... You get the picture. Get Diskernet.… nodejs warning.
  65. https://github.com/crisdosyago/Diskernet#license for personal, research, noncommercial purposes: Buy a Perpetual Non-commercial Use License of the current Version re-upped Monthly to the Latest Version, USD$1.99 per month Read license
  66. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I wrote something like this back around 2001, but as an HTTP proxy. Today, that's much less viable because of HTTPS (you would at minimum have to have the browser accept a CA certificate that you use to MITM every connection). But also more viable, because concurrency is better today, and there are better libraries for full-text search.
  67. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/actualbudget/actual -- Actual is a super fast privacy-focused local-first app for managing your finances. Open sourced today. Nodejs warning.
  68. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I think nixos can help here, deploying the CA only when the software is enabled.
  69. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah, it still feels dirty. I've thought for a while that the modern way to do this would be as a browser extension; this guy has a different solution based on debugging API. Nevertheless, his only works with Chrom[e|ium].
  70. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Huh, looks like tabfs would do the job.
  71. chinchilla optional
    Tabfs is really awesome. I have been wanting to explore some possibilities it enables for a long time.
  72. Omar is the guy behind dynamicland, Anything he does is worth watching.
  73. chinchilla optional
    Combine it with this https://ansiwave.net/blog/sqlite-over-http.html And you can make even dynamic webapps with a full DB archivable
  74. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Huh, wild. I hadn't seen that before.
  75. chinchilla optional
    >In theory you could pull this data up on your personal iPad, praying there aren’t any embarrassing notifications and hopefully remembering what you were even going to look at by the time you’re past the lock screen looking at 24 rainbow-gradient icons and red bubbles, but I am personally not in the habit of pulling out my devices in the middle of parties. In both of these cases these just-dynamic-enough maps were places at the party, just like the appetizers table and the piano, where people could casually gather, play and converse.
  76. That hit close to home.
  77. Avatar
    ContinuousWave changed their display name to Chinchilla Washington
  78. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/project-alice-assistant/ProjectAlice -- Project Alice is a smart voice home assistant that is completely modular and extensible. It was first built around Snips therefore runs entirely offline and never sends or shares your voice interactions with anyone, Project Alice guarantees your privacy in your home or wherever you’re using Project Alice.
  79. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/garbas/asciinema-scenario -- Create asciinema videos from a text file. Have you ever re-record your asciinema video over and over again to hit perfect speed and avoid making typos? I did, too many times and this is why I wrote this tool.
  80. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/horizon-eda/horizon -- Horizon EDA is an Electronic Design Automation package supporting an integrated end-to-end workflow for printed circuit board design including parts management and schematic entry.
  81. https://github.com/LibrePCB/LibrePCB -- LibrePCB is a free EDA software to develop printed circuit boards. It runs on Linux, Windows and Mac.
  82. chinchilla optional
    https://spwhitton.name//blog/entry/consfigurator_1.0.0/ -- Common lisp NixOS-style configuration for your legacy distros Consfigurator is a system for declarative configuration management using Common Lisp. You can use it to configure hosts as root, deploy services as unprivileged users, build and deploy containers, install operating systems, produce disc images, and more. Some key advantages: Apply configuration by transparently starting up another Lisp image on the machine to be configured, so that you can use the full power of Common Lisp to inspect and control the host. Also define properties of hosts in a more restricted language, that of :POSIX properties, to configure machines, containers and user accounts where you can’t install Lisp. These properties can be applied using just an SSH or serial connection, but they can also be applied by remote Lisp images, enabling code reuse. Flexibly chain and nest methods of connecting to hosts. For example, you could have Consfigurator SSH to a host, sudo to root, start up Lisp, use the setns(2) system call to enter a Linux container, and then deploy a service. Secrets, and other prerequisite data, are properly passed along. Combine declarative semantics for defining hosts and services with a multiparadigmatic general-purpose programming language that won’t get in your way. Declarative configuration management systems like Consfigurator and Propellor share a number of goals with projects like the GNU Guix System and NixOS. However, tools like Consfigurator and Propellor try to layer the power of declarative and reproducible configuration semantics on top of traditional, battle-tested UNIX system administration infrastructure like distro package managers, package archives and daemon configuration mechanisms, rather than seeking to replace any of those. Let’s get as much as we can out of all that existing distro policy-compliant work!
  83. chinchilla optional
  84. chinchilla optional
    Nixos-style declarative configuration in a sane language (common lisp)
  85. chinchilla optional
  86. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Wow, dang.
  87. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/knadh/listmonk -- High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app.
  88. chinchilla optional

    https://depp.brause.cc/nov.el/ -- nov.el provides a major mode for reading EPUB documents.


    1234567891011Basic navigation (jump to TOC, previous/next chapter)
    Remembering and restoring the last read position
    Jump to next chapter when scrolling beyond end
    Storing and following Org links to EPUB files
    Renders EPUB2 (.ncx) and EPUB3 (<nav>) TOCs
    Hyperlinks to internal and external targets
    Supports textual and image documents
    Info-style history navigation
    View source of document files
    Metadata display
    Image rescaling
  89. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah, it's pretty good!
  90. Probably the best epub reader that works on a terminal. Surprisingly not the only one, though.
  91. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    There's a few epub<->manpage converters. Maybe make that a FUSE overlay a la ffmpegFS
  92. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  93. Avatar
    Tristan B. Kildaire changed their profile picture
  94. Avatar
    chinchilla optional invited Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire
  95. Avatar
    Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire joined the room
  96. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/mmastrac/automedia -- A set of tools for automatically managing bitrot and format in large quantities of media
  97. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/checkpoint-restore/criu -- CRIU (stands for Checkpoint and Restore in Userspace) is a utility to checkpoint/restore Linux tasks. Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at. The distinctive feature of the CRIU project is that it is mainly implemented in user space. There are some more projects doing C/R for Linux, and so far CRIU appears to be the most feature-rich and up-to-date with the kernel. The project started as the way to do live migration for OpenVZ Linux containers (https://criu.org/Live_migration), but later grew to more sophisticated and flexible tool. It is currently used by (integrated into) OpenVZ, LXC/LXD, Docker, and other software, project gets tremendous help from the community, and its packages are included into many Linux distributions. TCP sockets checkpoint-restore -- One of the CRIU features is the ability to save and restore state of a TCP socket without breaking the connection. This functionality is considered to be useful by itself, and we have it available as the libsoccr library. https://criu.org/Main_Page
  98. ^ That's cool y'all check it lg0 zonked_worm
  99. lg0
    thats interesting.
  100. Not 100% sure as to yet where i'ed use it. but neat none the less.
  101. chinchilla optional

    checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at.

    Imagine freezing a whole container and saving it to physical paper

  102. In reply to this message

    Most of the shit I link in here is stuff like that, heh. Gotta mix/match them
  103. lg0
    <- currently trying to figure out why rtorrent keeps crashing.
  104. chinchilla optional
    Also tagging @martyet:matrix.org for that
  105. chinchilla optional
    http://bach.dynet.com/crip/src/current/ -- crip is a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool for creating Ogg Vorbis/FLAC/MP3 files under UNIX/Linux. It is well-suited for anyone (especially the perfectionist) who seeks to make a lot of files from CDs and have them all properly labeled and professional-quality with a minimum of hassle and yet still have flexibility and full control. Current versions of crip support Ogg Vorbis and FLAC. If you still want to make MP3 files go back to the past and use crip-1.0. I am constantly refining the process of creating perfect music files to be as automated as possible while still leaving the user with control over as much as possible. To see for yourself how painless it is to make professional-grade music files on your UNIX/Linux machine, go through the crip tutorial. http://bach.dynet.com/crip/tutorial-2.5.html This script is special because it is the only one that I know that is capable of doing group vorbisgain/replaygain and/or normalization (adjust the volume to be as loud as possible without clipping/distortion) and group labelling/tagging, which makes it easy to allow a group of tracks to be treated as one piece. It can also trim off the silence at the beginning and end of these tracks/groups. First the script fetches the CDDB info off the internet. Then it prompts you for the grouping of the tracks. This is important because it will treat each group of tracks as one piece, label and vorbisgain/replaygain and/or normalize them (using the volume gain/peak of that group). Normalization is now obsolete with the creation of vorbisgain (replaygain) utilities, so I have that turned off by default and it'll run vorbisgain instead. http://bach.dynet.com/crip/
  106. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/aler9/rtsp-simple-server -- ready-to-use and zero-dependency RTSP / RTMP / HLS server and proxy that allows to read, publish and proxy video and audio streams

    • Publish live streams to the server
    • Read live streams from the server
    • Act as a proxy and serve streams from other servers or cameras, always or on-demand
    • Each stream can have multiple video and audio tracks, encoded with any codec, including H264, H265, VP8, VP9, MPEG2, MP3, AAC, Opus, PCM, JPEG
    • Streams are automatically converted from a protocol to another. For instance, it's possible to publish a stream with RTSP and read it with HLS
    • Serve multiple streams at once in separate paths
    • Authenticate users; use internal or external authentication
    • Query and control the server through an HTTP API
    • Read Prometheus-compatible metrics
    • Redirect readers to other RTSP servers (load balancing)
    • Run external commands when clients connect, disconnect, read or publish streams
    • Reload the configuration without disconnecting existing clients (hot reloading)
    • Compatible with Linux, Windows and macOS, does not require any dependency or interpreter, it's a single executable
  107. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/alufers/mitmproxy2swagger -- A tool for automatically converting mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. This means that you can automatically reverse-engineer REST APIs by just running the apps and capturing the traffic.
  108. chinchilla optional

    https://gitlab.com/nbdkit/nbdkit -- nbdkit is an NBD server. NBD — Network Block Device — is a protocol
    for accessing Block Devices (hard disks and disk-like things) over a

    The key features of nbdkit are:

    • Multithreaded NBD server written in C with good performance.

    • Minimal dependencies for the basic server.

    • Liberal license (BSD) allows nbdkit to be linked to proprietary
      libraries or included in proprietary code.

    • Well-documented, simple plugin API with a stable ABI guarantee.
      Lets you export “unconventional” block devices easily.

    • You can write plugins in C/C++, Go, Lua, Perl, Python, OCaml, Ruby,
      Rust, shell script or Tcl.

    • Filters can be stacked in front of plugins to transform the output.

  109. https://github.com/blackle/Right-Click-Borescope -- This is a simple chrome/firefox add-on that lists all the images under your mouse cursor. Simply right-click and hit "Right-Click Borescope." A modal will pop up that lists all the discovered images. Use this to get around the dirty tricks that stop us from clicking "open image in new tab"
  110. ^ Very cool
  111. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    That's handy, though it doesn't sound like it will work well in mobile.
  112. Also, it was written by a shark.
  113. chinchilla optional
    Mobile's mostly a lost cause. Best you can hope for is to stop the bleeding long enough for linux phones to hit their stride
  114. but I've never tried desktop ff on mobile
  115. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah. Firefox Nightly on Android is pretty good if you turn on all the developer options and coerce it to install unapproved add-ons.
  116. (Added it to my collection and installed it on mobile; unfortunately it doesn't expose any usable UI.)
  117. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/blackle/blamscamp -- blamscamp bandcamp is great (at time of writing,) but it would be great to have more options for selling zip files of MP3s on the internet. So I created this tool, which lets you create a bandcamp-style audio player for an individual album. The player is an entirely self-contained website, and can be hosted on a variety of platforms, but was designed specifically for
  118. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Blackle is a clever being.
  119. chinchilla optional
    I was just thinking that. Here's the shark's website https://suricrasia.online/
  120. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Huh. I thought that you could see it but not edit it. There are certainly public collections you can use, though I made my own.
  121. ANSI Escape Sequences: Your Guide to Making a Safe and Expedient Exit From Working at One of America’s Most Prominent Standards Bodies

  122. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/beordle/termtunnel -- Termtunnel is a tool that allows you to create a tunnel via multiple hops or fight against intranet isolation in a very simple way. As lrzsz can, termtunnel supports not only file transfer but also network proxy.
  123. https://github.com/safing/portmaster -- Portmaster is a free and open-source application that puts you back in charge over all your computer's network connections. Looks like a nice graphical firewall. Mostly imperitively configured (through UI) and broken on nixos https://github.com/safing/portmaster/issues/306
  124. https://github.com/pojntfx/weron -- Overlay networks based on WebRTC.

    • Access nodes behind NAT: Because weron uses WebRTC to establish connections between nodes, it can easily traverse corporate firewalls and NATs using STUN, or even use a TURN server to tunnel traffic. This can be very useful to for example SSH into your homelab without forwarding any ports on your router.
    • Secure your home network: Due to the relatively low overhead of WebRTC in low-latency networks, weron can be used to secure traffic between nodes in a LAN without a significant performance hit.
    • Join local nodes into a cloud network: If you run for example a Kubernetes cluster with nodes based on cloud instances but also want to join your on-prem nodes into it, you can use weron to create a trusted network.
    • Bypass censorship: The underlying WebRTC suite, which is what popular videoconferencing tools such as Zoom, Teams and Meet are built on, is hard to block on a network level, making it a valuable addition to your toolbox for bypassing state or corporate censorship.
    • Write your own peer-to-peer protocols: The simple API makes writing distributed applications with automatic reconnects, multiple datachannels etc. easy.
  125. https://github.com/pojntfx/webpipe -- Share files, sockets, pipes and char devices over WebRTC.
  126. https://github.com/MaxBittker/sand-blocks -- Falling sand game with programmable particles. Demo: https://sand-blocks.vercel.app/
  127. https://github.com/chiaski/engine -- A tiny tool for telling tiny stories that tells you about itself and maybe you, too. Play: https://engine.lol Working Log: https://futureland.tv/hotemogf/engine
  128. chinchilla optional
  129. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/freenet/locutus -- guy behind freenet is building it's successor. The Internet has grown increasingly centralized over the past 25 years, such that a handful of companies now effectively control the Internet infrastructure. The public square is privately owned, threatening freedom of speech and democracy. Locutus is a software platform that makes it easy to create decentralized alternatives to today's centralized tech companies. These decentralized apps will be easy to use, scalable, and secured through cryptography.
  130. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  131. 😬
  132. chinchilla optional
    I thought that was weird, too.
  133. I didn't want to say 'sketchy'
  134. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    It all seems very cryptocurrency-adjacent, though carefully avoiding using blockchain terminology... doesn't seem to have a global ledger, at least.
  135. I kind of feel like it might be a solution looking for a problem.
  136. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I had that vibe too. Like they were toeing the line.
  137. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I mean, it's not hard to build decentralized, censorship-resistant websites based on boring old technology. The problem is that no one uses them except us privacy weirdos.
  138. chinchilla optional
    That's a problem that solves itself IMO
  139. Just package it with a native app and normies can't tell the difference between a walled garden and new tech.
  140. Like how several apps are starting to use TOR for cryptokey routing and nat busting
  141. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Well, that's true.
  142. chinchilla optional
    P2p matrix is using a fork of yggdrasil (same dev)
  143. Nncp has native ygg as well.
  144. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Oh, that's nice.
  145. Someday I will get into ygg. Probably sometime after things settle down after my move.
  146. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/ggerganov/kbd-audio -- The most interesting tool is called keytap - it can guess pressed keyboard keys only by analyzing the audio captured from the computer's microphone.
  147. chinchilla optional
    You can demo it in yer browser. use lowercase+space only and keep wpm below 250. Keyboard doesn't need to be plugged in but must be mechanical. http://keytap3.ggerganov.com/
  148. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/afiaka87/clip-guided-diffusion -- A CLI tool/python module for generating images from text using guided diffusion and CLIP from OpenAI.
  149. https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN -- Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
  150. ^ Image upscaling
  151. https://github.com/nerdyrodent/VQGAN-CLIP --A repo for running VQGAN+CLIP locally. This started out as a Katherine Crowson VQGAN+CLIP derived Google colab notebook.
  152. chinchilla optional
  153. https://www.hiresaudio.online/cd-quality-internet-radio/ -- 1-3 mbps audio quality internet radio
  154. https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Shortwave -- Find and listen to internet radio stations. Over 30k stations. Uses
  155. https://www.radio-browser.info/ -- This is a community driven effort (like wikipedia) with the aim of collecting as many internet radio and TV stations as possible. Any help is appreciated!

    • Free for ALL!
    • Data license: public domain, software license: GPL, server software: open source
    • Open API for usage in own apps Everyone is free to use the collected data (station names, tags, links to stream, links to homepages, language, country, state) in their works. I give all the rights I have at the accumulated data to the public domain.
  156. Good list of apps that work with radio-browser https://www.radio-browser.info/users even has things like esp32 and arduino clients.
  157. https://github.com/coderholic/pyradio/ -- Curses based internet radio player with radio-browser ^ support
  158. https://github.com/easlice/bandcamp-downloader -- Download your bandcamp collection using this python script.

    An Inhabitant of Carcosa

  159. chinchilla optional

    http://www.pogo.org.uk/~mark/trx/ -- trx is a simple toolset for broadcasting live audio from Linux. It sends and receives encoded audio over IP networks, via a soundcard or audio interface.

    It can be used for point-to-point audio links or multicast, eg. private transmitter links for a radio station or other live audio distribution. In contrast to traditional streaming, high quality wideband audio (such as music) can be sent with low-latency, typically as low as a few milliseconds, and incredibly fast recovery from dropouts.

    Unlike TCP streaming such as Icecast, trx uses RTP/UDP with handling of dropped packets and network congestion that is more appropriate to live or realtime audio. Much of this comes courtesy of the brilliant Opus audio codec. The result is an incredibly graceful handling of network loss or dropouts.

    It is intended for use over closed or private IP networks. It can be used over the public internet, but you are warned that it has no built-in security or authentication of the received audio. If you do not already have a private network you may wish to use an appropriate tunnel or IPsec.

    This list of examples is not comprehensive:

    1234567891011121314tx -h         # send audio from default soundcard to the given host
    rx                         # receive audio and play it
    tx -h -b 32   # send audio as above, with a lower 32kbps data rate
    tx -h -m 128  # larger buffer for a non-professional soundcard
    tx -h -f 480  # smaller frames for decreased latency
    rx -j 4                    # smaller jitter buffer for decreased latency
    tx -h            # send audio over multicast
    rx -h            # recieve audio from the above
    tx -?                      # full list of transmitter parameters
    rx -?                      # full list of receiver parameters
  160. chinchilla optional
    http://www.rivendellaudio.org/ -- Rivendell is a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with facilities for the acquisition, management, scheduling and playout of audio content. It has all of the features one would expect in a modern, fully-fledged radio automation system, including support for both PCM and MPEG audio encoding, full voicetracking and log customization as well as support for a wide variety of third party software and hardware. As a robust, functionally complete digital audio system for broadcast radio applications, Rivendell uses industry standard components like the GNU/Linux Operating System, the AudioScience HPI Driver Architecture and the MySQL Database Engine. Rivendell is available under the GNU Public License.
  161. https://www.sourcefabric.org/software/airtime -- UNSUPPORTED -- Airtime is open source internet radio automation platform that lets radio stations upload audio, build and schedule shows or broadcast live. With Airtime, you can stream audio over the web, or even via FM and digital.
  162. https://github.com/openbroadcaster/obplayer -- OBPlayer is a stable and secure UNIX-based media streaming playout application that can operate as a standalone player or controlled over a network by a managing OBServer. It can be installed remotely at a transmitter site, in the studio or as multiple virtual headless processes. OBPlayer is built with rules based intelligence to continue broadcasting no matter what happens. It functions by continually syncing with OBServer, looking for updated schedules, media, and priority broadcasts. If there is a blank spot in the schedule, it falls back to a Default Playlist. If that fails, it goes into Fallback Media Mode. If that fails, it plays from the analog input bypass. Finally, it will play a test signal as a last resort. OBPlayer will always play valid CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) Alerts at the highest priority.
  163. https://github.com/openbroadcaster/observer -- Overview OBServer is a multimedia framework application that focuses on reliability, accessibility and scalability over a having a bloated range of half baked/buggy features. It has an organic AJAX interface built with Gstreamer, HTML5 and Javascript to deliver a web application in support of broadcast radio and TV automation, media asset management and dynamic community programming. One OBServer may manage one or more OBPlayers in a synchronized network configuration or have the server and playout on one device or VM. There is a robust Plugin Module Architecture with many modules extending the core server application. The server has a documented API to enable sharing digital media assets and metadata with revocable secure keys.
  164. chinchilla optional
    https://www.liquidsoap.info/ -- Liquidsoap is a powerful and flexible language for describing audio and video streams. It offers a rich collection of operators that you can combine at will, giving you more power than you need for creating or transforming streams.
  165. ^ looks cool
  166. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/libretime/libretime -- Radio Broadcast & Automation Platform - Powerful Library Management Import everything from music to sweepers to full-length programs, then have shows and podcasts scheduled automatically. - AM/FM & Web Audio playout to your broadcasting console or transmitter, or start an internet radio station directly from the cloud. Libretime can do it all.
  167. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    This has great docs.

    Reference implementation https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-2.0.4/complete_case.html

    ^ We will develop here a more complex example, according to the following specifications:
    play different playlists during the day;
    play user requests – done via the telnet server;
    insert about 1 jingle every 5 songs;
    add one special jingle at the beginning of every hour, mixed on top of the normal stream;
    relay live shows as soon as one is available;
    and set up several outputs.

  168. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx -- Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
  169. https://github.com/rafael2k/darkice -- DarkIce is a live audio streamer. It records audio from an audio interface (e.g. sound card), encodes it and sends it to a streaming server. Please visit DarkIce website:
  170. https://github.com/webcast/webcaster -- Client for the webcast websocket protocol.
  171. https://github.com/webcast/webcast.js -- The webcast protocol is used to send multimedia data to a streaming server using websockets. It is designed to be implemented in browsers, thus providing a readily available browser client to stream local files and live media (webcam video, microphone audio).
  172. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/kizniche/Mycodo - environmental monitoring and regulation system Originally developed to cultivate edible mushrooms, Mycodo has evolved to do much more. Here are a few things that have been done with Mycodo: My projects Mushroom Cultivation Automation (Archive) Hydroponic System Automation (Archive) Mushroom cultivation (Archive) Ground-based plant cultivation Maintaining honey bee apiary homeostasis (Archive) Maintaining humidity in an underground artificial bat cave (Archive) Remote radiation monitoring and mapping (Archive) Cooking sous-vide (Archive) Maintaining a light schedule and regulating humidity, ramping from 90 % to 50 % over a 4 week period to acclimatize micropropagated American chestnut plantlets from laboratory to ambient outdoor conditions (Archive) https://kizniche.github.io/Mycodo/
  173. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  174. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/tantaman/aphrodite -- Aphrodite is a schema layer whose first goal is to make P2P & Local-First software development as easy as traditional software development. You can think of Aphrodite as an ORM of sorts that is designed for the needs of Local-First applications and P2P data transfer.
  175. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/Fred89/flatboard -- A very Fast & Lightweight Flat-file forum software, Markdown and BBcode editor.
  176. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    It appears the source is not actually available. At least, certainly not from the Github repository.
  177. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Fff i wasn't paying Attention.
  178. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/markqvist/Reticulum -- Self-configuring, encrypted and resilient mesh for LoRa, packet radio, WiFi and everything in between Reticulum is the cryptography-based networking stack for wide-area networks built on readily available hardware. It can operate even with very high latency and extremely low bandwidth. Reticulum allows you to build wide-area networks with off-the-shelf tools, and offers end-to-end encryption and connectivity, initiator anonymity, autoconfiguring cryptographically backed multi-hop transport, efficient addressing, unforgeable delivery acknowledgements and more. Reticulum is a complete networking stack, and does not need IP or higher layers, although it is easy to use IP (with TCP or UDP) as the underlying carrier for Reticulum. It is therefore trivial to tunnel Reticulum over the Internet or private IP networks. Having no dependencies on traditional networking stacks free up overhead that has been utilised to implement a networking stack built directly on cryptographic principles, allowing resilience and stable functionality in open and trustless networks.
  179. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/markqvist/lxmf -- Lightweight Extensible Message Format

    LXMF is a simple and flexible messaging format and delivery protocol that allows a wide variety of implementations, while using as little bandwidth as possible. It is built on top of Reticulum and offers zero-conf message routing, end-to-end encryption and Forward Secrecy by default.

    LXMF messages are stored in a simple and efficient format, that's easy to parse and write.
    The format follows this general structure:

    Ed25519 Signature

    LXM Propagation Nodes offer a way to store and forward messages to users or endpoints that are not directly reachable at the time of message emission. Propagation Nodes can also provide infrastructure for distributed bulletin, news or discussion boards.

    When Propagation Nodes exist on a Reticulum network, they will by default peer with each other and synchronise messages, automatically creating an encrypted, distributed message store. Users and other endpoints can retrieve messages destined for them from any available Propagation Nodes on the network.

  180. https://github.com/markqvist/NomadNet -- Off-grid, resilient mesh communication with strong encryption, forward secrecy and extreme privacy. Nomad Network Allows you to build private and resilient communications platforms that are in complete control and ownership of the people that use them. No signups, no agreements, no handover of any data, no permissions and gatekeepers. Nomad Network is build on LXMF and Reticulum, which together provides the cryptographic mesh functionality and peer-to-peer message routing that Nomad Network relies on. This foundation also makes it possible to use the program over a very wide variety of communication mediums, from packet radio to fiber optics. Nomad Network does not need any connections to the public internet to work. In fact, it doesn't even need an IP or Ethernet network. You can use it entirely over packet radio, LoRa or even serial lines. But if you wish, you can bridge islanded networks over the Internet or private ethernet networks, or you can build networks running completely over the Internet. The choice is yours.
  181. ^^^ Don't miss reticulum and the next two that are built on it. those look slick
  182. chinchilla optional
    https://unsigned.io/sideband/ -- android lxmf client by the same guy as ^^^. Not open sourced yet, but apk available
  183. https://www.netlab.tkk.fi/~jo/papers/2014-04-wons-liberouter.pdf -- Liberouter: Towards Autonomous Neighborhood Networking Abstract—We present the Liberouter framework, a complete communication system design (and its implementation) to en- able neighborhood networking without relying on the Internet infrastructure for information exchange. The core is a low-cost router platform that serves as WLAN access points, individual or (dis)connected ones, and offers message storage and relaying in combination with a distributed app store. It allows bootstrapping Android devices to become additional routers (and thus expand the network) and install applications. It also instruments other mobile devices to assist in message forwarding and offers web- based access to content of the neighborhood stored locally.
  184. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/symeapp/syme -- A zero-knowledge key architecture and encrypted messaging platform

    Our security objectives are to:

    12345provide a means for users and servers to establish mutual authentication without communicating password-equivalent data;
    provide a means for users to securely establish and maintain lists of trusted keys, with mechanisms for adding and revoking keys;
    and provide a system for multiparty communication of encrypted data that ensures integrity and non-repudiation.

    There is currently renewed interest in encrypted communication protocols that are adapted to live communication tools such as instant messaging [1,2]. However, these protocols are not well suited for persistent communication systems, such as social networks, where users are not necessarily online at the same time. We propose a zero-knowledge key infrastructure that uses end-to-end encryption to enable persistent multiparty communication and secure key exchanges on minimally trusted servers and relays.

  185. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/audapolis/audapolis -- An editor for spoken-word media with transcription.

    audapolis aims to make the workflow for spoken-word-heavy media editing easier, faster and more accessible.

    12345It gives you a wordprocessor-like experience for media editing.
    It can automatically transcribe your audio to text.
    It can be used for Video, Audio and mixed editing - Do radio shows, podcasts, audiobooks, interview clips or anything you like.
    It is free
    It keeps the data in your hands - no cloud whatsoever.
  186. bb: check it ^
  187. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/samuelmaddock/metastream -- Synchronized playback of streaming media across various websites. Public, private, and offline sessions. Support for WebRTC peer-to-peer connections. Real-time chat. Collaborative media queue. Timestamp cue points parsed from media description. Auto-fullscreen of embedded media. Per-user playback permissions, managed by the host. Basic host administrative functionality (kicking peers).
  188. https://github.com/fregante/GhostText -- Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa). Whenever you’re writing more than a little snippet of code anywhere on the web, activate GhostText to open your preferred text editor and enjoy your own development environment.
  189. https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/ -- AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance

    AdNauseam is a lightweight browser extension that blends software tool and artware intervention to actively fight back against tracking by advertising networks. AdNauseam works like an ad-blocker (it is built atop uBlock Origin) to silently simulate clicks on each blocked ad, confusing trackers as to one's real interests. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of voicing your discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and engage in bulk surveillance.

    In light of the industry's failure to address the excesses of network tracking, AdNauseam allows individual users to take matters into their own hands, offering active defense against surveillance, profiling and potential discrimination. The software thus represents a similar approach to that of

    , relocating power in the hands of individual users, rather than vast commercial entities. For further information on this approach, please see
    this paper


  190. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/WorldBrain/Memex -- Browser Extension to full-text search your browsing history & bookmarks. A browser extension to eliminate time spent bookmarking, retracing steps to recall an old webpage, or copy-pasting notes into scattered documents. Its name and functionalities are heavily inspired by Vannevar Bush's vision of a Memex. Full-Text Search in Bookmarks: Search with every word of all websites & PDFs you bookmarked, tagged, listed, or annotated. Filter by time, domain, list, or tags. Highlights, Notes & Annotations: Add notes to websites as a whole and to individual components (e.g. text, images) Tags, Lists, Bookmarks Add bookmarks, tags or sort websites into lists on the fly. All Data Stored Locally All personal data is stored and processed on your own computer and will never leave your computer without you either sharing, syncing or backing it up to an external cloud. For more details please see our privacy policy
  191. Looks nice but I'm given pause by: Built without Venture Capital Memex can't be sold, and our team and investors receive capped profits. We do this to remove profit-maximisation incentives that usually lead to exploitation of your attention and data, and unhealthy lock-ins. Memex is in Beta & Free for now. Support our development and a Venture Capital free service & get early bird discounts on our upcoming premium subscriptions.
  192. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/LasCC/Hack-Tools -- The all-in-one Red Team browser extension for Web Pentesters HackTools, is a web extension facilitating your web application penetration tests, it includes cheat sheets as well as all the tools used during a test such as XSS payloads, Reverse shells and much more. With the extension you no longer need to search for payloads in different websites or in your local storage space, most of the tools are accessible in one click. HackTools is accessible either in pop up mode or in a whole tab in the Devtools part of the browser with F12.
  193. https://github.com/EmailThis/extension-boilerplate/ -- Now that Firefox supports WebExtensions, it has become a lot easier to build browser extensions/addons for multiple browsers without duplicating the codebase. This project serves as a sensible starting point to help you get started.

    Write once and deploy to Chrome, Opera & Firefox
    Based on WebExtensions. It also includes a tiny polyfill to bring uniformity to the APIs exposed by different browsers.

    Your changes to CSS, HTML & JS files will be relayed instantly without having to manually reload the extension. This ends up saving a lot of time and improving the developer experience.

    Sensible starting point
    This comes with a gulp based workflow that converts modern ES6 JavaScript and SCSS to JS/CSS. Scripts are transpiled using Babel and bundled using Browserify. Sourcemaps are available for both JS and SCSS.

    Sketch (.sketch) assets for icons and promo images
    A .sketch file is included in the resources directory. This has all the icons and promo images that will be needed while uploading the extensions to the app stores.

    Easily configurable and extendable
    The gulpfile is easily understandable and configurable. If you want to add additional tasks or remove un-used ones, you can easily tweak that file to suit your needs.

    Platform specific & Environment specific variables.
    You might need to specify different data variables based on your environment. For example, you might want to use a

    API endpoint during development and a production API endpoint once the extension is submitted to the appstore. You can specify such data in the json files inside config directory.

  194. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/dzhang314/YouTubeDrive -- YouTubeDrive is a Wolfram Language (aka Mathematica) package that encodes/decodes arbitrary data to/from simple RGB videos which are automatically uploaded to/downloaded from YouTube. Since YouTube imposes no limits on the total number or length of videos users can upload, this provides an effectively infinite but extremely slow form of file storage. YouTubeDrive depends externally on FFmpeg, youtube-upload, and youtube-dl. These programs must be downloaded and installed separately, and prior to first use, YouTubeDrive must be configured with their install locations. See below for details.
  195. chinchilla optional
    https://git.sr.ht/~kornellapacz/gmnigit -- Static git gemini viewer written in golang. Inspired by stagit.
  196. https://codemadness.org/git/stagit/log.html -- static git page generator. Actively maintained.
  197. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/wilkie/djehuty -- Fully verifiable operating system and API written in D in the public domain. It is our belief that the importance lies not in the implementations of software, but rather the eventual usage of that software. If premature optimization is an evil of our trade, and since implementations once verified for correctness are merely useful for profiling, then premature implementation is just as evil. The Djehuty Framework is then not primarily concerned with being a set of libraries or a standard library. It is concerned with being a set of tests and interfaces. It is the goal of this project to allow innovation without headache and the ease of deployment, verifiability, and consistency in the realm of software development.
  198. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/oakes/Nightweb -- (ABANDONED) https://sekao.net/nightweb/protocol.html Nightweb is an app for Android devices and PCs that connects you to an anonymous, peer-to-peer social network. It is written in Clojure and uses I2P and BitTorrent on the backend. Please see the website for a general overview, and the protocol page for a more in-depth explanation of how it works. Fork that continued development for 4 more years (also abandoned) https://github.com/mhatta/Nightweb
  199. chinchilla optional

    http://antsp2p.sourceforge.net/ -- (ABANDONED) ANts P2P realizes a third generation P2P net. It protects your privacy while you are connected and it makes you not trackable, hiding your identity (ip) and crypting everything you are sending/receiving from others.

    12345678910111213141516Open Source Java implementation (GNU-GPL license)
    Multiple sources download
    Swarming from partial files
    Automatic resume and sources research over the net
    Search by hash, string and structured query
    Completely Object-Oriented routing protocol
    Point to Point secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128)
    EndPoint to EndPoint secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128)
    Serverless GWebCache-based peer dicovery procedure
    IRC based peer discovery system
    IRC embeded chat system
    Full text search of indexed documents (pdf, html, txt, doc etc)
    Distributed/Decentralized Search engine
    HTTP tunneling
    ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of HTTP Proxy
    ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of NAT or traffic filtering system 
  200. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    TODO: Look into this later. Mirrors my thoughts on interfaces and tests.
  201. lg0
    counter argument. if the software is not functaly optimized it will never be able to run, thuss no users able to run it.
  202. chinchilla optional
  203. lg0
    write something in java that like to process loads of data serially
  204. A different way to put it would be. It have to work at some level in order to have users.
  205. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Counter argument to what?
  206. chinchilla optional
    https://git.marginalia.nu/marginalia/marginalia.nu -- This is the source code for
    , including the search engine, the MEMEX/gemini server, the and the encyclopedia service.
  207. An Inhabitant of Carcosa Z and whoever else uses git.
  208. Avatar
    chinchilla optional invited Colin
  209. Avatar
    Colin joined the room
  210. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  211. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/vincent-peugnet/antilope -- Antilope private tracker for IRL sharing, allowing members to share anything inside communities.
  212. ^ very cool. I've been wanting to make something like this
  213. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/kelseyhightower/confd -- Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul


    A lightweight configuration management tool focused on:

    • Sync configuration files by polling etcd or consul and processing template resources.
    • Reloading applications to pick up new config file changes
  214. https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd -- Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system


    etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system, with a focus on being:

    • Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC)
    • Secure: automatic TLS with optional client cert authentication
    • Fast: benchmarked 10,000 writes/sec
    • Reliable: properly distributed using Raft
  215. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/hartsick/ruBB -- RuBB, a very minimal Rails-based forum for friends

    Currently a work-in-progress that aims to be like

    but in active development, and with even less features.

    Deeply influenced by

    and participating in the community that he describes, and many years spent on the internet. More on this and the aims of this project TK

    Guiding principles

    These are a work-in-progress, but capture some of what has been guiding me:

    123456Enable collective decisionmaking
    Keep things small and intentional (do not assume or encourage scale, build tools that enable and rely on trust)
    As much as possible, keep one view of the forum so that all information is shared (eg don't allow custimization that would significantly change someone's experience)
    Do not privilege those with technical systems access (there is a lot baked into this, but essentially technical maintainers should not necessarily be the moderators)
    The forum does not make asks of your attention, but tries to give you tools manage your experience
    Keep the architecture conventional and maintenance as simple as possible. It shouldn't be a pain to maintain


    The forum is constantly changing since it's under active development, but here are some features as of Jan 8, 2022, along with some current screenshots (it is easy to change the color scheme of the site and I do it frequently—-this is currently based off Zenburn).

    Feature list:

    1234567Account creation via Rake task
    Basic account management (setting profile, resetting password -- right now users can't change their email or username)
    Each person can invite one person each month
    Users can star threads to keep track of them, and see all their starred threads
    Users can pin threads so that they are easily found by entire forum (intended for onboarding / community things)
    Users can see when there are unread messages in a thread
    Users can mention others, and be visually notified when they have been mentioned in a thread
  216. ^ screenshots on gh
  217. https://github.com/mxgmn/MarkovJunior -- Probabilistic PL based on pattern matching and constraint propagation, 148 examples

    MarkovJunior is a probabilistic programming language where programs are combinations of rewrite rules and inference is performed via constraint propagation. MarkovJunior is named after mathematician Andrey Andreyevich Markov, who defined and studied what is now called Markov algorithms.

    In its basic form, a MarkovJunior program is an ordered list of rewrite rules. For example, MazeBacktracker (animation on the left below) is a list of 2 rewrite rules:

    12RBB=GGR or "replace red-black-black with green-green-red".
    RGG=WWR or "replace red-green-green with white-white-red".

    On each execution step MJ interpreter finds the first rule in the list that has a match on the grid, finds all matches for that rule and applies that rule for a random match. In the maze backtracker example, interpreter first applies a bunch of RBB=GGR rules. But eventually the green self-avoiding walk gets stuck. At this point the first rule has no matches, so interpreter applies the second rule RGG=WWR until the walk gets unstuck. Then it can apply the first rule again, and so on. Interpreter stops when there are no matches for any rule.

  218. ^ Holy shit check that github, there's a ton of animations and examples. This is really cool
  219. Z

    RethinkDNS + Firewall for Android
    An OpenSnitch-inspired firewall and network monitor + a pi-hole-inspired DNS over HTTPS client with blocklists.


    I'm not endorsing or using this, but wanted to share.

  220. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    There was some kind of beef between them and the developers of Blokada over who had the shittier business model. Not sure how that ended up, or if it matters.

  221. chinchilla optional
    I don't endorse any of the shit I post here, heh.
  222. I assume that (and blokada) require being a vpn to work?
  223. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  224. Colin
    the LoRa radio’s an interesting addon. i seem to recall a talk where the Matrix devs explored modifying the protocol for very low bitrates. i hear you can wrap IP in LoRa — but that TCP and such are awful because of handshakes and keepalives. still i wonder if anyone’s using Matrix over LoRa.
  225. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    We selected a very overkill PMIC, the TI BQ25890, for this tiny little device. It has a very important feature: power on without battery. I always wondered why most phones can't power on with only a power cable. Anyway, this feature is supported in our case. This also enables you to switch batteries without powering off with power cable connected. Moreover, it provides the power switch functionality, and a steady 5V 1A power supply for USB OTG.

  226. Also that yamaha synth chip. Yooo
  227. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/RangerMauve/local-first-cyberspace -- A roadmap for realizing a local-first and offline-first cyberspace
  228. chinchilla optional
    TL;DR webxr. iframes as portals between pages. Looks good.
  229. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/sensity-ai/dot -- dot (aka Deepfake Offensive Toolkit) makes real-time, controllable deepfakes ready for virtual cameras injection. dot is created for performing penetration testing against e.g. identity verification and video conferencing systems, for the use by security analysts, Red Team members, and biometrics researchers.
  230. chinchilla optional
    Orange place is clutching their pearls pretty hard over that one https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31650797
  231. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  232. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I love it. One of my goals for this project is to have A/V shims that add some privacy to audio/video via transformation (deepfake/voice changer) and adversarial overlays that directly attack ML analysis.

    Video transformation seems to be coming along well, but there's not a ton of out of the box adversarial stuff yet. Adversarial examples are a pretty well known weakness that seems inherent to modern ai/ml approaches but most of the software is academic right now. I'm excited to see where this goes, maybe we can win back some semblance of privacy here.

  233. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext -- SmartTubeNext is an advanced YouTube app for Android TVs and TV boxes, free & open source.

    • Features: no ads | SponsorBlock | adjustable playback speed | 4k and higher | 60fps | HDR | does not require Google Services | helpful international community

    • Disadvantages: no live chat | no comments stability, voice search and casting support might be worse than in the official YouTube, depending on your device

    Tested on fire stick

  234. Sponsorblock integration, and picture in picture
  235. chinchilla optional
  236. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Thanks, I actually installed that last night, before I saw that you had posted this.
  237. chinchilla optional
  238. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    Things I like about it: better UI for AndroidTV than NewPipe. Seems usually to do a better job of picking the best quality stream. Integrates SponsorBlock (there is a NewPipe fork with SponsorBlock, but I suspect it is out of date).

    Things I don't like about it: can't save playlists and subscriptions unless you log into a YouTube account, whereas NewPipe stores playlists and subscriptions locally.

  239. lg0
    Happy to see that.
  240. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/codic12/worm -- Worm is a tiny, dynamic, tag-based window manager written in the Nim language. It supports both a floating mode and master-stack tiling with gaps and struts. Check out the screenshots on the wiki for some examples of how it looks.
  241. In reply to this message

    Symbolic == traditional (rules based) bots right?
  242. chinchilla optional
    https://www.geeklan.co.uk/?p=2919 -- Sipeed Tang Nano FPGA and Open Source toolchain Sipeed makes a range of FPGA boards called Tang Nano, based around the Gowin’s GW1N range of FPGA chips. The current top model in the range is the Tang Nano 9k which supports 8640 LUT and can fit a RISC-V softcore such as PicoRV23 for around £12 + £5 shipping from China via AliExpress. You can spend a little more and get different sizes of LCD panels which connect to the board via a ribbon, I went for the 4.3″ panel which supports a resolution of 480×272. The board itself has an HDMI connector so that could be used instead.
  243. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv -- Create live TV channels from your own media. Access the streams using the simulated HDHomerun tuner or the generated M3U URl.

    Configure your channels, programs, commercials and settings using the dizqueTV web UI.

    Access your channels by adding the spoofed dizqueTV HDHomerun tuner to Plex, Jellyfin or emby or utilize the M3U Url with any 3rd party IPTV player app.


    • A wide variety of options for the clients where you can play the TV channels, since it both spoofs a HDHR tuner and a IPTV channel list.
    • Ease of setup for xteve and Plex playback by mocking a HDHR server.
    • Configure your channels once, and play them just the same in any of the other devices.
    • Customize your channels and what they play. Make them display their logo while they play. Play filler content ("commercials", music videos, prerolls, channel branding videos) at specific times to pad time.
    • Docker image and prepackage binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac.
    • Supports nvidia for hardware encoding, including in docker.
    • Select media (desired programs and commercials) across multiple Plex servers
    • Includes a WEB TV Guide where you can even play channels in your desktop by using your local media player.
    • Subtitle support.
    • Auto deinterlace any Plex media not marked "scanType": "progressive"
    • Can be configured to completely force Direct play, if you are ready for the caveats.
  244. Cool
  245. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/shayaantx/botdarr -- Slack/Discord/Telegram/Matrix bot for accessing radarr, sonarr, and lidarr Made this simple multi chat-client bot to access radarr, sonarr, and lidarr without a UI/server.
  246. https://github.com/gotson/komga -- Media server for comics/mangas/BDs with API and OPDS support

    • Browse libraries, series and books via a responsive web UI that works on desktop, tablets and phones
    • Organize your library with collections and read lists
    • Edit metadata for your series and books
    • Import embedded metadata automatically
    • Webreader with multiple reading modes
    • Manage multiple users, with per-library access control, age restrictions, and labels restrictions
    • Offers a REST API, many community tools and scripts can interact with Komga
    • Download book files, whole series, or read lists
    • Duplicate files detection
    • Duplicate pages detection and removal
    • Import books from outside your libraries directly into your series folder
    • Import ComicRack cbl read lists
  247. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/fulldecent/system-bus-radio -- Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware. Try it in your browser, click here: http://fulldecent.github.io/system-bus-radio/
  248. Z ^ check it
  249. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/fgergo/boringstreamer -- Boringstreamer streams mp3 files via http (live streaming.) Boringstreamer is a no-configuration shoutcast or icecast alternative.
  250. chinchilla optional
  251. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/civboot/civboot -- Civboot: a civilizational bootstrapper

    How large would a warehouse have to be in order to both:

    • Build simple computers in a semi-autonomous way from scratch using only tools and knowledge within the warehouse.
    • Build another such warehouse and make improvements to it.

    If such a warehouse existed, it would be a Civboot. Civboot aims to simplify technology by simplifying technology's requirements. Fundamentally Civboot is an educational tool: it can provide a working understanding of the tools and processes that underpin our technology. Putting the question another way, if there were a high-school & college curriculum with the sole goal of accomplishing "project based learning" of having the entire class (400+ students) understand and reconstruct a Civboot using only the tools within the Civboot; how many people would that be, how large would the warehouse be and how many instructors would be required?

    This is the fundamental question of Civboot, a project which aims to reduce the tools and knowledge necessary to bootstrap modern civilization as much as possible. It is important to point out early that a Civboot does not contain everything required to build or support civilization such as food, clothing or a bed; in the same way as a bootstrapper for an operating system does not contain all the bells and whistles of the operating system itself. A Civboot only contains the tools and knowledge necessary to build computers and itself.

    In terms of supporting a community with things like food, clothing and shelter, a Civboot has one additional goal: be able to provide these things within three degrees. For instance, a Civboot cannot construct a tractor directly, but you can use tooling within a Civboot to build a factory (the 1st degree), then you can use the factory to build gears and other tractor components and assemble a tractor (the 2nd degree).

    Another point: a Civboot only contains tutorials to provide a working knowledge of how to reconstruct and improve the Civboot. Deeper understanding of things like transistors, hardware architecture, software architecture, chemistry, mechanical engineering, etc can take potentially a lifetime of learning. It is hoped that Civboot can be a foundation for that learning, but Civboot itself aims to provide only a working understanding.

  252. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/Haskell-Things/ImplicitCAD -- A math-inspired CAD program in haskell. CSG, bevels, and shells; 2D & 3D geometry; 2D gcode generation...
  253. https://github.com/civboot/fngi -- a readable language that grows from the silicone

    If we want to build an entirely understandable tech stack (as part of

    ) we need a language which can be implemented easily, has excellent expressiveness and readability, can modify itself, and has a simple but effective security model built in. The language has to be able to unroll from simple beginnings (implemented in a hex editor or similar) to a full-featured language that we can use to build a Civboot -- and have fun in the process!

    That language is fngi, a language inspired primarily by FORTH and C. It is self-bootstrapped at runtime from spor: an assembly bytecode, interpreter and syntax. Spor itself is self-bootstrapped from an extremely lean native implementation, which is ~1-2 thousand lines of C.

    Fngi itself has the following space targets:

    123    =32KiB microcontroller/processor: can bootstrap a text-based OS providing human-editable source and assembly that can be recompiled on the microcontroller (aka self-bootstrapping). The processor does not need to have memory-mapping, thread management, etc -- it can be a very bare-bones device.
        =4KiB microcontroller: can run pre-compiled spor assembly. Does not need to be self-bootstrapping.
  254. https://github.com/civboot/zoa -- serialized structured data and it's textual representation

    *} |h1 zoa: serialized structured data and it's textual representation|
    |> This document is written using zoat (find out more below!).|
    zoa is a set of standards related to serialized structured data and it's textual
    representation and processing. It is part of the |&{Civboot| http://civboot.org}
    project, specifically |&{fngi| http://github.com/civboot/fngi}.
    zoa encompases the following technologies:|
      #zoab# |`.zoa`: a structured data composed of only bytes and array.|
      #zoat# |`.zoa`: an extensible text format for representing zoab in a human readable
        way. Zoat intentionally has little functionality on it's own but allows
        extensibility and a standardized syntax for the different tools built on top
        of it.|
      #ZoaMark# |`.zm`: a markup language built on zoat, similar in some ways to
      #zoac# |`.zc`: a configuration lanugage built on zoat and fngi, allowing execution of
        arbitrary fngi functions with specific requirements.|
      #zoash# |`.zh`: a text-based shell built on zoac allowing creating of processes,
        mutation of files or anything else a computer user might want to do.
        zoac functions are still callable to process data, but other functions are
        available as well perform side effects.
        File extension: .zh|
    |> Yes, zoab and zoat have the same file extension. This is intentional and you
       will see how below!|
    Both zoab and zoat are extremely simple. zoat is simpler than yaml but can
    achieve the same functionaly but with far less ambiguitity. The only thing it
    is missing is integer/float/literal-map/none types, which are not actually
    necessary for serializing or deserializing arbitrary structured data. Zoat also
    has massively increased functionality over yaml with features like variable
    storage and concatenation.
  255. Avatar
    Colin invited mrkline
  256. Colin

    In reply to this message

    i love this. just listened to the 2nd episode… the nanomagnetics stuff is pretty adjacent to the ferromagnetics i was exploring earlier. i might reach out to the author once i get around to tidying it up.
  257. only 8 subscribers to his podcast 😔
  258. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    More on YouTube. Plus probably many in these circles that don't subscribe in a way that counts towards metrics.
  259. Podcast on gemini (rocketcaster is foss) gemini://
  260. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Yes, that's right.
  261. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Wonder if the web reader would work well in TVBro... might help me get through the rest of my Hellblazer archive. Reading comics on desktop/laptop is not great, honestly. Ideal is tablet, but I don't have a working one currently.
  262. chinchilla optional
    https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3498366.3505816 -- Search systems, like many other applications of machine learning, have become increasingly complex and opaque. The notions of relevance, usefulness, and trustworthiness with respect to information were already overloaded and often difficult to articulate, study, or implement. Newly surfaced proposals that aim to use large language models to generate relevant information for a user's needs pose even greater threat to transparency, provenance, and user interactions in a search system. In this perspective paper we revisit the problem of search in the larger context of information seeking and argue that removing or reducing interactions in an effort to retrieve presumably more relevant information can be detrimental to many fundamental aspects of search, including information verification, information literacy, and serendipity. In addition to providing suggestions for counteracting some of the potential problems posed by such models, we present a vision for search systems that are intelligent and effective, while also providing greater transparency and accountability.
  263. In reply to this message

    Reading them on the TV sounds even worse
  264. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    This is relevant to my interests, thanks.
  265. chinchilla optional
    https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean -- Add-on allows you to read articles from (supported) sites that implement a paywall. You can also add domains as custom site and try to bypass the paywall. Weekly updates are released for fixes and new sites. ^ removed google analytics and more updated fork
  266. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I am using that already! As well as having it in my allow-list of extensions for mobile.
  267. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Do you have any good links to use desktop ff on mobile?
  268. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Do you mean non-recommended extensions? I use Firefox Nightly on mobile.
  269. There is a public collection you can use somewhere rather than creating your own, but I can't find it right now.
  270. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Kiwi browser can install any Chromium extension, but it appears to be closed source...
  271. chinchilla optional
    I thought you were using desktop firefox on android for some reason
  272. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    No; theoretically possible (in a container and an X server), but not remotely practical or usable.
  273. It's included by default in IceRaven (https://github.com/fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser)
  274. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/SpeciesFileGroup/taxonworks -- TaxonWorks is an integrated web-based workbench for taxonomists and biodiversity scientists. It allows you to capture, organize, and enrich your data; share it with collaborators; and package it for analysis and publication.
  275. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/michaelkleber/privacy-model -- A Potential Privacy Model for the Web: Sharding Web Identity
  276. chinchilla optional
    https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/lietal.html Lietal is an experimental synthetic language. Lietal is a modular language building on 27 core words, it is written from left to right with implicit neutrality, singularity and at the present tense. For the most part, its 6 vowels and 9 consonants are voiced similarly to their English equivalents. The Lietal "e" is very short, a barely audible junction between two consonants.
  277. ^ only tangentially related
  278. chinchilla optional
    https://git.rawtext.club/slope-lang -- An s-expression based hackable hobby programming language and toolset for having fun and making cool things
  279. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/LGUG2Z/unsubscan -- A tool to help you find unsubscribe links in your emails I created unsubscan because I think that anyone should be able to quickly and easily look at their emails and: - Unsubscribe from whatever they want - Unsubscribe whenever they want - Unsubscribe for free - Unsubscribe without yet another subscription service -Unsubscribe without having to give another company access to their emails - Unsubscribe without having to forward emails to other companies
  280. chinchilla optional
    If you saw the 'let's build an e2ee key value store' post on hn and thought it was cool, check out skate https://github.com/charmbracelet/skate (and charm https://github.com/charmbracelet/charm) -- it uses ssh keys for authentication so you don't need to mess with user/pass and is some pretty slick software. I have a charm server running at
    if you would like to use a non-public server.
  281. Colin
    ooh, nifty.
  282. how's it compare to SOPS?
  283. chinchilla optional
  284. chinchilla optional
    Found it. Looks like that's just for working with the data?
  285. Different use cases. Skate is simple like a unix tool
  286. ``` # Store something (and sync it to the network) skate set kitty meow # Fetch something (from the local cache) skate get kitty # What’s in the store? skate list # Pull down the latest data skate sync # Spaces are fine skate set "kitty litter" "smells great" # You can store binary data, too skate set profile-pic < my-cute-pic.jpg skate get profile-pic > here-it-is.jpg # Unicode also works, of course skate set 猫咪 喵 skate get 猫咪 # For more info skate --help # Do creative things with skate list skate set penelope marmalade skate set christian tacos skate set muesli muesli skate list | xargs -n 2 printf '%s loves %s.\n' ```
  287. ^ is to a remote server, authed with your ssh key.
  288. Colin
    oh, so the secrets are stored in plain text locally?
  289. they're only encrypted on the server?
  290. chinchilla optional
    Not sure. Maybe
  291. Decrypted in memory when the program is run makes the most sense
  292. But I can't say for sure.
  293. Colin
    SOPS is basically pass, but decoupled from GPG.
  294. chinchilla optional
    Networking built in?
  295. Colin
    so you deploy a secret key to each agent (user, host, service) that'll be operating with secrets, and then you can encrypt files against one or more of those pubkeys.
  296. no networking for SOPS
  297. it's usually paired with a git repo.
  298. chinchilla optional
    Ah gotcha. Charm/skate is single user. Charm is a go library skate is a CLI tool. It's remote first
  299. In reply to this message

    If you check these commands, that's all you need to do to use it. No configuration.
  300. First run will generate keys for you to use.
  301. Colin
    yeah, i'm trying to figure out its encryption model. is it just that the server stores the database encrypted at rest, with the key loaded into memory, and clients authenticate themselves before they're allowed access to (portions of) the store? or is each entry encrypted on the server, and only the clients have the keys to decrypt it after receiving it (apparently via their ssh keys)?
  302. chinchilla optional
    the latter
  303. Its end to end encrypted
  304. You can use the encryption directly without the network features https://github.com/charmbracelet/charm/tree/main/crypt
  305. It's single binary too. charm server runs the server.
  306. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/cfe84/drop -- Drop is an end-to-end encrypted and anonymous dead-drop. Each browser can be registered as a unique client. An asymmetric key is then generated, as well as a password, and a unique alias is issued. You can then give this alias to whomever you want to correspond to through a channel you trust.
  307. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/akshaykmr/teletype -- cli tool that allows you to share your terminal online conveniently. Check out 
  308. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/kongmunist/asciiZOOM -- This alternative to Zoom offers a secure, end-to-end encrypted way to video chat from the safety of your terminal.


  309. chinchilla optional
  310. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Holy wow. I love how bro lights his torch at the same moment it explodes, i bet he shit himself.
  311. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/hwayne/awesome-cold-showers -- It's great when people get excited about things, but sometimes they get a little too excited. 
  312. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk -- Yet another remote desktop software, written in Rust. Works out of the box, no configuration required. You have full control of your data, with no concerns about security. You can use our rendezvous/relay server, set up your own, or write your own rendezvous/relay server.
  313. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/snakers4/silero-models -- Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech and text-enhancement models made embarrassingly simple
  314. chinchilla optional

    http://arclanguage.org/ This site is about Arc, a new dialect of Lisp.

    Arc is designed for exploratory programming: the kind where you decide what to write by writing it. A good medium for exploratory programming is one that makes programs brief and malleable, so that's what we've aimed for. This is a medium for sketching software.

     It's not a coincidence that we wrote a language for exploratory programming rather than the sort where an army of programmers builds a big, bureaucratic piece of software for a big, bureaucratic organization. Exploratory programming is the fun end of programming, and we hope that will be the guiding principle of the Arc community

  315. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/robinsloan/spring-83-spec -- A speculative new protocol 🌸
  316. Colin
    arguably the most beginner-friendly and easiest to learn terminal-based email client
  317. ^ has a built in tutorial which guides you through adding accounts, folders, sending replies, adding/viewing attachments. well-written manpages are only a :help away, and the config sits in a really simple TOML file that you can easily copy between machines (great for saving in a dotfiles repo, e.g.)
  318. chinchilla optional
    Do you use that with hm?
  319. Colin

    trying it out, yeah. home manager "integration" looks like this:

    1xdg.configFile."aerc/accounts.conf".source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink ./secrets/aerc/accounts.conf;
  320. chinchilla optional
    Aerc looks really nice. Gonna try that later
  321. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el -- 🍀 Next-generation, purely functional package manager for the Emacs hacker.
  322. Avatar
    Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire changed their profile picture
  323. chinchilla optional
    https://virtual-correspondence.github.io/ -- this is really impressive. You could combine with the litter map ^ for 'proof of litter removal'
  324. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/netenglabs/suzieq -- Healthier Networks Through Network Observability

    Would you like to be able to easily answer trivial questions such as how many unique prefixes are there in your routing table, or how many MAC addresses are there in the MAC tables across the network? How about more difficult questions, such as what changes did your routing table see between 10 pm and midnight last night, or which of your nodes have been up the longest, or which BGP sessions have had the most routing updates? How about being able to answer if your OSPF (or BGP) sessions are working correctly, or is all well with your EVPN? How about a quick way to determine the amount of ECMP at every hop between two endpoints? Do you wish you could easily validate the configuration you deployed across your network?

    Do you login to every network node you have to figure out answers to a questions like these? Do you then struggle to piece the information together into a consistent whole across the various formats provided by various vendors? Do you wish you had an open source, multi-vendor tool that could help you answer questions like these and more?

    If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then Suzieq is a tool that we think will be interesting to you. Suzieq helps you find things in your network.

  325. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/yrutschle/sslh -- A ssl/ssh multiplexer sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client. Probes for HTTP, TLS/SSL (including SNI and ALPN), SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, XMPP, SOCKS5, are implemented, and any other protocol that can be tested using a regular expression, can be recognised. A typical use case is to allow serving several services on port 443 (e.g. to connect to SSH from inside a corporate firewall, which almost never block port 443) while still serving HTTPS on that port. Hence sslh acts as a protocol demultiplexer, or a switchboard. With the SNI and ALPN probe, it makes a good front-end to a virtual host farm hosted behind a single IP address. sslh has the bells and whistles expected from a mature daemon: privilege and capabilities dropping, inetd support, systemd support, transparent proxying, chroot, logging, IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP, a fork-based and a select-based model, and more.
  326. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I have used that. It works reasonably well.
  327. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    My main issue was that the most straightforward usecase presents mainly a tempting way of getting in trouble at work.

  328. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    Did someone recommend an Android RSS reader a while ago? I've been trying a few, and none are fully satisfactory.

  329. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I need to figure out a few good ways to multiplex a public IP to a bunch of overlay network hosts declaratively. Ill probably do nginx reverse proxies but I'd like some good port layer solutions
  330. In reply to this message

    Possibly, i can search on desktop. I've tried a few rss readers and haven't been able to get any to stick. Installed nunti recently but haven't used it yet
  331. chinchilla optional
  332. An Inhabitant of Carcosa I guess that was it
  333. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Ah. Somehow missed that one. I like all the features of Nextcloud News, but I want to be less server dependent, including my selfhosted servers.
  334. chinchilla optional
    That's something that has consistently bothered me about RSS. It all wants to be a service and a webpage
  335. Despite being tailor made for 'local first'
  336. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Well, its for one thing because the web apps are easy to develop, and for another so you can sync your read state on multiple clients.
  337. chinchilla optional
    I totally get it. One UI for every platform is a good selling point
  338. Some of the new crdts and distributed dbs (gundb) coming out should help with synced local first stuff in the coming years
  339. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/osnr/fiat -- Fiat is a more-or-less direct translation of the randomized alternate world-building procedure laid out in
    GURPS Infinite Worlds.
    All probabilities, descriptions, and names are from there, with a few trivial exceptions. It supports deeper per-country attributes to some extent, but they're not used or filled out yet.
  340. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/felipeleivav/yboard -- Yboard is a multiplayer desktop-like workspace based on Yjs

    Online demo

  341. lg0
    Message deleted by chinchilla optional
  342. Message deleted by chinchilla optional
  343. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  344. lg0
    Message deleted by chinchilla optional
  345. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    I'm interested in the idea of CRDTs. They do seem like a way forward, if not the way. I need to look at some non-JS implementations, and play around with different types.

  346. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    My thoughts almost exactly. They hold a lot of promise and ability to retrofit existing software just feels like cheating/magic.
  347. I'm not sure if the various 'clocks' are considered CRDTs, but vector clicks and interval tree clocks are interesting and seem to have a lot of overlap. I read a cool piece on them a couple of years ago I'll try to find.
  348. http://arclanguage.org/ This site is about Arc, a new dialect of Lisp.

    Arc is designed for exploratory programming: the kind where you decide what to write by writing it. A good medium for exploratory programming is one that makes programs brief and malleable, so that's what we've aimed for. This is a medium for sketching software.

     It's not a coincidence that we wrote a language for exploratory programming rather than the sort where an army of programmers builds a big, bureaucratic piece of software for a big, bureaucratic organization. Exploratory programming is the fun end of programming, and we hope that will be the guiding principle of the Arc community

  349. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  350. chinchilla optional
    I think HN was made in arc?
  351. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I *think* HN was made in CL. I think Arc was an idea Paul Graham had grandiose thoughts about but never actually developed
  352. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Seems to be actively developed as a #lang in racket https://github.com/arclanguage/anarki
  353. Also the arc website links HN saying it was used in a webapp. And their forum is an hn clone
  354. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Hmm. I am frequently wrong.
  355. chinchilla optional

    Arc is unfinished. It's missing things you'd need to solve some types of problems. But it works well for 

  356. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  357. Colin
    on that topic: anyone tried LibreWolf? it’s just a patch set atop Firefox that removes the homepage ads, “experiments”, telemetry, Pocket, etc and makes the rest of the browser slightly more configurable https://librewolf.net
  358. i’ll probably try it out tomorrow since i’m getting frustrated at how difficult it is to configure basic things like search providers in stock Firefox.
  359. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I haven't. But it seems like it's more maintainable than the other Firefox forks, because it tracks main.
  360. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/svsdval/video2midi -- youtube synthesia video to midi
  361. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    That thing is too cool. I like how they give shoutouts to recommended foss software by listing it as a feature.
  362. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    I really like the "bento box" form factor.

  363. Colin
    the bezels though…
  364. chinchilla optional
    If those bezels are the cost of a fully open design, no management engine, and swappable compute modules I'll make that trade every time.
  365. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/gusmanb/logicanalyzer -- raspi pico $8 24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware and software
  366. lg0
  367. i'ed need to setup up somesort of input filters/buffer
  368. Colin

    we can abuse a bit the system and create a sepparate trigger program that notifies the capture program using a pin, that's why GPIO0 and GPIO1 are shorted.

    they’re using GPIOs as cross-core RPC. i have to admire that hack, because it might actually be the only way to pull that off.

  369. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    That's pretty awesome
  370. Colin


    Sequoia's a stateless PGP implementation. unlike gpg, there's no ~/.gnupg key store: you manage private and pubkeys however you want, and pass them into sequoia externally.


    1sq verify --signer-cert path/to/senders/pubkey.pub path/to/signed/file
  371. i use this because often when i'm doing PGP stuff, it's with identities which i definitely don't want to mix up (e.g. sign something very personal but accidentally use a pubkey associated with my public code contributions). gpg is bad at this because it wants to have all your identities in the same store where they're easy to mix up.
  372. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/wibyweb/wiby -- another smolweb search engine open sourced
  373. Colin

    In reply to this message

    looks neat! the main
    instance looks to be seeded pretty nicely (wish i could view the list of sites it crawls — mostly i’m curious if it’s in the 1000’s or 10,000’s).
  374. have you used it much? are there other public instances you know about?
  375. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I've had wiby on https://searx.kernelpanic.cafe/search?category_smolweb=on since the beginning. You can also use !wiby. I'm not self hosting (i think it was just open sourced?) And use yhe main instance.
  376. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Looks like their db is open
  377. I didn't know this was coming, but I did try to build nyxt a few days ago and had trouble somewhere.
  378. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    And still can't build it now. Guess I will git bisect In My Copious Free Time.
  379. chinchilla optional
  380. chinchilla optional
  381. ^ tui and gemini interfaces
  382. Colin

    In reply to this message

    you can do a similar thing with linux’s Network Namespace feature: https://ysegorov.github.io/2020/wireguard/
  383. network interfaces aren’t actually a global thing in Linux. what you see when you run ip show is the default namespace where interfaces are placed by default. but you can explicitly partition them into different sets and then specify which namespace to use when you spawn a service.
  384. so you just set up a wireguard interface, move it to a new namespace, and then specify that namespace when you spawn transmission (systemd lets you specify a NetworkNamespacePath flag in the service config), and it will behave as if that was the only interface on the machine (no eth, wlan, loopback)
  385. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    My understanding is that this is all docker is doing under the hood.
  386. Colin
    i hope so. my point was more that you don’t need docker for it.
  387. Colin
    my setup for transmission is that i have my default namespace (with WAN access) a VPN-only namespace, and a point-to-point link between the two. with this, Transmission can never directly send non-VPN traffic off the machine, but it can still service requests that originate from the other end of that link in the default namespace. so i can host nginx on the default namespace and proxy Transmission’s web UI to the WAN while ensuring that everything else Transmission does goes through the VPN.
  388. i do it that way since it lets me host the web UI behind the same nginx process that i use for all my other web services.
  389. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    That's pretty nice. I don't expose my transmission remote interface to the public internet. Which can be inconvenient at times, but feels safer.
  390. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

  391. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Oh, is it? shudder
  392. Colin

    In reply to this message

    at some point, i’ll probably set my server up to host a VPN and then just have all of my devices exclusively use that VPN (and the web UI exposed only to that VPN). that’s probably the safest approach to all this, but it’s work 🙃
  393. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I used to do that, but I changed routers for faster WiFi, and the new one doesn't do NAT hairpinning, which makes anything involving the VPN a hassle.
  394. lg0
    An Inhabitant of Carcosa: get a better router?
  395. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah. I need to get something OpenWRT compatible, or ideally with OpenWRT preinstalled because I'm getting too old for this shit. But whenever I've needed a router the last few years I've needed it NOW, which has limited my choice to whatever's at Office Despot.
  396. lg0
  397. seperate the router function from wifi
  398. I use a commercial firewall and plain ubiquiti wifi APs
  399. chinchilla optional
  400. lg0
    does it do context enforcement?
  401. Linux by default used to not do this.
  402. chinchilla optional
    Default is irrelevant when you can just define your config
  403. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/NsCDE/NsCDE NsCDE is a retro but powerful UNIX desktop environment which resembles CDE look (and partially feel) but with a more powerful and flexible framework beneath-the-surface, more suited for 21st century unix-like and Linux systems and user requirements than original CDE.

    NsCDE can be considered as a heavyweight FVWM theme on steroids, but combined with a couple other free software components and custom FVWM applications and a lot of configuration, NsCDE can be considered a lightweight hybrid desktop environment.

    In other words, NsCDE is a heavy FVWM (ab)user. It consists of a set of FVWM applications and configurations, enriched with Python and Shell background drivers, couple of the additional free software tools and applications. FVWM3 is also supported.

  404. In reply to this message

    I've tried (and failed) to get gnunet to work a few times. It's big and complex and makes some questionable decisions (see: taler). That said I can appreciate the attempt to actually fix things without compromising. It's one to keep an eye on.
  405. It is a nixos option (https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=22.05&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=services.gnunet), so I'll probably give it another whack now that 22.05 is out
  406. But still... Yggdrasil+alfis is much lighter and simpler, and actually solves zookoo (no petnames like gnunet)
  407. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I'm looking at Alfis. Concerned that it uses a blockchain; would have to see more about how it uses it for consensus. I'd rather have petnames than a global system with bad governance...
  408. Docs only in Russian.
  409. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    No governance, no tokens/crypto. It's a suuuuper lightweight blockchain.
  410. There's no (mine a block every x seconds/minutes), you only update the blockchain when you want to update a record.
  411. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah, but how does mining work?
  412. PoW? PoS?
  413. chinchilla optional
    PoW, there's nothing to stake. Nothing from the blockchain is ever distributed to miners because there's no miners per se.
  414. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah, I'm not touching anything that's PoW, even if it's not a token/currency.
  415. chinchilla optional

    nightcafe has entered the chat

  416. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Not exactly PoW. The bulk of their energy is already spent on training the models. Generating a new image from a prompt isn't very energy-intensive.
  417. But yeah, I contain multitudes.
  418. chinchilla optional
    A couple of hours on an old laptop CPU is sufficient to stop spam and still far less bad for the environment than a couple of weeks of browsing the tracker laden fatweb
  419. Mining is only for updating NS records not something that happens by default
  420. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  421. chinchilla optional
    I still maintain that it's better described using some terminology other than blockchain because there's too much baggage there and it is closer to a gemini version
  422. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I mean, there are things like SSB and journald that use signed append-only logs, but don't use PoW, and I'd hesitate to describe them as blockchain? But once you're using PoW for distributed consensus, I don't see a better name.
  423. chinchilla optional
    Like if you forked this for a private network (pointless but I'm illustrating here) then after initial setup mining would stop because there's no updates any more. Because there's no token or coin, you can't arbitrage proof of work into future expected value/future domain names.
  424. In reply to this message

    Not sure how ssb/journald could give a globally unique name though?
  425. E.g. I am cw.ygg
  426. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    No, they couldn't. I'm just using them as an example of blockchain data structures without the rest of blockchain baggage.
  427. chinchilla optional
    Yeah for sure. If he had called it a global append only log with minimal anti-spam features it'd come across better heh
  428. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I'll try stuff with .ygg when I'm nore settled, and have my server moved to my place.
  429. chinchilla optional
    Revertron is cool. His focus is distributed networking, not blocktrash. This isn't his first distributed name system either.
  430. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Well, I've bookmarked it, anyway.
  431. Lots of fun experiments happening in yggland
  432. I guess zhoreeq did meshname not revertron, ops.
  433. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    What kind of server?
  434. chinchilla optional
    Also for the record, alfis works without ygg and the other way around. Lots of alfis names point to clearnet IPs.
  435. chinchilla optional
    IMO ygg+alfis is an absolutely awesome combo that launches a tactical nuke at the existing IANA/ISP/ICANN/registrar stack (rent seekers), and given physical links (which I'm working on with a photonics friend) has the possibility of replacing it entirely.
  436. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Nothing special. Just a bog-standard linux box.
  437. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/superfly/litefs -- LiteFS is a FUSE-based file system for replicating SQLite databases across a cluster of machines. It works as a passthrough file system that intercepts writes to SQLite databases in order to detect transaction boundaries and record changes on a per-transaction level in LTX files. This project is actively maintained but is currently in an alpha state. The file system and replication are functional but testing & hardening are need to make it production-ready. This repository is open source in order to collect feedback and ideas for how to make SQLite replication better.
  438. https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=6307 -- The Plausibly Deniable DataBase a fully encrypted data store that can dynamically show different views of the same app depending on which secret overlays, or "Bases", are unlocked. Locked Bases (plural of "Basis") look and behave exactly the same as free disk space, so we believe that even an adversary who can forensically image your Precursor will have a difficult time proving or disproving the existence of a secret Basis beyond a reasonable doubt. Finally, Precursor features encrypted backup and restoration of the PDDB via USB, so you can bootstrap your digital self onto a new device, using the encrypted backup image and a BIP-39 word list, even if your device is lost, destroyed, or confiscated.
  439. chinchilla optional
    https://exposnitc.github.io/index.html -- Project eXpOS (eXperimental Operating System) is an on-line educational platform which helps undergraduate students to learn the working on an operating system. A detailed project roadmap that is part of the platform provides step by step guidance to the student towards writing a small operating system from scratch. The student learns the implementation of various OS data structures and kernel routines during the course of the project. The OS written by the student will run on a machine simulator supplied along with the platform. The project assumes that the student has undergone a course in computer organization, and is comfortable with programming.
  440. If ^ interests you, I recommend checking out nand2tetris. The title is accurate. https://www.nand2tetris.org/
  441. chinchilla optional
  442. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Ooh! Though technically, all the CL web frameworks are also web servers.
  443. Eg https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/, which is the de facto standard.
  444. chinchilla optional

    https://simfish.dev/projects/gix/ -- Gix: Literate Programming with Emacs org-mode & GNU/Guix

    Gix is a collection of utility scripts that leverage GNU/Guix software management features to simplify literate programming with Emacs org-mode.

  445. @martyet:matrix.org left the room
  446. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/JsBergbau/BindToInterface -- securely bind a programm to a specific network interface or network adapter

    Bind To Interface is a useful program for unix/linux if you have multiple network interfaces or adapters and want your program use strictly only one or none. You don't have to bother with routing tables, network namespaces or iptables and marking packets.

    BindToInterface is very flexible. You can set exceptions to which IPs no binding should be made. This is especially useful if your program still needs to communicate with

    . For example if you make an outgoing ssh connection, bind it to eth1 it couldn't reach
    without the bind exception.

  447. Avatar
    chinchilla optional invited martyet
  448. Avatar
    martyet joined the room
  449. chinchilla optional
    https://sk8cad.com/ -- stakeboard cad (supposed to be open source from https://shop.opensourceboards.com/ but can't find it on mobile).
  450. Avatar
    ilmu joined the room
  451. chinchilla optional

    https://sr.ht/~ilmu/tala.saman/ -- This is a preliminary introduction to a project that is very hard to explain due to how fundamental it is. We are interested in building society on a stable foundation and with computers becoming an increasingly fundamental part of the coordination of human behaviour we worry about the incentives being created.

    The datalisp project builds on some very simple ideas:

    • the duality of code and data (universal turing machine proves this)
    • canonical representatives for equality comparisons (think torrent seeding)
    • free software as a foundation for a democratic society
    • the peer to peer model as a more accurate description of reality - therefore; decentralized coordination of society
    • persuasion as means to updating software (coercion / centralization is systemic risk)
    • trust as a channel for effective communication (information you don't trust is noise)
    • probabilistic assessment of trust as the foundation of economics
    • sufficiency of economics to coordinate name system
    • sufficiency of name system to coordinate society
    • conflict resolution as a "join" in name system lattice (actually is the meet - trade)
    • reified conflicts as a form of conflict resolution (the join - market)
    • currency exchange rates as measurement of relative legitimacy
  452. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  453. Message deleted
  454. chinchilla optional
    Forgot to post it in here a few days ago. Been busy as hell
  455. ilmu

    In reply to this message

    the basic plan is:

    • having a FOSS, bootstrappable and reproducible system that can serve as "the" peer (symmetry of p2p)
    • having a theoretically sound data interchange format to build a namesystem on (canonical S-expressions)
    • having all tools required to evolve the peer within this namesystem thing and then build economics around this stuff; it may seem like an impossible problem but I think if you arrange everything correctly then it will almost happen by itself (jsut in order to manage complexity: https://youtu.be/Lgs9QUtWc3M)

    Just commenting since that is "my" project... I was on nixos before but I moved to guix because they take the whole bootstrapping thing and FOSS thing a bit more seriously. Also I think guile is an improvement over json-with-lambdas and that datalisp is an improvement over that stuff.. but let's see what happens.

  456. chinchilla optional

    the basic plan is:

    • having a FOSS, bootstrappable and reproducible system that can serve as "the" peer (symmetry of p2p)
    • having a theoretically sound data interchange format to build a namesystem on (canonical S-expressions)
    • having all tools required to evolve the peer within this namesystem thing and then build economics around this stuff; it may seem like an impossible problem but I think if you arrange everything correctly then it will almost happen by itself (jsut in order to manage complexity: https://youtu.be/Lgs9QUtWc3M)

    This is what I'm trying to build here, too.

    it may seem like an impossible problem but I think if you arrange everything correctly then it will almost happen by itself

    YES!! I've been seeing things fall together even as early stage as my experiments are, and I've been fighting nixlang the whole time.

  457. ilmu
    well if you want money then I don't mind sharing my nlnet grant with people who make the milestones happen
  458. I am meeting with a friend on sundays to poke at the code a bit but I just got set up again after having a pretty rough run-in with reality
  459. ended on the street and got my devices stolen etc. ended up having to bail on my masters degree and move back home to iceland to live with my mom
  460. I have a desktop that is starting to be nice enough to use and will make some progress hopefully in the coming months
  461. chinchilla optional
    Shit, you doing better now?
  462. ilmu
    ya, just living with my mom and working on this datalisp thing when I feel like it
  463. still broke and all that but I don't really care, these things are temporary
  464. chinchilla optional
    I've been thinking about applying for nlnet or some other similar grants.
  465. Wanted to be further along first but that may not be necessary
  466. ilmu
    it depends on what you want to do, they are reasonable people.. not like a lot of the "build on my platform and I give you money" grants out there
  467. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I want to reimagine it all from first principles.
  468. We have the tools we need, I think.
  469. ilmu

    In reply to this message

    that's exactly what I've been doing to a large extent.. studying mathematics and thinking about what this thing is (since a computer is a kind of formal proof in one way while also being a "real" engineered system.. it's interesting zall'msayin') but the people I learned the most from are the
    people ... bigraphs as the fundamental representation of computation makes a lot of sense to me
  470. chinchilla optional



    Even has (unimplemented) quadtrature absolute encoder.

    100mm moves take under 200ms
    It takes approximately 60ms to achieve 2100mm/s, for an acceleration of around 35m/s^2, and it takes approximately 40ms to decelerate back to 100mm/s, for deceleration of around 50m/s^2.

    Better performance can likely be achieved with higher currents, but I’m limited by the quite low OCP of my power supply (which is a macbook charger…

  471. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Most of this is interesting, but the focus on markets and currency is a big turn-off. Money is a sign of poverty.
  472. ilmu
    I wanted to see if that stuff was necessary in the first place.
  473. money / stocks / votes / whatever
  474. I don't think that the thing you end up using to communicate "the most valuable definition" will have much resemblance to the type of money / economics that we know and love.. but it will be able to serve the same purpose (persuasion)
  475. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    You might read "Debt: the First 5000 Years", by David Graeber to get a broader perspective on money and economics. Might suggest some kinds of alternative approaches, even.
  476. ilmu
    I have read it
  477. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Oh, good.
  478. ilmu
    (I also like "the dawn of everything")
  479. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Yeah, the Dawn of Everything was also excellent. I wonder if Graeber's co-author will continue that series now that Graeber has passed.
  480. Colin

    In reply to this message

    this is so over-engineered, i love it 😆
  481. hey i’m working my way through Graeber’s “Debt” right now. i like how much it’s turning out to be a story about anthropology (one i’ve never seen told before) instead of sterile economics :-)
  482. chinchilla optional
    https://unifiedpush.org/ -- UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and tools that lets the user choose how push notifications* are delivered. All in a free and open source way.
  483. chinchilla optional
    https://sdadams.org/blog/introducing-muxfs/ -- a mirroring, checksumming, and self-healing filesystem layer for OpenBSD
  484. lg0
    Cute but.. I feel stupid but~ BTRFS and ZFS do this auto magicly. and ZFS is supported by bsd. :| So I don't understand the need for it.
  485. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Not openbsd
  486. At least that i can tell
  487. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/oasislinux/oasis -- a small statically-linked linux system
  488. ilmu
    jgart was talking about it in the guix channel today
  489. said it was similar to this: https://carbslinux.org/
  490. see the philosophy in
    carbs linux
    for more context on that approach
  491. ah damn it doesn't forward with context, just looks like I said that last msg
  492. (he was talking about how guix is maintaining a "curated" package repository like debian but it would be preferable to use lots of channels and be more p2p - i.e. in the directions of carb / oasis)
  493. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    This is what nix is trying to do with flakes
  494. ilmu
    yep I know, I was moving off nix around the time when they were starting to be possible to try
  495. chinchilla optional
    Csrbs looks like a regular package manager?
  496. ilmu
    I have no clue tbh, just mentioned it because he was literally talking about it earlier today
  497. chinchilla optional
    And oasis has none but recommends nix or another one
  498. ilmu
    this one is also nice; made by the guy who made bupstash https://github.com/andrewchambers/hermes
  499. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    That is cool.
  500. I'm excited about this new paradigm. It's clearly the right way forward
  501. One of my goals is to boot your whole system from a bip39 private key (maybe from a trezor).
  502. ilmu
    I have a laptop with HEADs that is kinda in the direction of this
  503. in the end I just want microkernels and a build system
  504. chinchilla optional
  505. ilmu
    question is: how do we get there?
  506. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    That's slick. I don't really trust hardware RoT yet, though. Possibly that can be fixed with fpgas or something like the precursor
  507. ilmu
    yeah exact, I have been down this train of thought as well
  508. ideally it would be great to have a coprocessor that you can trust which can verify proofs produced by the main processor
  509. so you can keep verifiability all the way
  510. but still have fast stuff
  511. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    My path there is:

    Opt-in state https://libreddit.kernelpanic.cafe/r/NixOS/comments/su5bwl/whos_here_runs_nixos_with_opt_in_state/

    A flake based system bootable from a git repo

    State loaded from IPFS or similar as a PAM module.

  512. ilmu
    but idk, that's not happening until people wisen up to shiz
  513. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Have you seen the precursor? It's supposed to be something like that
  514. ilmu
    yeah ofc
  515. that's what I'm basing some of this thinking on, I've also come at it from the other direction a bit.. looking at what kind of proofs it is possible to produce with cryptography
  516. for me the key thing is to be able to pay people to do all this work
  517. because it is an obscene amount of work to make the computers secure enough that we can trust them
  518. and our current society is not equipped with an economic system capable of motivating that work
  519. but there is a saying in icelandic "neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna"
  520. "necessity teaches the naked woman to weave"
  521. chinchilla optional
    I'm ignoring the trust side of tihngs for now, for the most part. Other than staying somewhat up to date. I'm not lost with these things but my time's probably better spent right now just fleshing out what these systems are going to look like. Things are moving fast.
  522. ilmu
    in my mind they are moving extremely incredibly slow
  523. chinchilla optional
    Not on the trust side, agreed.
  524. ilmu
    ron rivest was point out canonical S-expressions years ago
  525. chinchilla optional
    But the foss/privacy side yes.
  526. ilmu
    before that bernstein pointed out netstrings
  527. but people are adamant that they want to delimit their data with these " things, even if it means that now all data has complicated evaluation semantics just to process escaping or put in escaping before going through another step of not being evaluated, it's the source of so much complexity
  528. also all the inline templating with escape sequences.. it's not a good way to do things, especially when you take type theory into consideration and content addressing
  529. much better to just actually quote the data so that it is actually inert and then to attach types/semantics/context to the content address and voila you've got a playground for doing plt
  530. chinchilla optional
    I'm just starting to play with racket (and emacs (spacemacs) as of a few months ago). I'm late to the s expression party. I definitely see the advantages and it feels like a very powerful and underused tool.
  531. ilmu
    the important thing to realize is how important quoting is
  532. it's identity w.r.t. evaluation
  533. identity is always a very important arrow..
  534. chinchilla optional
    I just came across this on gh https://github.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm
  535. Feels kinda relevant
  536. ilmu
    hehe it's cute
  537. these things are all part of the puzzle though
  538. chinchilla optional
  539. I'm having trouble putting the puzzle itself into words
  540. ilmu
    tragedy of the commons
  541. in a p2p setting
  542. chinchilla optional
    "This is a preliminary introduction to a project that is very hard to explain due to how fundamental it is."
  543. ilmu
  544. chinchilla optional
    That line resonated with me. My wife keeps telling me for an elevator pitch and that's just not possible.
  545. ilmu
    yeah I know, the issue is that you cannot solve just one of the big problems because the big problems are just different symptoms of the disease
  546. chinchilla optional
    The closest I have is "digital homesteading" but that makes it feel like self-hosting/self-sufficiency and there's really a LOT more to it than that.
  547. In reply to this message

    Yes. What's the commonality that can solve them all at once? Build from that first principle
  548. ilmu
    communication I think is the first step to resolving any kind of conflict
  549. and I think a lot of conflict is "mistaken tension" (phrasing borrowed from spivak, the category theorist)
  550. chinchilla optional
    People can only see things through the lens of their own life. They may want the same thing and merely be confusing terms.
  551. ilmu

    so I think if we can do two things:

    • make communication less ambiguous
    • evaluate legitimacy of data / code

    then almost everything downstream will fix itself

  552. chinchilla optional
    I like "mistaken tension"
  553. ilmu
    (downstream of communication, so basically "behaviour")
  554. In reply to this message

    yeah exact, a big problem is translating english to english
  555. chinchilla optional
    Translating internal to external. The brain is very high bandwidth and speech is very low.
  556. ilmu
    you can take some hardcore redneck dude and a lesbian feminist and they will agree on so many things but they will not be able to communicate even a little bit (in many settings) because they don't speak the same language
  557. but to me the thing is that they just don't trust each other, so ofc nothing will get across.. it may be a shorter path (in terms of trust) to have them communicate through 15 intermediaries than directly to one another
  558. and on the internet you can often talk directly to a group in a sense via editing wikipedia or similar activity
  559. chinchilla optional
    So often I know people who are ideologically completely opposed and both want (in effect) the same exact end goal.
  560. ilmu
    if discussions become more about discovering which version of an essay is most legitimate (i.e. collaborative editing) than PvP talking then probably a lot of conflict will go away
  561. it's kinda like how when you sit in a car, everyone is facing in the same direction, it is not really a room made to have a conflict in
  562. while when everyone sits in a circle, facing one another, then it's more pvp and you can bring conflict into the circle
  563. chinchilla optional
    Oh I can cause some conflict in a car. Especially after a big meal D:
  564. ilmu
    hehe yeah I know that lots of conflicts happen in cars
  565. but idk I think it's not a particularly good place to resolve a conflict unless by coercion I suppose since the passengers can't get out
  566. but that's kinda the idea with the internet; no captive audience.. just let people follow the signal and find the place that gives them the highest value information
  567. chinchilla optional
    The internet has largely been co-opted in service of this weird cybernetic dystopia.
  568. chinchilla optional
    I just wanna use ripple and gnu taler with my friend edisondotme
  569. sorry had dad duty. Pouring water from one container to another back and forth was priority #1 heh
  570. ^ omar rizwan is awesome. I'm emailing him now to see if I can get him on matrix and in here.
  571. ilmu
    yeah I like that post
  572. making things accessible is such a meme but it is definitely the key to adoption (duh :)
  573. chinchilla optional
    He does all kinds of wild stuff. Have you seen tabfs?
  574. ilmu
    no don't think so
  575. chinchilla optional
    or dynamicland?
  576. ilmu
    no neither
  577. edisondotme

    In reply to this message

    Hi, I didn't read what you guys were talking about before this, but yes, I agree. Thanks for summoning me chinchilla optional I forgot that there's cool stuff in 0x00-links:
  578. chinchilla optional
    eh it's 99% just links to FOSS stuff I think is interesting. Sometimes we chat, heh.
  579. I try not to post run of the mill stuff, hopefully things that are doing things different or fit directly into this computer system a few of us are building.
  580. ilmu
    it's good to have a place where you are free to dump links imo, I had a telegram for what I'm doing and that ran into this issue that you didn't want to flood the room with links but sometimes you just had a bunch of links to dump
  581. check tabfs out ilmu , it's awesome
  582. ilmu
    I did, it is cool but this dynamicland is much more cool!
  583. I like it a lot
  584. chinchilla optional
    agreed, but the website is kind of sparse. They are keeping things very close to their chest there as they want to build a local community first before open sourcing online
  585. ilmu
    reminds me a bit of the turing tumble (which is a toy I petitioned to get as a christmas present for kids in the family but it didn't really lead anywhere cause they live abroad and no one was there to make it into an interesting toy.. whatever families are complicated)
  586. chinchilla optional
    aka not let the greater internet community hijack what the community actually using it builds/does
  587. ilmu
    yeah it's kind of like with sudbury schools etc.
  588. it's hard to replicate culture
  589. but
    is trying to do this in europe finally
  590. but I think playing boardgames as a means to compsci / math is underexplored, it's a huge influence on me.. I had a friend growing up that was as into solving games as me and we both went to the IMO and did well in math comps mostly because we spent all our time figuring out games and coming up with competitive formats / strategies to beat them
  591. chinchilla optional
    I am planning on homeschooling my daughter. I've got lots of ideas for education too, including some wild ones (elimination of teachers). Parents take turns coming in and teach something they know. Anything, can be engineering, programming, cooking, sports, music. If you don't know anything play games.
  592. ilmu
    yea I'd also love to do this
  593. chinchilla optional
    looks kinda like that eudec thing maybe?
  594. ilmu
    eudec is in the direction of unschooling, it is same model as sudbury or sunny hill, students and teachers have votes and then you ahve democratic governance of the school
  595. chinchilla optional
    It's sad. I have an immediate, visceral, negative reaction to the word 'democracy'. Like, I get that it has high ideals but, but "we reject kings presidents and voting". Too often that word gets hijacked into the same systems of control we're trying to avoid.
  596. ilmu
    kids can choose freely how to spend their time and teachers just hold space for learning of various kinds to happen
  597. chinchilla optional
    I like that
  598. ilmu
    unschooling is more what I align with and probably you too
  599. chinchilla optional

    mistaken tension

  600. At this point anything would be better than how it's handled here in the states
  601. ilmu
    the thing is; voting is a form of bullying (in the sense of tragedy of the commons, bullying is caused by it and voting is vulnerable to it)
  602. chinchilla optional
    Shoving kids into windowless prisons and making them sit in desks all day learning what amounts to trivia (no big picture at all) and propaganda.
  603. ilmu
    lol yes.. there are so many simple ways to improve the state of affairs that it is hard to believe that the economics / politics reward actually valuable behaviours
  604. it's all just a boardgame that we've gotten so absorbed in that we've lost sight of reality (also because the scale is so enormous it is hard to believe many things that you do would actually matter)
  605. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    baudrillard has been bouncing around my head a lot recently since I visited nashville.
  606. ilmu
    basically it comes down to how we coordinate behaviour and which rules we consider legitimate
  607. (which should be more flexible and contextual than it currently is)
  608. theories about how these contexts relate and what kinds of data they expect (because in computers everything is data so these need to be programmed somehow) can be exchanged and assessed, that assessment can be prioritized or partially automated using probability theories, like we've done with science for a long while with great success
  609. clarity follows from balancing perspecuity (step-wise arguments at arbitrary precision) with references to a shared context, managing that context is the distributed computation that a (digital) society is doing
  610. I think free software shows that we don't need any particular algorithm to solve our problems for us but if we want to migrate to this new system of governance in a clean way then the interface provided to us is the economic system, we need to outcompete other forms of organization by persuading people that their best interest is served by using this platform and participating in this network (similar to how smartphone ownership / usage has reached a coercive level here in iceland and probably many other places)
  611. that can be done by making more accurate assessments than other financial or political institutions, that would make the assessments made in the network a source of truth for decision making and therefore people would be attracted to participate in order to receive a fair assessment of their capabilities.. the key to making this fair is that there is no one who has oversight, the system is p2p, it's just that the emergent consensus from exchanging assessments in some resource constrained game (enforced with cryptography and motivated by the worth of your identity) will be guided by your prior assessments of which ids are sources of signal
  612. ilmu
    the idea is to try and balance speed of propogation against the necessary security considerations by pushing as heavily as possible in the direction of automation, key idea is to build interfaces for auditability so that you can learn which kind of automation you want to trust and develop your own responses.. this is the bigraph stuff that I'm obsessed with,
    is a nice intro from the statebox people.. I don't understand their stuff fully but I know it's incredibly ahead of where we are, my attempt at doing this is datalisp, I think we want to have a system for building type systems on top of metaprogramming (i.e. templating) any data, the programs that you attach to the relations can be arbitrary but then the system of trust assess whether the definitions of this name are legitimate and you interact with a declerative data interchange graph by allowing certain places to access certain behaviours (logical relations between names) and I just realized I am rambling but to finish this thought, the types as predicates view paired with reproducible builds means you can use arbitrary programs as predicates and then provide an environment and an invocation as a constraint in the logic level and then have a simple datalog calculate paths that are available before running programs that do transformations.. the key to all of this is UX, it needs to be simple to traverse the architecture and verify that names have legitimate definitions, then participate in coordinating these definitions in the collectives
  613. Avatar
    Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire changed their profile picture
  614. Avatar
    An Inhabitant of Carcosa changed their profile picture
  615. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/vassbo/freeshow -- FreeShow is a presentation program to easily show text on a big screen, with support for stage display, remote control, media, and many more advanced features. It is open sourced meaning anyone can contribute.

    I created this program because of all the programs I have tried, they was either way too expensive or unnecessarily hard to use. This can be used for free everywhere, from a small church to a big concert.


  616. ^website has screenshots and more features (lyrics, network remote, etc)
  617. Avatar
    An Inhabitant of Carcosa changed their profile picture
  618. Avatar
    An Inhabitant of Carcosa changed their profile picture
  619. chinchilla optional
    https://jank-lang.org/ -- The jank programming language jank is a general-purpose programming language which embraces the interactive, value-oriented nature of Clojure as well as the desire for native compilation and minimal runtimes. jank is 100% compatible with Clojure. Where jank differs from Clojure is that its host is C++ on top of an LLVM-based JIT. Furthermore, jank has a built-in gradual type system which allows for malli-style type annotations which result in static type analysis. This allows jank to offer the same benefits of REPL-based development while being able to reach much further into the lands of both correctness and performance. Still, jank is a Clojure dialect and thus includes its code-as-data philosophy and powerful macro system. jank remains a functional-first language which builds upon Clojure's rich set of persistent, immutable data structures. When mutability is needed, jank offers a software transaction memory and reactive Agent system to ensure clean and correct multi-threaded designs.
  620. chinchilla optional
    ^ Examples on
  621. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Thanks. I use termux/yt-dlp now and it's kind of a pain
  622. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/ellenhp/headway -- Self-hostable maps stack, powered by OpenStreetMap.

    Headway is a maps stack in a box that makes it easy to take your location data into your own hands. With just a few commands you can bring up your own fully functional maps server. This includes a frontend, basemap, geocoder and routing engine.

    Headway is currently capable of showing a map, searching for points of interest and addresses within an OpenStreetMap extract and providing directions between any two places within that extract. Supported modes include driving, cycling and walking. Transit directions are a work-in-progress.

    Demo instance: https://maps.earth

    Matrix room #headway:matrix.org

  623. TinyTapeout is an educational project that aims to make it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital designs manufactured on a real chip!

    It will eventually have full course material covering: how chips work, how to design digital circuits and how to get them made.

    Right now, we have a demonstrator and I want to start getting feedback. If you submit a design then there's a good chance we'll get it made and in your hands!

    The whole process should take less than a couple of hours and at the end you should have your design ready to be manufactured on the next Efabless shuttle run on the 1st of September.

  624. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/ainfosec/FISSURE -- Frequency Independent SDR-based Signal Understanding and Reverse Engineering

    FISSURE is an open-source RF and reverse engineering framework designed for all skill levels with hooks for signal detection and classification, protocol discovery, attack execution, IQ manipulation, vulnerability analysis, automation, and AI/ML. The framework was built to promote the rapid integration of software modules, radios, protocols, signal data, scripts, flow graphs, reference material, and third-party tools. FISSURE is a workflow enabler that keeps software in one location and allows teams to effortlessly get up to speed while sharing the same proven baseline configuration for specific Linux distributions.

    The framework and tools included with FISSURE are designed to detect the presence of RF energy, understand the characteristics of a signal, collect and analyze samples, develop transmit and/or injection techniques, and craft custom payloads or messages. FISSURE contains a growing library of protocol and signal information to assist in identification, packet crafting, and fuzzing. Online archive capabilities exist to download signal files and build playlists to simulate traffic and test systems.

    The friendly Python codebase and user interface allows beginners to quickly learn about popular tools and techniques involving RF and reverse engineering. Educators in cybersecurity and engineering can take advantage of the built-in material or utilize the framework to demonstrate their own real-world applications. Developers and researchers can use FISSURE for their daily tasks or to expose their cutting-edge solutions to a wider audience. As awareness and usage of FISSURE grows in the community, so will the extent of its capabilities and the breadth of the technology it encompasses.

  625. lg0 check tiny tapeout ^
  626. Avatar
    chinchilla optional invited @neilalexander:neilalexander.dev
  627. @neilalexander:neilalexander.dev joined the room
  628. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion -- stable diffusion web UI

    • Gradio GUI: Idiot-proof, fully featured frontend for both txt2img and img2img generation

    -No more manually typing parameters, now all you have to do is write your prompt and adjust sliders

    • GFPGAN Face Correction 🔥: Download the modelAutomatically correct distorted faces with a built-in GFPGAN option, fixes them in less than half a second

    • RealESRGAN Upscaling 🔥: Download the models Boosts the resolution of images with a built-in RealESRGAN option

    • 💻 esrgan/gfpgan on cpu support 💻

    • Textual inversion 🔥: info - requires enabling, see here, script works as usual without it enabled

    • Advanced img2img editor 🎨 🔥 🎨

    • 🔥🔥 Mask and crop 🔥🔥

    • Mask painting (NEW) 🖌️: Powerful tool for re-generating only specific parts of an image you want to change

    • More k_diffusion samplers 🔥🔥 : Far greater quality outputs than the default sampler, less distortion and more accurate

    • txt2img samplers: "DDIM", "PLMS", 'k_dpm_2_a', 'k_dpm_2', 'k_euler_a', 'k_euler', 'k_heun', 'k_lms'

    • img2img samplers: "DDIM", 'k_dpm_2_a', 'k_dpm_2', 'k_euler_a', 'k_euler', 'k_heun', 'k_lms'

    • Loopback (NEW) : Automatically feed the last generated sample back into img2img

    • Prompt Weighting (NEW) 🏋️: Adjust the strength of different terms in your prompt

    • 🔥 gpu device selectable with --gpu 🔥

    • Memory Monitoring 🔥: Shows Vram usage and generation time after outputting.

    • Word Seeds 🔥: Use words instead of seed numbers

    • CFG: Classifier free guidance scale, a feature for fine-tuning your output

    • Launcher Automatic 👑🔥 shortcut to load the model, no more typing in Conda

    • Lighter on Vram: 512x512 img2img & txt2img tested working on 6gb

  629. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Neat. I don't have the hardware for it, but neat.
  630. edisondotme

    "happy the dog wearing a royal gilded saddle and jewel studded head dress riding into battle in the style of alphonse mucha"

  631. chinchilla optional
    lg0 gave me a workstation that should be able to run it, I'll see about hosting it on there once I get a bit more situated.
  632. That said there's a cpu fork of stable diffusion. Maybe you can change the back end? https://github.com/ModeratePrawn/stable-diffusion-cpu
  633. It seems like a pretty quick algorithm
  634. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  635. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Waiting for matrix to show me this picture. Unless you sent a black box
  636. edisondotme

    In reply to this message

    It's not me, it's you.
  637. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I saw it.
  638. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    Cool selfie
  639. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit -- ssh-audit is a tool for ssh server & client configuration auditing.

    12345678910111213SSH1 and SSH2 protocol server support;
    analyze SSH client configuration;
    grab banner, recognize device or software and operating system, detect compression;
    gather key-exchange, host-key, encryption and message authentication code algorithms;
    output algorithm information (available since, removed/disabled, unsafe/weak/legacy, etc);
    output algorithm recommendations (append or remove based on recognized software version);
    output security information (related issues, assigned CVE list, etc);
    analyze SSH version compatibility based on algorithm information;
    historical information from OpenSSH, Dropbear SSH and libssh;
    policy scans to ensure adherence to a hardened/standard configuration;
    runs on Linux and Windows;
    supports Python 3.6 - 3.9;
    no dependencies
  640. chinchilla optional
    ^ I got a 91 on kernelpanic.
  641. lg0
  642. I tried for low score.
  643. thats a box at werk.
  644. chinchilla optional
  645. lg0
    its an old tired box that way to hard to replace.
  646. <- more like not worth the winning that would ensue due to its replacement.
  647. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/badamczewski/PowerUp#go-decompilation -- PowerUp is a collection of productivity utilities, disassembly and decompilation tools for multiple languages and platforms.

    Live IDE Watcher (For C#, F#, GO, Rust and C++ (clang)).

  648. chinchilla optional
    ^ looks pretty cool
  649. https://github.com/eeriedusk/knockles -- Knockles 🦔, is a port knocking tool based on eBPF 🐝. It allows you to remotely open a TCP connection while being completely invisible to port scanners.

    • A single SYN request is sent on an opened || closed port 📨 📫

    • It carries an OTP for authentication so you can be the only one to open a port 🔐

    • Once authentified, a random (HMAC based) port is opened for a TCP connection 🎲

    • Then, the port is closed as soon as a connection has been established 🚪

  650. Port knocking but uses OTP, Awesome.
  651. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/jackyzha0/portal -- Zero-config peer-to-peer encrypted live folder syncing tool that respects your .gitignore. Built on top of the Hypercore protocol with emphasis on being zero-config, secure, and decentralized.

    • Ephemeral: As soon as you close your portal, no further content can be downloaded from it. No data is stored anywhere except on the host device.
    • Decentralized: There is no central portal server that all data is routed through. portal only uses public servers to maintain a DHT (distributed hash table) for peer discovery.
    • One-to-many: A single host can sync data to any number of connected peers.
    • Stream-based: Utilizes file streaming to handle files of arbitrary size (regardless of whether they fit in memory or not)
    • Efficient: Changes in single files means that only one file needs to be synced. portal tracks which files have changed to avoid resyncing entire folders wherever possible. A priority queue is used to optimize concurrent operations.
    • Secure: Like Dat, all data is encrypted using the read key. Only those that possess your current 32-byte portal session ID can view the data you share.
  652. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/phil294/density-userstyle -- Removing padding from text-centric websites.
  653. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/vezwork/Polytope -- Polytope is an experimental code editor that allows a user to write programs by embedding non-text editors (e.g. music notation editor, markdown editor, svg drawing tool, decision tree etc.) inline beside text in a text editor. The Polytope library provides utilities for constructing editors that work together and can be embedded in eachother. Polytope runs in the browser. https://elliot.website/editor/
  654. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    This is sooooo slow compared to spotiflyer
  655. But thus far more reliable -__-
  656. edisondotme

    In reply to this message

    How do I download an entire Spotify playlist?
  657. chinchilla optional
    Copy link, paste into spotiflyer
  658. edisondotme
    Message deleted
  659. edisondotme
    Wow! it works. Very high failure rate though
  660. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

  661. I just hit the x a few times and it usually downloads. That's a bit excessive, usually it gets a whole album
  662. edisondotme
    I thought yt-dlp
    doesn't support Spotify
    ? It says it only has "episodes"
  663. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    Spotiflyer does parallel downloads, which is AFAIK the main reason it's faster.
  664. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    It will do an album before seal gets the first song
  665. Then it'll just decide not to download a song or two so...
  666. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    I wonder what it is that's making seal slow. I'm almost tempted to read the source.
  667. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    I looked at Seal and at the library it uses as a yt-dlp wrapper, and I think the reason for slowness is that it is running yt-dlp multiple times in series, separately to get metadata and to do downloads.

  668. chinchilla optional

    https://breezewiki.com/ -- BreezeWiki makes wiki pages on Fandom readable

    It removes ads, videos, and suggested content, leaving you with a clean page that doesn't consume all your data.

    If you're looking for an "alternative" to Fandom for writing pages, you should look elsewhere. BreezeWiki only lets you read existing pages.

    BreezeWiki can also be called an "alternative frontend for Fandom".

  669. ^ cadence's next thing.
  670. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
    Nice. I just use uBlock with extensive cosmetic filters on fandom wikis. Especially important now that Memory Alpha is hosted there.
  671. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/BrianHicks/nix-script -- nix-script lets you write quick scripts in compiled languages, transparently compile and cache them, and pull in whatever dependencies you need from the Nix ecosystem. https://bytes.zone/posts/nix-script/
  672. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/jeremyckahn/chitchatter -- Chitchatter is a free (as in both price and freedom) communication tool. It is designed with security and privacy in mind. To that end, it is:

    • Fully open source (licensed under GPL v2)
    • Peer-to-peer
      -Whenever possible, otherwise Open Relay is used to ensure reliable peer connection
      -Encrypted (via WebRTC)
      -Public WebTorrent servers are only used for initial peer handshake
    • Ephemeral
      -Message content is never persisted to disk
    • Decentralized
      -There is no API server. All that's required for Chitchatter to function is availability of GitHub for static assets and public WebTorrent and STUN/TURN relay servers for establishing communication.
  673. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/spotDL/spotify-downloader -- Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).
  674. http://gjay.sourceforge.net/index.html -- GJay (Gtk+ DJ) generates playlists across a collection of music (ogg, mp3, wav) such that each song sounds good following the previous song. It is ideal for home users who want a non-random way to wander large collections or for DJs planning a set list. You can generate playlists from within the application, or run GJay as a standalone command-line utility. GJay generates playlists across a body of music such that the playlists sound good but surprise you. It wanders your collection and gathers information about each song -- the frequency "fingerprint" and beats per minute. You describe your music collection by ranking songs and assigning them a color. The color is arbitrary, and only has meaning to you. GJay builds intelligent playlists using these characteristics. You can set how it starts and moves between songs, as well as the relative importance of various features. For example, I may want to start a playlist with "dark blue" songs and specify that BPM matching is my highest priority.
  675. chinchilla optional
    Message deleted
  676. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/dmotz/trystero -- Serverless WebRTC matchmaking for painless P2P — Make any site multiplayer in a few lines — Use BitTorrent, IPFS, or Firebase

    Demo: https://oxism.com/trystero

    Besides making peer matching automatic, Trystero offers some nice abstractions on top of WebRTC:

    • Rooms / broadcasting
    • Automatic serialization / deserialization of data
    • Attach metadata to binary data and media streams
    • Automatic chunking and throttling of large data
    • Progress events and promises for data transfers
    • Session data encryption
  677. ^ is the base of chitchatter up there. Looks like it provides e2ee, rooms, Audio/video, and a bunch of stuff.
  678. An Inhabitant of Carcosa

    In reply to this message

    I wish Jellyfin did something more like this when generating its instant playlists. Right now it seems to only use genre match.
  679. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    find -type d | xargs -I _ gjay -p _/asdf.m3u?
  680. bonus points if you make a gjay fuse overlay lmao
  681. idk if ^ will actually work. But maybe you can use gjay to pre-generate (or JIT generate) those playlists for jellyfin?
  682. An Inhabitant of Carcosa
  683. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/9001/party-up -- upload files and links to a copyparty server by sharing them to this app primarily made for this year's meadup, letting a room full of nerds throw memes onto the big screen only the PUT API is implemented for now so there is no resumable uploads yet
  684. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/9001/copyparty -- turn your phone or raspi into a portable file server with resumable uploads/downloads using any web browser

    • server only needs py2.7 or py3.3+, all dependencies optional
    • browse/upload with
      / netscape4.0 on win3.11 (heh)
    • resumable uploads need firefox 34+ / chrome 41+ / safari 7+

    try the

    👀 running from a basement in finland

    📷 screenshots:


  685. ^ looks pretty cool.
  686. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/danth/stylix -- System-wide colorscheming and typography for NixOS

    Stylix is a NixOS module which applies the same color scheme, font and wallpaper to a wide range of applications and desktop environments. In some cases, theming can be activated as early as the bootloader!

    It also exports utilities for you to apply the theming to custom parts of your configuration.

    Stylix is built using base16.nix, a library which handles the generation of config files from templates provided by the base16 project.

    Automatic color schemes

    If you only set a wallpaper, Stylix will use a homemade genetic algorithm to choose a color scheme based on it. The quality of the generated palettes can vary - but more colorful images tend to have better results.

    You can force a light or dark theme using the polarity option:

    stylix.polarity = "dark";

    Mixed color schemes

    You can override part of the scheme by hand, perhaps to select your background and text colors manually while keeping the genetic accent colors:

    12345stylix.palette = {
      base00 = "000000";
      # ...
      base07 = "ffffff";
  687. ilmu

    In reply to this message

    found it
  688. chinchilla optional

    https://github.com/mirage/irmin -- Irmin is a distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git


    • Built-in Snapshotting - backup and restore
    • Storage Agnostic - you can use Irmin on top of your own storage layer
    • Custom Datatypes - (de)serialization for custom data types, derivable via
    • Highly Portable - runs anywhere from Linux to web browsers and Xen unikernels
    • Git Compatibility - irmin-git uses an on-disk format that can be
      inspected and modified using Git
    • Dynamic Behavior - allows the users to define custom merge functions,
      use in-memory transactions (to keep track of reads as well as writes) and
      to define event-driven workflows using a notification mechanism
  689. -=h0p3=- joined the room
  690. chinchilla optional
  691. chinchilla optional

    In reply to this message

    I gotta admit I'm surprised that this is the thing y'all think is too cool out of all the shit that gets posted in here hah
  692. chinchilla optional


    Web-based software to manage a non-profit food coop (product catalog, ordering, accounting, job scheduling).


    Demo Instance

    A food cooperative is a group of people that buy food from suppliers of their own choosing. A collective do-it-yourself supermarket. Members order their products online and collect them on a specified day. And all put in a bit of work to make that possible. Foodsoft facilitates the process.

    If you're a food coop considering to use foodsoft, please have a look at the wiki page for foodcoops. When you'd like to experiment with or develop foodsoft, you can read how to set it up on your own computer.

  693. chinchilla optional


    Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web

    Surfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of
    popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power. It reclaims
    google, altavista, babelfish, dejanews, freshmeat, research index,
    slashdot and many others from the false-prophet, pox-infested heathen
    lands of html-forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in
    unix heartland, as god loving extensions to the shell.

    Surfraw abstracts the browser away from input. Doing so lets it get on
    with what it's good at. Browsing. Interpretation of linguistic forms
    is handed back to the shell, which is what it, and human beings are
    good at. Combined with netscape-remote or incremental text browsers,
    such as links (http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mikulas/links/), w3m
    (http://www.w3m.org/), and screen(1) a Surfraw liberateur is capable
    of navigating speeds that leave GUI tainted idolaters agape with fear
    and wonder.

  694. chinchilla optional


    AsmBB is a modern web forum engine, written entirely in assembly language (FlatAssembler aka FASM)

    This is an engine for web based message board (forum) implemented entirely in assembly language, using FastCGI interface and SQLite database as a storage.

    It is aimed to be the fast and light message board engine and still to be able to provide modern look and feel and all needed features for high active Internet community.

    It can work on a really weak web server and in the same time to serve huge amount of visitors without lags and delays.

    In addition, because of the very few dependencies and the very aggressive testing, AsmBB is highly secure forum engine.

  695. chinchilla optional
    https://github.com/yangxy/GPEN -- GAN Prior Embedded Network for Blind Face Restoration in the Wild
  696. chinchilla optional
    Stable diffusion is moving super fast
  697. To avoid spamming the hell out of this room I put all the stable diffusion stuff here https://kernelpanic.cafe/stable-diffusion-stuff.html for now. I'll probably go back through it later and put the good stuff here.
  698. chinchilla optional


    Chafa is a command-line utility that converts image data, including animated GIFs, into graphics formats or ANSI/Unicode character art suitable for display in a terminal. It has broad feature support, allowing it to be used on devices ranging from historical teleprinters to modern terminal emulators and everything in between.

  699. tombl

    Easily query TOML files from bash

    It allows bash to read .toml files structurally, so you don't have to come up with weird ad-hoc solutions involving awk, sed, and tears as soon as it breaks in production because you didn't use an actual toml-parser. It does this by outputting declare statements for associative, and "plain" arrays.

    Bash is unable to store nested arrays of any kind, so any nesting will be ignored when exporting, and you'll have to adapt your -e VAR=path.to.thing to access the nested information. It is recommended that you start your scripts with set -euo pipefail in order to fail fast.

  700. chinchilla optional


    A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android

    • Fully reproducible, copylefted libre software (GPLv3+)
    • Material 3 with dynamic colours
    • Displays as much information as possible in the main page
    • Lists activities, broadcast receivers, services, providers, app ops, permissions, signatures, shared libraries, etc. of an application
    • Launch activities and services
    • Create shortcuts of activities
    • Intercept activities
    • Scan for trackers and libraries in apps and list (all or only) tracking classes (and their code dump)
    • View/save the manifest of an app
    • Display app usage, data usage (mobile and Wi-Fi), and app storage info (requires “Usage Access” permission)
    • Install/uninstall APK files (including APKS, APKM and XAPK with OBB files)
    • Share APK files
    • Back up/restore APK files
    • Batch operations
    • Single-click operations
    • Logcat viewer
    • Profiles (including presets for quick debloating)
    • Open an app in Aurora Store or in your favourite F-Droid client directly from App Manager
    • Sign APK files with custom signatures before installing
    • Backup encryption: OpenPGP via OpenKeychain, RSA (hybrid encryption with AES) and AES.

    Root/ADB-only features

    • Revoke runtime (AKA dangerous) and development permissions
    • Change the mode of an app op
    • Display/kill/force-stop running apps or processes
    • Clear app data or app cache
    • View/change net policy
    • Control battery optimization

    Root-only features

    • Block any activities, broadcast receivers, services, or providers of an app with native import/export as well as Watt and Blocker import support
    • View/edit/delete shared preferences of any app
    • Back up/restore apps with data, rules and extras (such as permissions, battery optimization, SSAID, etc.)
    • View system configurations including blacklisted or whitelisted apps, permissions, etc.
    • View/change SSAID
  701. chinchilla optional
    https://p5stamper.com/ (Chrome desktop only)
  702. Yoshiki Schmitz Archive

    This repository contains Yoshiki Schmitz's remarks/works. It attempts to catalogue everything Yoshiki himself would have included as representative of his public thinking (ie, not particularly old social media posts).

    Last updated 10mos ago

  703. ilmu check that
  704. ilmu
    did sth happen to him?
  705. chinchilla optional
    idk I've never heard of the dude
  706. I don't twitter and it seems that's where he lives
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